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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 12, 2019

                                                                                            otherwise disturb grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area at a
                                       STATE OF MICHIGAN                                    leisure services facility, including the placement of stakes, unless permitted by the director or their designee.
                                       COUNTY OF WAYNE
                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                              (e) No person shall climb any tree, or walk, stand, or sit upon railings, fences, table tops or any other department of leisure
                                                                                            services property not designated to be customarily used for such purposes.
                                          CHAPTER 50
                                                                                          (f) No person shall store or abandon any vehicle, including any recreational vehicle, on any park property, or in any man-
                       AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 50 OF                                  ner perform maintenance on any vehicle or in any other way interfere with or obstruct proper use of a leisure servic-
                       THE CANTON CODE OF ORDINANCES                                        es facility.
                                                                                     Sec. 50-39. - Injuring wild animals or birds.
                                                                                          (a)  No person shall attempt to harm, injure, or harass any animal, reptile or bird at any leisure services facility.
                                                                                          (b) No person shall allow any animal or fowl to run at large.
         Chapter 50 of the Canton Code of Ordinances, entitled “Parks and Recreation,” is hereby amended to read as follows:
                                                                                          (c) No person shall build blinds or nesting boxes on department of leisure services facilities without specific written author-
         Chapter 50 - PARKS AND RECREATION                                                  ization of the director.
         ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL                                                          (d) No person shall release any animal upon park property without specific written authorization from the director or their
         Sec. 50-1. - Possession or consumption of alcoholic liquor in township recreational facility.
                                                                                          (e) No person shall, on department of leisure services facilities, remove or have in his possession, give away, sell or offer
         It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or consume any alcoholic liquor, including spirits, beer or wine, in any recreational  to sell, or buy or offer to buy, or accept as a gift, any specimen, alive or dead, of any animal, reptile or bird without
         facility operated by the township during any function, sporting event, skating exhibition, dance or other event; unless such alco-  permission from the director.
         holic beverages were purchased on the premises from a duly licensed vendor or served in accordance with a permit issued under
         Sec. 50-49.                                                                 Sec. 50-40. - Pollution of waters.
         Sec. 50-2. – Smoking on leisure services facility properties.               No person shall throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, or other
                                                                                     body of water in or adjacent to any park, trail, tributary, stream, storm sewer or drain flowing into such waters, any substance, mat-
         Beginning January 1, 2020, and except as provided herein, smoking of tobacco or any other substance, or smoking, consumption  ter or thing, liquid or solid, which will result in the pollution of such waters.
         or use of marijuana products or derivatives, or use of vapor products or nicotine alternatives, is prohibited on all township leisure
         services facility properties.                                               Sec. 50-41. - Disposal of refuse.
            (a) Smoking shall be permitted in designated areas by adults at the Pheasant Run and Fellows Creek Golf Courses Smoking
              shall not be permitted near programs hosting youth events, programs or tournaments.  (a) No person shall throw or deposit litter, refuse or trash in any park within the township except in a designated trash
                                                                                          (b) Where public receptacles are not provided, all such litter, refuse and trash shall be carried away from the leisure serv-
         Sec. 50-31. - Definitions.                                                         ices facility by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere in accordance with the laws
                                                                                            of the township and the state. No person shall bring into or dump, deposit or leave at any leisure services facility any
         The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except  bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage, or refuse or other trash unless it direct-
         where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:                           ly results from an authorized leisure services facility use or function.
            Department means the department of leisure services of the township.     Sec. 50-42. - Use of picnic areas.
            Director means the director of the department of leisure services of the township, or where applicable, their designee.  Use of picnic areas shall be on a first come, first serve basis unless the area is reserved under a Township-issued permit. The direc-
                                                                                     tor or their designee shall have the authority to regulate activities in such areas when necessary to prevent overcrowding and to
            Dog exercise area means a fenced off area designated in a park for the off-leash exercise of dogs.  secure the safety and comfort of all. Visitors shall comply with any directions given to achieve this end. For pavilion rental, refer
            Electronic bike or “e-bike” means a device upon which an individual may ride and that is equipped with all of the following:  OR_CH50PARE_ARTIIDELESE_S50-57PIPAST.
            (a) A seat or saddle for use by the rider.
                                                                                     Sec. 50-43. - Camping.
            (b) Fully operable pedals for human propulsion.
