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December 10, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Noon Rotary Club honors Officers of the Year

           Overcoming severe obstacles  responders, not just the award                                                             he worked on a case and found
        is nothing unusual for the five  winners.”                                      Today, we recognize all                    records dating back 50 years -
        men honored by the members of    Huron Valley Ambulance                                                                    records that weren't readily
        the Plymouth Noon Rotary Club  Operations Manager Andy                           the first responders,                     available and were instrumental
        last week. A decades-long tradi-  Savage introduced Senior                    not just the award winners.                  in helping the prosecutor win a
        tion, the club members honored  Paramedic and Field Training                                                               conviction.” Miller is a Crisis
        outstanding Public Service     Officer Eric Farris as Paramedic                                                            Intervention Team (CIT) member
        Officers from both the city and  of the Year. Farris joined HVA as  the dedication that this position  scene and a patient was having  who helps to secure mental
        the township during a special  an    Emergency     Medical    requires.” Allstaedt is a field  difficulty breathing due to a  health services for individuals in
        awards presentation during their  Technician (EMT) in January of  training officer (FTO) and has  pneumothorax. Culver per-  need of it.
        virtual meeting.               2014. He progressed to become a  attended HazMat and countless  formed a needle compression to  The Plymouth Township
           Club members officially pre-  senior medic within a year,  other types of training. He was  release air from the patient's  Police Officer of the Year is Det.
        sented the annual Public Safety  which Savage said is unusual  instrumental in providing a  chest, enabling him to breathe  Sgt. Bill Fetner, who has been
        Officers of the Year awards Dec.  and  impressive.  Savage    recent fire academy in the city.  better.                    with the department since 1995.
        4 and honored the Police Officer  described an incident in which  The cities of Northville and  “He performed it at night, on  He was promoted to sergeant in
        of the Year and Firefighter of the  Farris and his partner were  Plymouth are served by a com-  the side of railroad tracks with a  2014 and became a detective in
        Year for each municipality along  assisting a diabetic patient.  bined fire department.     combative patient,” said Phillips.   2015. “Sergeant Fetner is receiv-
        with the Paramedic of the Year  During the call, his partner suf-  The Plymouth Township       Detective Jay Miller is the  ing this honor for his overall
        for Huron Valley Ambulance     fered a severe asthma attack,  Firefighter of the Year is Ian  Plymouth Police Officer of the  leadership and dedication to the
           “Today, we recognize the best  leaving Farris to treat both  Culver. Culver has been with the  Year. Miller has been a member  department, and for training
        of the best in our community,”  patients in the situation.    department for seven years. Fire  of the department since 2013. In  three new detectives,” said
        said Plymouth Rotary President   Dave Allstaedt is the City of  Chief Dan Phillips said Culver is  2019, he received the highest  Lieutenant Jon Brothers.
        John Buzuvis. “We are so fortu-  Plymouth Firefighter of the Year.  a dedicated professional who  score among those testing for a  The Public Safety Awards
        nate that our first responders  Northville Fire Chief Steve Ott  excels at learning all the equip-  detective position.    Program is one of several annual
        work together without regard to  said, “Dave is the kind of person  ment and then teaching new fire-  “Jay represents the depart-  special programs of the Rotary
        what the patch on their arm says.  who has good ideas and follows  fighters. Phillips told on an inci-  ment very well,” said Director of  Club of Plymouth. Members meet
        Today, we recognize all the first  through on them. He exemplifies  dent in which Culver was on the  Public Safety Al Cox. “Recently,  weekly at noon Fridays.
        Fee for documents

        could be $222,000

           If Tom Parrelley wants his  ed “what science and what facts
        recent request for documents   were used and are continuing to
        from the Plymouth-Canton       be used” regarding the decision.
        Community Schools district sat-  The response letter from the
        isfied, he needs to come up with  school district also advised him
        nearly a quarter of a million dol-  that half the fee would half to be
        lars.                          paid before any work could com-
           Parrelley, of Plymouth, filed a  mence on his request.
        Freedom of Information Act       Parrelley recently told media
        (FOIA) request with the district  sources that fee was beyond his
        asking for a wide range of docu-  budget.
        ments on which school board       “I don't have a quarter of a
        members based their decision to  million dollars. I checked the lot-
        close school buildings and offer  tery numbers and I have not
        full online education to students.  come through on them yet,
        The decision, according to     which is my next best deal,” he
        school officials, was in response  was quoted as saying.
        to the recent advice from the    In a prepared statement, the
        Michigan Department of Health  school district said that every
        and followed the safety proce-  Freedom of Information request   Walk
        dures necessary to protect stu-  received is taken seriously. “In
        dents and staff members in light  this particular matter, the    of Trees
        of the current COVID-19 pan-   request captured an extremely     Denice and Eunice Austin
        demic.                         broad range of potential key-     add an ornament to the
           At the time of the decision,  word searches and covered an    Compassionate Friends
        Superintendent of Schools      unbounded timeframe. These        memory tree in Kellogg
        Monica Merritt said that no mat-  features combined to indicate  Park as part of the Walk of
        ter what the board members     that the district would likely be  Trees which annually fills
        opted to do, “someone was going  required to review and redact   the park with Christmas
        to be unhappy.”                literally thousands upon thou-    trees decorated in memo-
           Parrelley expressed his con-  sands of potentially responsive  ry of departed loved ones.
        cern with the FOIA request last  documents.”                     The trees attract hundreds
                                                                         of visitors to the park
        month. In response, he received  Parrelley said he is consider-  every year and are deco-
        a letter with an estimated cost of  ing submitting a revised FOIA  rated for the holidays in
        $222,458.50 for researching, pro-  request asking for more specific  remembrance of family
        ducing and copying the docu-   documents or the option of tak-   members and friends.
        ments as requested.            ing legal action regarding his    Photos by Sean Rhaesa
           Parrelley reportedly request-  original request.
        Northville Salem Hills Golf Course will reopen in spring

           Salem Hills Golf Club will be  purchase agreement for the  has been a popular course for  pending deal fall through, the  site. A condition the Godwins'
        open next year.                business had been reached      area golfers under the owner-  course would open under the   imposed on the sale at the time
           While the ownership may     recently and that the potential  ship of Frank and Veronica  current ownership next spring  of the announcement was the
        change, the 6,992-yard, par-72  buyers are performing due dili-  Godwin. The couple also owned  and all commitments to leagues  continuance of the golf course at
        course will remain open to     gence. She said that the buyers  what is now Walnut Creek    would be satisfied. An         the site.
        golfers no matter what the sta-  had agreed that the land 57-  Country club in South Lyon   announcement last fall that the  The couple said they planned
        tus of the pending sale of the  year-old site would remain a  from 1969 until 1088 and Marion  course might close due to the  to close the facility at the end of
        facility.                      golf course, a condition of the  Oaks Golf club in Howell from  aging infrastructure prompted  October, but have changed their
           Co-owner of the course,     sales agreement. Salem Hills   1990 until 2003.              several offers from potential  plans in light of the pending sale
        Veronica Godwin, said that a   originally opened in 1963 and    Godwin said that should the  buyers for the Six Mile Road  agreement.
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