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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 10, 2020

                                                      BELLEVILLE - WAYNE
                                                      BELLEVILLE - WAYNE

        Outdoor dining permits

        extended until March 3

           Members of the Wayne City               ”                 now,” he said. “I just wanted to
        Council agreed last week to an                               find a way to tie it to a time
        extension of outdoor dining                                  where we don't have to worry
        permits for local restaurants                                about.”
        through March 3, in an effort to       We need to               Gouin said allowing outdoor
        help local restaurants  weather                              dining throughout the winter
        the current pandemic restric-        be bending over         will allow greater capacity for
        tions.                                backwards for          restaurants, even when the ban
           The Michigan Department of                                on indoor dining is lifted by the
        Health and Human Services          our businesses now.       state.
        closed indoor dining until at                                   “There are some restaurants
        least yesterday, an order that                               that probably will continue to
        was expected to be extended in                               have outdoor dining just for the
        light of the thousands of new                                simple fact that people don't
        cases of COVID-19 being report-                              feel comfortable crowded          Service Above Self
        ed weekly across the state.                                  inside and it gives them extra    Rotary Club of Belleville members have been busy throughout
           Wayne      Director    of   capacity for restaurants, she  capacity,” she said.             the community as the holidays approach. During the last
        Community Development and      said. Under the new rules        Plymouth is among the sev-     month, the club members have participated in bell ringing for
        Planning Lori Gouin told the   adopted unanimously by mem-   eral area communities which       the Salvation Army; provided 100 new winter coats to Belleville
        members of the city council    bers of the city council, Wayne  have relaxed their rules when  school students in all grades, delivered 2500 reusable water
        that she suspected the ban on  retailers could also use spaces  it comes to dining during the  bottles to the school district and funded badly needed reroofing
        indoor dining could be extend-  outside their locations.     winter months because of the      of the Victory Park gazebo. More recently, the group has been
                                                                                                       installing decorations including holiday lights and a tree at the
        ed throughout the winder. “It    Mayor Pro tem Tom Porter    COVID-19         pandemic.        gazebo.  Above, Rotarians bell ringing for the Salvation Army in
        probably would be best for us to  suggested that the city follow  Northville is currently offering  front of Walmart included Rachel Kozlowski, left, Corrine Flynn,
        ask you to reinstate the guide-  state guidelines and allow the  a Heat in the Street Program  and Dr. John MacDermid.  Below, Rotarian  Debra McWilliams,
        lines for outdoor dining and   expanded outdoor dining to    promoted by the Downtown          left, Van Buren Public Schools administrative assistant to the
        retail sales,” she said at the  expire when the state lifted the  Development Authority and    superintendent and Angela Mercer, student services adminis-
        meeting. An extension into     indoor ban.                   Chamber of Commerce to pro-       trative assistant, sort coats for the giveaway. Club meetings
        streets and parking areas could  “We need to be bending over  mote outdoor dining and shop-    take place by Zoom at 6 p.m. Tuesdays. Those interested in
        provide 25 to 50 percent more  backwards for our businesses  ping.                             attending a meeting can go to the Rotary website,
                                                                                             ,  click on “Contact Us” and indicate
                                                                                                       their interest.


                                                                     The Wayne Fire Department
                                                                     welcomed newest firefighter
                                                                     Kevin Pietrasinski when he
                                                                     officially earned his badge
                                                                     and joined the department
                                                                     Dec. 3 following a probation-
                                                                     ary    training    period.
                                                                     Pietrasinski is a certified
                                                                     Paramedic and Engine
                                                                     Operator and will serve on
                                                                     regular calls along with the 16-
                                                                     member full-time fire depart-
                                                                     ment staff.
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