                                                                                     No overnight camping of any kind shall be permitted in Township parks, except as part of a township-sponsored event or with direc-
            (c) An electric motor of not more than 750 watts (1 horsepower).         tor approval.
            Event means any performance, ceremony, presentation, meeting, rally or reception held in a township leisure services facility  Sec. 50-44. - Games.
         in accordance with a township permit.
                                                                                     For the safety of park users, games involving the use of balls are permitted in designated areas only.
            Exhibit means any display of artwork, including but not limited to paintings, sculptures, arts and crafts, and photographs; pub-
         lic service and educational presentations; and historical displays.         Sec. 50-45. - Horseback riding.
            Leisure services facility shall mean any park, parkway, trail, trailway, building, land, structure and/or equipment owned by  No person shall ride a horse or pack animal at a park or trail without approval of the director.
         Canton Township and under the supervision of the director of the department of leisure services.
                                                                                     Sec. 50-46. - Domestic animals.
            Lower Rouge Parkway means the public park owned and controlled by the County of Wayne, Michigan, and is located within
         various local municipalities within the county including the township.           (a)  No person shall bring any domesticated pet onto a leisure services facility property unless the pet is kept on a leash of
                                                                                            not over six feet in length and under the immediate control of some responsible person. The director or their designee
            Organization means any for-profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or sole propri-  may restrict pets from accessing park properties during certain special events. The person who owns or is in charge of
         etorship, and persons accompanying such organization.                              the r pet shall immediately remove all droppings deposited by such dog or pet by any sanitary method. The droppings
                                                                                            shall be disposed of in a trash receptacle.
            Park means any of the public parks located in the township and/or under the jurisdiction and the control of the leisure servic-
         es department.                                                                   (b) The following regulations and limitations shall apply to all dog exercise areas:
            Sales of goods/services means offering goods or services in exchange for any money or services, including an exchange of serv-  (1) Dog exercise areas will be available for use during posted hours.
                                                                                          (2) As a condition of admission to such dog exercise areas, the owner of such dog(s) must use a suitable container or instru-
            Security means regular police officers, auxiliary officers, and civilian guards employed by the township.  ment to remove dog feces from the designated area and dispose of it in the provided waste containers.
            Trail means a paved or earthen path to be used for non-motorized recreation located within township park property or operat-  (3) Aggressive dogs are not permitted in the exercise areas. Owners are legally responsible for any injury caused by their
         ed by the township through an easement or an intergovernmental agreement.          dog.
         Sec. 50-32. - Department of leisure services; creation; director.                (4) All dogs must be under visual and voice control by owners at all times. Dogs shall not be left unattended in the exer-
            (a) The township department of leisure services is hereby created. The leisure services department shall be responsible for all  cise area.
              leisure services facilities including, but not limited to, the following facilities:
                                                                                          (5) Dogs under four months old are not permitted in the exercise areas.
              (1) Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit Parkway;
              (2) Village Theater at Cherry Hill, 50400 Cherry Hill Road;                 (6) All dogs shall have been vaccinated and legally licensed prior to using the facility.
              (3) B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen Center, Administration Building, Third Floor, 1150 South Canton Center Road;
              (4) Canton Sports Center, 46555 W. Michigan Avenue;                         (7) Female dogs in heat are not permitted to use the facilities.
              (5) Pheasant Run Golf Club, 46500 Summit Parkway;
              (6) Fellows Creek Golf Club, 2936 S. Lotz Road;                             (8) Professional dog trainers may not use the facilities in the conduct of their business.
              (7) Canton parks and trails: Heritage Park, Freedom Park, Independence Park, Griffin Park, Flodin Park, Barchester Park,
                 Patriot Park, Preservation Park, Victory Park, Canton Dog Park, Lower Rouge Trail, Fellows Creek Wetland Nature  (9) Children under the age of 12 shall at all times be accompanied by an adult.
                 Trail, and ITC Corridor Trail and any other parks and trails owned by Canton;
              (8) Historical sites: Preservation Park, Cherry Hill School, Sheldon School, and the Canton Historical Museum;   (10) Patrons shall not scream, shout, wave their arms, run or otherwise excite or antagonize dogs in the exercise area.
              (9) Cemeteries:  Kinyon, Sheldon and Downer; and
              (10) Fountain at Village Square.                                           (11) Bicycles, roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, and strollers, and the like, are not permitted in the exercise areas.
                                                                                            Wheelchairs are permitted.
