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New radar speed signs installed in Westland
It is a real "sign of the times" in which may increase vehicular traffic
Westland with the recent installation and also the recent removal of a red
of speed radar signs throughout the light which had been in placed at the
city. intersection for many years.
Funding for 10 additional signs was Signs will also be installed on
approved by members of the city Cowan Road between Farmington
council in September using funding and Millwood Street (both eastbound
from the city Metro Act budget. Those and westbound) due to having two
funds are designated for public separate high schools on Cowan and
improvements with the city rights of on Glenwood near Treadwell (west-
way. According to officials, the instal- bound) due to the Schweitzer
lation of the signs has demonstrated a Elementary School and the school
significant reduction in speeding in crossing on Glenwood.
locations where they are visible to Signs will be installed on Henry
drivers. Ruff between Annapolis and Van Born
The additional speed signs have (northbound) due to the residential
been or will be installed at: Wildwood area and the church along with the
between Ford and Hunter (both north- large curve of the roadway making
bound and southbound) due to Jaycee speed an issue in that area and on
Park, Edison School, as well as the Wildwood between Ford Road and
Mike Modano Ice Arena and Ann Marquette due to the high number of
Arbor Trail in the area of Hubbard speed violations and the close proxim-
Street (both eastbound and west- ity of the houses located on the busy
bound) due to the new subdivision roadway.
Annual holiday decorating 2 reappointed to boards
contest is now under way Economic Development/Tax board in July to fill an unexpired term.
Two reappointments to the
This new term will expire Nov. 15 of
Increment Finance Authority/ 2026.
The “All American Holiday Decorating Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Riley is a marketing and business
Contest” began in Westland last week and were approved recently by the mem- coordinator for Garden City Hospital.
will continue until midnight on Thursday, bers of the Westland City Council. She has spent many years volunteering
Dec. 31. Residents can visit the City of Matthew Tyranski and Kaitlynn in activities such as Clean-up day,
Westland website to nominate themselves Riley were chosen to fill the vacant Mother's Day Chocolate Events and
or a friend in one or all of the three cate- terms on the boards. Tyranski is the Small Business Saturday events. She
gories: Best Traditional Display, Most owner of Olympic Coney Island and graduated from The University of
Creative Display and Over the Top has been in the community for 22 years. Michigan with a business degree and
Display. Nominees will be asked to enter a He and his wife are the parents of has completed a master's program
picture along with their submission. three children. He earned his business through Wayne State University Mike
“Once again, the Department of degree from Western Michigan Illitch School of Business. Her term
Neighborhood Services team will be out University and was appointed to the will expire Sept. 18, 2021.
and about in neighborhoods in search of ed with prizes at the first council meeting
those residents who have gone the extra of the New Year on Monday, Jan. 18.
mile to make their homes shine this holi- The City of Westland was forced to can- SECTION 00100
day season,” commented Mayor William cel other holiday events due to the health ADVERTISEMENT TO BID
R. Wild. “We had a lot of great participa- restrictions of the current COVID-19 pan-
tion from our residents around demic. Romulus School District request's Bid Proposals for the BP#4 Romulus Community Schools
Halloween and we are excited to see the “In order to maintain the health and Secure Entry and Exterior Signage. Bid Proposals must be received by Building Connected, deliv-
creativity and festivity around the winter safety of our residents and employees, we ery or mail by December 21st, 2020 at 2:00PM at Romulus Public Schools Administration Building
at 36540 Grant, Romulus MI 48174. Proposals must be sealed with the Bidder's name on the outside
holiday.” will transition this year's holiday celebra- of the envelope and designated as follows:
Winners will be announced and award- tion to a virtual forum,” Wild concluded.
Sealed Proposal
Romulus School District
Romulus Community Schools
Secure Entry and Exterior Signage
Bid Category
[Contractor Name]
[Contractor Address]
[Contractor Phone Number]
Bidder's may, but shall not be obligated to, submit bids electronically via Building Connected. If a
Bidder chooses to submit an electronic bid, it assumes any and all risk related to software, connec-
tivity, or any other issues related to the electronic bidding process. It is further recommended, but
not required, that any electronic bids be submitted at least two hours before the deadline for bid sub-
mission to confirm that the bid has been timely, accurately, and completely received
A livestream bid opening will be held via livestream and a physical bid opening will still be avail-
able at the address provided above.
Link to Livestream:
.v2/0?context=%7b%22T id%22%3a%223229604e-859b-4594-853b-
Link to project:
1. Proposals shall be based on the requirements set forth in the Project Manual by Barton Malow
Builders dated November 24th, 2020 the bid set drawings issued on November 3rd, 2020 and
the specifications manual dated November 4th, 2020
2. Accepted Bidders will be required, as a condition precedent to award of Contract, to furnish in
the amount of 100% of the contract price, satisfactory Performance Bond and Payment Bond and
Certificates of Insurance as required in the Project Manual.
3. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in Section 00880 of the Project Manual, this Project is sub-
ject to state sales and/or use taxes and Bidder is required to include such taxes in its Bid Proposal.
4. Barton Malow Builders has been contracted by the Owner in the capacity of Construction
Manager for the Project, and as such has the rights and obligations set forth in its contract with
the Owner for those services, and shall act as representative of the Owner to the extent
required/allowed under its Owner contract.
5. Bid Proposals will be publicly opened December 21st, 2020 at 2:00pm by the Owner, evaluated
by Barton Malow Builders, Owner and the Architect, with recommended awards subsequently
made by Barton Malow Builders and IDS.
6. A pre-bid conference and site visit/tour will be held at Wick Elementary School 36900 Wick
Rd, Romulus, MI 48174) December 2nd, 2020 at 1:00PM. Pre-bid conference minutes will be
distributed to all who are known by Barton Malow Builders to have received contract documents,
but Barton Malow Builders, Architect and Owner will not be responsible for providing informa-
tion to those not attending the pre-bid conference. Information disclosed in the pre-bid confer-
ence minutes will be considered part of the Bidding and Contract Documents.
7. Bid Proposals shall be submitted as set forth in Paragraph 1, above. If you experience any issues,
please reach Jared Marinelli,
8. Bid to include Bid Bond, Iran Sanctions Form, Familial Disclosure Form listed in the shared
9. The successful Bidder(s) will be required to enter into an agreement with Owner on the
Agreement Form identified in Section 00500 of the Project Manual.
10.The right to reject any or all Bid Proposals, either in whole or in part, or to waive any informal-
ities or irregularities therein is reserved by the Owner.
11.All Bid Proposals shall be accompanied by the sworn statement included in Section 00410 of the
Project Manual, in accordance with MCL 380.1267, disclosing any familial relationship that
exists between the owner(s) or any employee of the Bidder and any member of the Board of
Trustees or the Superintendent of Schools. Bid Proposals that do not include this sworn and nota-
rized disclosure statement shall not be accepted.