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December 7, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Chamber seeking 2023 Person of the Year

           Romulus residents have only   Criteria for nominations                                ”                       
        until Dec. 15 to nominate a candi-  require that those suggested for     The nominee does not have to be a                   Nominations can be made by
        date as the 37th Annual Person of  the honor are individuals who      resident of Romulus but must have made a             anyone. The person submitting a
        the Year.                      have made significant contribu-                                                             nominee must submit their tele-
           A committee named by the    tions to Romulus and city resi-         significant contribution to the community.          phone number or email address,
        Greater Romulus Chamber of     dents. A biographical synopsis                                                              so chamber officials can contact
        Commerce will review the nomi-  should be provided stating rea-                                                            them.
        nations and announce their     sons the nominee should be hon-  that date will not be accepted.  office, 11189 Shook Road, Suite  The nominee does not have to
        selection in January. An award  ored as the Person of the Year.   The nomination form can be  200, Romulus, MI 48174.      be a resident of Romulus but
        ceremony will take place honor-  The deadline to submit nomi-  filled out online or can be  Nomination forms are available  must have made a significant
        ing the awardee in the spring of  nations is Dec.15. Anything post-  mailed, emailed or dropped off  at the office. For more informa-  contribution to the community,
        2024, officials said.          marked and/or received after   at the Chamber of Commerce    tion, contact admin@romu-      officials stressed.
        Artists’ entries for downtown exhibit are sought

           The City of Romulus Arts    win Cash Prizes.               able mention awards and have  Arts Council, Inc., 11111 Wayne  The deadline for submission
        Council is seeking high quality  The top prize for first place is  their work reproduced and dis-  Road, Romulus, MI 48174. For  is April 15, 2024. Winners will be
        images from artists and photog-  $1,000, officials said, while sec-  played downtown in Romulus.  more information, call (734) 955-  announced before the first
        raphers for a permanent outdoor  ond place will receive a $500  There is a an entry fee of $25 for  4533. Entry forms are available at  Sounds in Downtown concert on
        public art installation in June  award and the third place win-  three images.                 Friday, June 14, 2024, during a
        2024. This year, the theme is "Acts  ner will receive $250. As many as  Checks or money orders  Email images and entry forms  light reception. Artists may dis-
        of Community Service through   eight additional artists will  which accompany entries should  to: Romulus_arts_council@    play their art for sale at the
        Art." The Top Three Artists will  receive $50 as winners of honor-  be made payable to : Romulus           reception officials said.
        Volunteers needed to help

        place wreaths for ceremony

           The City of Romulus will once again  tions - as part of National Wreaths
        participate in the annual Wreaths      Across America Day. Each year, a new
        Across America recognition of veterans  theme is chosen to help volunteers and
        which takes place throughout the coun-  supporters focus their outreach in their
        try. The ceremony this year is planned  communities. The national nonprofit
        for noon on Saturday, Dec. 16 at the   theme for 2023 is "Serve and Succeed."
        Romulus Memorial Cemetery.               Volunteers to help place the wreaths
           The national event is a gathering of  are still needed, a VFW spokesman
        volunteers and patriots in local, state  said.
        and national cemeteries in all 50 states -  The Dec. 16 event in Romulus will be
        most recently at 3,702 participating loca-  free and open to the public.

                                 To subscribe                                          On the job

                             to The Eagle visit                                        Three new officers recently joined the Romulus Police Department and were wel-

                                                                                       comed by Mayor Robert McCraight, third from left, and  Police Chief Richard
                                                Pfannes. The new officers are recent police academy graduates and will now
                                                                                       complete field training with an experienced Romulus officer. Joining the force are,
                                                                                       from left, Christian Otter, Nathaniel Sims and Marcus Matheson.
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