            (b) The department of leisure services and its employees shall be under the direction and supervision of a director. The direc-
              tor shall be responsible for the management, operation, facilities use and maintenance, and facilities use policies for all  (12) Spiked collars on dogs are not permitted in the exercise area(s).
              department of leisure services facilities.  The director shall report to the township supervisor.
                                                                                         (13) Use of dog exercise areas by any dog shall constitute implied consent of the dog’s owner to all of the conditions stat-
         Sec. 50-33. - Enforcement.                                                         ed in this section and shall constitute a waiver of liability to the township and an agreement and undertaking to pro-
                                                                                            tect, indemnify, defend, and hold the township harmless for any injury or damage caused by such dog.
         The township department of public safety shall enforce the provisions of this article and any other ordinances pertaining to leisure
         services facilities, and shall be charged with enforcing all rules and regulations relating to the use of such leisure services facilities.  (c)   Public safety K-9 officers are exempt from subsection (a) of this section.
         Sec. 50-34. - Violation of rules.                                           Sec. 50-47. - Fires.
         It shall be unlawful for any person to violate this ordinance or any duly adopted rule or regulation governing conduct in or on any  Open burning of any kind is prohibited in all Leisure Services Facilities. No person shall drop, throw, or otherwise scatter lighted
         leisure services facility.                                                  matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper, charcoal or other flammable material at any park or trail area or on any high-
                                                                                     way, road or street abutting or contiguous thereto. This section shall not apply to prescribed burning or use of designated barbeque
         Sec. 50-35. - Operating hours and closed areas.                             grills or fire pits that have been approved in advance by the township fire marshal.
            (a) Parks and trails shall be open to the public every day of the year from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise permitted  Sec. 50-48. - Use of leisure services facilities for commercial purposes.
              by the director or their designee in writing, or unless otherwise posted. .
                                                                                     No leisure services facility may be used for any commercial purpose without Township Board approval.
            (b) Any park, trail, or section thereof may be declared closed to the public by the director at any time and for any interval of
              time, either temporarily or at regular stated intervals (daily or otherwise), either entirely or merely for specific uses, as the  Sec. 50-49. - Alcoholic beverages.
              director shall find reasonably necessary. The local law enforcement agency shall have the authority to close any park, trail,
              or section thereof, in the interest of the public safety.              No person shall possess or consume any alcoholic beverages, including spirits, liquor, beer or wine, at any township leisure serv-
                                                                                     ices facility, except as approved by the director or their designee under a facility permit (section 50-36).    The Canton Sports Center,
         Sec. 50-36. - Permits; application; criteria.                               Village Theater, Pheasant Run Golf Course, Fellows Creek Golf Course, and the Summit on the Park have MLCC-issued liquor
                                                                                     licenses which allow provision of alcohol by the township only.  Providing liquor at a leisure services facility is contingent on meet-
         A permit is required is required to reserve Leisure Services facilities or amenities located on any Township-owned property.  ing the following conditions:
         Furthermore, any group of 15 requesting use of any splash playground owned and/or operated in any Township park must register
         in advance with the parks division. Permit applications shall be filed with the parks division office in accordance with the follow-  (1)  A request to serve beer and wine must be made at the time of the site rental request.
                                                                                     (2)  Approval to serve beer and wine must be approved by the director or their designee prior to the rental use.
            (1) Application. Applications for reserved use of leisure services facilities shall be made by completing and filing an applica-
              tion with the parks division. Reservations will be taken on a first come first serve basis for residents based on department  (3)  The sale of beer and wine must be in compliance with all laws and require authorization from the state liquor control com-
              policy.                                                                mission.
            (2)  Criteria for issuance. The director or their designee shall issue a permit when:  (4)  Compliance with all state laws regarding the handling and consumption of beer and wine.
              a.  The proposed activity or use of the leisure services facility will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the  (5)  Proof of commercial liability insurance, listing the township as an additional insured must be provided for the event, includ-
                 general public enjoyment of the leisure services facility.          ing proof of special use to serve beer and wine.
              b.    The proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of the public health,  (6)  The serving area for the beer and wine must be clearly identified with signs posted stating “NO ALCOHOL BEYOND THIS
                 welfare, safety and recreation.                                     POINT.”
