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PAGE 8                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 12, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Wayne County Lightfest returns           The contest will continue until mid-  Jazz performance planned               The event offers a unique experience
           The Wayne County Annual Lightfest   night Tuesday, Dec. 24 and city residents  Jazz @ The Elks take place from 7 until  and  dads and daughters can enjoy an
        has returned for the holiday season and  can nominate themselves or a friend in  9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month at  evening of dancing, refreshments, a spe-
        will be open through Tuesday, Dec. 31.  one or all of the three categories: Best  the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325.  cial butterfly souvenir, and the highly
        The display will be closed only on     Traditional Display, Most Creative Display  There is a $10 donation at the door which  anticipated- balloon drop that caps off the
        Christmas Day.                         and Over the Top Display (not necessarily  includes hors d'oeuvres.         festivities.
           The 5-mile lightfest drive offers colorful  Clark W Griswold). Nominees will be  Pete Siers Organic Roots will perform  Choose from three dances: 6 p.m. Feb. 7
        displays and at the end, visitors can stop  asked to provide a picture along with their  Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Siers will be on drums,  or 2 or 6 p.m.  Feb. 8. All three dances will
        and visit Santa's Shelter for refreshments  nominations.                     Duncan MacMillan on organ, Steve Wood  again take place in the Summit gymnasi-
        and photos.                              Contest entries can be posted on    on sax, and Matt LaRusso on guitar.   um this year.
           For more information, call (734) 261-  Twitter  or  Instagram,   tagging    The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge      Ticket sales will end Feb. 1.. Tickets are
        1990.  The fee to drive through the spectac-  @CityofWestland and using the hashtag  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road.  $11 for residents and $14 for non-resi-
        ular display is $5 per vehicle.        #westlandholidaypride.                For more information, call (734) 453-1780  dents. Dads and daughters, regardless of
           On Dec. 17, visitors can donate a new  Winners will be announced and award-  or visit or email   age, are required to purchase a ticket to
        unwrapped toy in lieu of paying the    ed with prizes at the first meeting of the                                  attend. This annual event has sold out in
        entrance fee.                          members of the city council of the New  Butterfly Ball returns              the past, so early ticket purchase is
                                               Year on Monday, Jan. 6.                 A Valentine's Day tradition returns to  advised, organizers said.
        Romulus remembers veterans                                                   Canton Township Feb. 7 and 8 with the    For more information, call 734/394-
           Again this year, Romulus Memorial   Garden Club to meet                   Butterfly Ball at the Summit on the Park.  5460.
        Cemetery will participate in National    Members of the Country Garden Club
        Wreaths Across America event set for   of Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 at
        noon, Dec. 14.                         Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in
           Annually, in December, ceremonies   Northville.
        take place across the country to “remem-  The speaker for the meeting will be
        ber, honor and teach” including the event  Cheryl English who will discuss the
        at Arlington National Cemetery as well as  Autumn Jewels. Light snacks will be
        at more than 1,600 additional locations  served.
        across the country.                      For more information, call (248) 202-
           Wreaths Across America is a national  1518.
        event and is a non-profit 501-(c)(3). The
        public is invited to the Dec. 14 ceremony  Elks host Blues performance
        at Romulus Memorial Cemetery, 10101      Blues @ The Elks takes place from 7
        Shook Road in Romulus. For more infor-  until 10 p.m. the second Tuesday of the
        mation, contact the Veterans Outreach  month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks
        Committee at (734-955-8964).           Lodge #325 in partnership with the
                                               Detroit Blues Society (www.detroitblues-
        Charity hockey game set       There is a $5 donation at the
           A charity hockey game with the Detroit  door and dancing is encouraged.
        Red Wings Alumni vs Detroit Moose is set  The Kathleen Murray Band will per-
        for Sunday, Dec. 15 at the Plymouth    form Jan. 14. Joining Murray with vocals is
        Cultural Center. Tickets are $10 each and  Mike Ferencz on guitar, Craig Scott on
        can be purchased by calling (248)646-3347  bass, Bob Bowman on drums and Evan
        or by emailing   Mercer on keyboard.
           All proceeds will benefit FAR         The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge
        Therapeutic Arts and Recreation.       325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in
           For more information visit FAR-thera-  Plymouth. For more information, call (734)                                 453-1780 or visit or
        Santa to visit Maybury Farm
           Santa will pay a weekend visit to   Plymouth Ice Festival offers
        Maybury Farm this year from 10 a.m. until  a 'sensory friendly' peek
        5 p.m. Dec. 14 and 15.                   The 2020 Plymouth Ice Festival, set for
           Visitors to the farm can enjoy the holi-  Jan 10 through 12 in downtown Plymouth
        day decorations, visit with Santa in the  has teamed with the Miracle League of
        barn, engage with the farm animals, roast  Plymouth and the Plymouth District
        a S'more over the bonfire while enjoying  Library for a Sensory Friendly Plymouth
        holiday music.                         Ice Festival Evening from 608 p.m. Jan. 9.
           Admission to the weekend events is $5  The event will feature live ice carving
        per person while children younger than 2  near the library entrance, sensory friendly
        are admitted at no cost.               entertainment inside the library and
           For more information, call (248) 374-  interactive sensory ice blocks.
        0200 or visit  The  The event is free, includes snacks and
        farm is located at 50165 Eight Mile Road  is open to all special needs families.
        in Northville, 1-1/4 miles west of Beck  For more information contact Kelly
        Road.                                  Hermann at Kelly@miracleleagueofply-
                                      or at (616) 439-0466.
        Detroit Circus returns to Canton
           Back by popular demand, the Detroit  Bowling fundraiser planned
        Circus returns to the Village Theater for a  The Romulus Chamber of Commerce
        special New Year's Eve performance at 7  and Friends of the Romulus Library have
        p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 31. There will be high-  planned a bowling fundraiser beginning
        flying aerial antics on fabric and the tra-  with registration at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at
        peze; fire dancing and eating; stilt walking  Romulus Lanes, 37452 West Huron River
        and stilt acrobatics, and feats of mind-  Dr. in Romulus
        bending strength. Tickets are $22 for all  Bowling will begin at 8 p.m.. Tickets are
        ages. For tickets and information, call the  $20 per person or $40 per couple which
        Village Theater Box Office at (734) 394-  includes three games of bowling, shoe
        5300.                                  rental, pizza and a soft drink. There will
                                               be a 50/50 raffle and a cash bar.
        Westland holiday decorating              Organizers said that the event is usually
        contest is now under way               a sell out and urged early ticket purchase.
           The “All American Holiday Decorating  For tickets or information, call (734) 893-
        Contest” has begun in Westland.        0694.
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