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Cobras proposed as replacement for Chief mascot
The Canton Cobras may be interpreted by other students as ” said.
the future while the Canton racially biased. After more than a Superintendent of Schools Monica Merritt Superintendent of Schools
Chiefs will remain part of the his- year, and a second effort by stu- said the cost to change the Monica Merritt said the cost to
tory of the Canton High School. dents to have the name changed, change the mascot and logo
While protests from parents members of the board agreed to mascot and logo would be about $213,000. would be about $213,000. While
and alumni have accompanied retire the Canton High School some of that expense might be
the effort to change the Canton Chief mascot and logo. The 6-1 funded by grants, there is no
Chiefs mascot and logo, members vote of the board members tion. Students also suggested car- choice of 53 percent of the stu- guarantee of any forthcoming
of the Plymouth-Canton resulted in an ongoing recall dinals, cougars, coyotes, chargers dent votes, officials said. grant money.
Community Schools Board of effort against those members and several other suggestions. Cardinals received 29 percent of “I want to emphasize that in
Education heard the first read- who voted in favor of the change. The suggestions were the vote while the coyotes recommending a new mascot, we
ing of an official name change Hal Heard, Plymouth Canton reviewed by a group of students received 17 percent of the vote. are embracing our future,”
during their meeting last month. Community Schools director of to ensure the new logo and mas- Only about 1,100 students Heard said during the meeting.
If board members agree with the high school education said stu- cot was compliant with school voted in the balloting. “It does not change our history or
proposed change, it could be for- dents were asked earlier this district requirements and crite- Canton High School Principal legacies tied to the retired Chiefs
mally adopted following a second year to submit suggestions for a ria. The students winnowed the David Reed-Nordwall said voting mascot. The winning seasons,
public reading. new mascot. While 279 sugges- suggestions to 10 names and was the choice of students. “We records, plaques and other posi-
The change was first proposed tions were received, 55 of those Canton High School students and didn't mandate or force all stu- tive memories will remain. The
by a group of students who were eliminated as they suggest- future students voted on those dents to do it, so they also had the school colors of red and white
argued that the Chiefs could be ed the current Chiefs designa- suggestions. The Cobras was the option not to participate,” he will also remain.”
Market Elementary, Pioneer and East
Middle School choirs, Gallimore,
Bird Elementary and others.
FROM PAGE 1 There will be a special holiday
show with Canton Chiefettes
tickets will be available at $15. Pom Team along Main Street.
The activity tent, sponsored by Musical performances by local
Sun & Snow and Michigan First favorites The Robert Burkhart
Credit Union. Tickets provide Band, Caldarona Performance
entry into a world of festive Studio and the Hayden
activities at the corner of Ann Cusmano Group are also
Arbor Trail and Forest Street, planned.
including cookie decorating, One of the most sought-after
writing letters to Santa, making caricature artists in the Midwest,
reindeer food, crafting cinna- Bil Barrett, will be in town to
mon trees and jingle bell neck- create comical sketches of visi-
laces along with games inside tors of all ages. The drawings are
the cozy tent. free, but tips will be appreciated.
Local restaurants have spon- Visitors can meet Buddy the
sored the traditional horse- elf, compliments of Berkshire
drawn carriage rides. Tickets Hathaway Home Services at 294
are priced at $75 for a private S. Main St. at the Berkshire
six-person carriage and $15 per Hathaway Home Services office.
person for the 12-passenger Also in attendance for the
wagon. Tours depart the North evening will be the Grinch and
and South Pole stations, along Cindy Lou, Santa, Elves and oth-
Ann Arbor Trail every 20 min- ers. Back to the future
utes between 5 and 9 p.m. Visitors are warned to keep When Rotary District Governor Russ Jones paid a visit to his home club last month, he was treated
Music and caroling will be an eye out for elves giving away to a special ride in club member Jan Eisen's vintage Delorean. During Jones' visit, several new
provided by the Schoolcraft downtown gift cards to random members were inducted into the club as the group prepares for the 100th anniversary of Rotary.
Brass Ensemble, Isbister shoppers during the event.