              c.  The proposed activity or use is not unreasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime, or disorderly conduct.    (7)  Compliance with any requirements regarding alcohol risk management guidelines specified by the rental event insurer shall be
              d.   The proposed activity will not entail unusual, extraordinary or burdensome expense or police operation by the town-
                 ship.                                                               Sec. 50-50. - Off-road vehicles; motor-driven vehicles restricted to roadways and parking areas.
              e.   The proposed activity will not create noise to the extent that it unreasonably disturbs persons within the township.    (a) No person shall operate or have in his possession within the boundaries of any leisure services facility property any off-road
                                                                                     motor-driven vehicle, including, but not limited to, a mini bike, dirt bike, dune mobile, dune buggy, all-terrain vehicle, snowmo-
              f.   The facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the days and hours requested on the application.    bile, converted snowmobile, amphibious vehicle or similar motorized device.
              g.  The application has been accompanied by a nonrefundable leisure services facility permit application fee, in an amount  (b) No person shall operate, drive, push, or otherwise propel any motor-driven vehicle on any portions of any leisure services facil-
                 to be set by the director.                                          ity property covered by grass or other natural vegetation unless authorized by the director or their designee. All motor-driven vehi-
                                                                                     cles must remain on the roadways or in designated parking areas.
            (3)  Notice of denial; appeal of denial. Within seven days after receipt of an application, the director shall notify an applicant
              in writing of the reasons for denial of a permit and an aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal a denial in writing  Sec. 50-51. - Remote control vehicles.
              within five days to the township board, which shall consider the application under the standards set forth in subsection (2)
              of this section and sustain or overrule the director’s decision within two weeks. The decision of the township board shall  (a) No person shall operate within the boundaries of any leisure services facility any gas powered remote control airplanes, heli-
              be final.                                                              copters, cars or boats.
            (4)  Liability of permittee. The person or organization to which a permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury  (b) No person shall operate within the boundaries of any leisure services facility any electric or battery powered remote control air-
              to any person or property whatever by reason of the negligence, gross negligence, or recklessness of the person or organ-  plane, helicopter, drone, car or boat without first obtaining a permit in accordance with section 50-36.
              ization to whom such permit shall have been issued or any of his or her guests.
            (5) Revocation. The director or their designee shall have the authority to revoke a permit for any of the following causes:
              (a)  Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements contained in the application for the permit.    Sec. 50-52. - Skateboards and rollerblades.
              (b)  Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements made by the permit holder in the performance of the authorized opera-  No person shall skateboard or operate a scooter or Segway, or other similar device, at any leisure services facility except at such
                 tion.                                                               times and in such places as may be designated by the director or their designee for such use. The director may restrict or prohibit
                                                                                     rollerblading on leisure services facility properties when safety is a concern or during certain special events.
              (c)  The failure to comply with the provisions of ordinances of the township, including this chapter, or laws of the state.
                                                                                     Sec. 50-53. - Assemblies.
              (d)  The person or organization that received the permit attempts to transfer the permit to any other person or organization
                 not named on the permit.                                            No person shall conduct any musical program or festival or other large scale event for which admission will be charged, at any
                                                                                     leisure services facility, unless a community event permit has been obtained from the director or their designee provided, howev-
              (e)  The permittee or her or his designee is not present for the entire specified use, and/or fails to present the permit upon  er, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to students’ work when constituting a part of their educational activities under
                 request of the director or their designee, a police officer, or an ordinance officer during the reserved time period.  the immediate direction and supervision of the proper school authorities, or to any governmental agency within the scope of its
         Sec. 50-37. - Damaging or tampering with buildings or other property.
                                                                                     Sec. 50-54. - Conducting sales for gain.
         No person shall intentionally mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, displace, or remove any Canton Township park building,
         trail, bridge, table, bench, fireplace, railing, painting material, public utility or appurtenance, sign, notice or placard whether tem-  No person shall engage or participate in the sale of food products or goods for gain or for which a charge is made at any leisure
         porary or permanent, or other structure or equipment, facility, or park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or person-  services facility without first obtaining a permit under section 50-36 and, if applicable, Chapter 54.
         Sec. 50-38. - Damaging trees, shrubbery or lawns; standing or sitting on fences or other property.  Sec. 50-55. - Use of pavilions.
              (d) No person shall damage, cut, carve, transplant, or remove any tree or plant or injure the bark of any tree or plant, or
                 attach any rope, wire or other contrivance to any tree or plant in a park for any purpose. A person shall not dig in or       Continued on page 5
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