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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 7, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Former Wayne City Councilman takes plea deal

           Former     Wayne      City  ing guidelines dictate  a minimum  Sanders was initially charged  tified Nocerini's vehicle. Police
        Councilman Christopher Sanders,  2 years in prison and a $2,000 fine  along with Jimmie Lee Chandler,  did not stop Nocerini who subse-
        54, will serve two years on proba-  on one charge with a maximum  31, of Van Buren Township, in con-  quently discovered the pistol and
        tion after pleading guilty to a sin-  prison sentence of 4 years. While  nection with the alleged planting  suspected narcotics in her glove-
        gle charge of attempted false  Sanders had consistently rejected  of a starter pistol and fake drugs  box, she reported the finding to
        report of a felony in a plea deal  any plea deal, during the court  in a city employee's car. Charges  the Wayne police. An investigation
        with Wayne County prosecutors.  hearing Prosecutor Matthew    filed in September 2020 alleged  by the Michigan State Police even-
           In exchange for his guilty plea,  Penney said he would seek the  Sanders paid Chandler to break  tually led to the arrest of Sanders
        charges of false report of a felony  maximum prison time possible  into the car of former Wayne City  and Chandler.
        and conspiracy to commit false  should the case go to a jury trial.  Manager Lisa Nocerini on Oct. 16,  Sanders was recalled from his
        report of a felony were dismissed  As part of the plea deal, prose-  2017 and plant a starter pistol and  city council position during a spe-
        by the court. During an Oct. 30  cutors agreed not to pursue  fake drugs in the vehicle.    cial election in 2018.
        hearing before Judge Donald    charges of obstruction of justice  Prosecutors alleged that after  The plea agreement calls for
        Knapp in Third District Court,  against Sanders alleged in an  watching Nocerini leave the  Sanders to serve 90 days in the
        Sanders admitted his guilt on the  April 27 incident. Sanders was  Wayne City Hall parking lot,  Wayne County Jail to be held in
        court record. If he had been con-  represented by attorney Jeffrey  Chandler called 911 to report a  abeyance for successful comple-
        victed during a jury trial, sentenc-  McCarthy.               false road rage incident and iden-  tion of  2 years of probation.      Christopher Sanders

                                                                                                               Random kindness
                                                                                                               The Compassion Project at the Westland City Council
                                                                                                               meeting on Monday, Nov. 6 introduced three out-
                                                                                                               standing students from three different elementary
                                                                                                               schools. Each child was chosen for this award
                                                                                                               because of the random acts of kindness they all
                                                                                                               implemented towards their classmates, teachers,
                                                                                                               and/or classroom. Kaleb Eikenberg from Wildwood
                                                                                                               Elementary School demonstrated a random act of
                                                                                                               kindness was when he helped a classmate with a
                                                                                                               math puzzle. Sadie Strong from Roosevelt-McGrath
                                                                                                               Elementary School helped clean up trash in her class-
                                                                                                               room without being asked and Aubree Heckerton
                                                                                                               from P. D. Graham Elementary School demonstrated a
                                                                                                               random act of kindness was when she asked a stu-
                                                                                                               dent who was crying in the office if she was OK and
                                                                                                               asked if she wanted a hug to feel better. Each of the
                                                                                                               students was applauded at the Westland City Council
                                                                                                               meeting last week.

        Education foundation provides grant funding to teachers

                                  Julie Brown  Mitter, a school district staffer and  low-income families, in that it is more  too.  “Every kid deserves equality in edu-
                                Special Writer  Westland Rotary co-president. Mitter  “classroom-oriented.”                cation,” she concluded.
                                               recently invited Smith to share founda-  Smith has seen greater opportunity in  The Wayne-Westland Foundation for
           Brandi Smith sees inequities among  tion success with Rotarians.          Plymouth-Canton district and others, and  the Improvement of Instruction is online
        area school districts in classroom fund-  The Wayne-Westland district is in a  believes Wayne-Westland students count,  at
        ing. It is her job to help address that situa-  budget shortfall of some $17 million ,
        tion.                                  although that's separate from foundation
           “It's such a foundation of what a com-  work which receives business support.
        munity is,” the Canton Township resident  Smith is a John Glenn High School
        said of school districts. Since this past  graduate and recalled her own school
        January, her focus has been the Wayne-  days: “We didn't have to worry about
        Westland     Foundation    for   the   bringing pencils and crayons.”
        Improvement of Instruction. Both a golf  She earned a bachelor's degree from
        outing and a wine event draw business  Eastern Michigan University and raised a
        support, allowing the foundation to dis-  family, including a child who's also a
        tribute grants to Wayne-Westland teach-  Glenn graduate.
        ers for classroom use. One example?      “There was a need and it just kind of
        Tablets for kids who can't communicate.  worked,” Smith said of the foundation.
           “That is really just giving students  Twice a year, district teachers apply for
        greater opportunity,” the foundation   grants. One social studies teacher
        executive director said of the $15,000 in  received supplies to create an escape
        grants awarded last spring. “I feel like  room, a popular trend.
        this next year is going to continue to grow.  “For teachers who want to do some-
        It made me so excited and proud..”     thing really innovative, the foundation
           The foundation origins go back to   was founded,” Mitter said.
        around 1980 and it was “revived” about   Each grant can be as much as $1,000.
        five years ago, “so we can do more for the  The program is separate from the district
        Wayne-Westland community,” said Maria  Family Resource Center, which assists

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