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December 7 – 13, 2023                                   NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 49                                                                                    www

                                       5 seeking unexpired state representative term

               Vol. 138, No. 49           Two elections will determine                                                           Michigan University and attend-
             Stray dogs found in       the   new    State   House                               ”                                ed Harvard University.
          Sumpter Township will be     Representative from the 25th           Democrats seeking the $71,685 salaried                Westland City Council Pro-
          cared for by the Brownstown  District.                                state position in Lansing include two            tem Andrea Rutkowski will also
          Township Animal Shelter         Former representative Kevin      current members of the Westland City Council.         be on the primary ballot. If
          along with the Friends of    Coleman, a democrat, resigned                                                             Rutkowski is successful in her
          Michigan Animals Rescue.     the state office following his suc-                                                       bid to fill Coleman's vacant term,
                          See page 6.  cessful campaign to become                                                                the remaining members of the
                                       mayor of Westland. The 25th   of the Wayne Westland         state house seat. Should Hines  council would appoint a
                                       District encompasses the City of  Community Schools Board of  be the choice of voters, a  replacement to serve her term
                                       Wayne and portions of Canton  Education.                    replacement to serve the      which continues through 2027.
                                       Township and Westland.           Seeking the unexpired term  remainder of her term which  She is employed as a teacher
                                          The lone republican seeking  is  Coleman's cousin, Peter  expires in 2026 would be named  and is involved with local com-
                                       to complete Coleman's term,   Herzberg, a Westland resident,  by the other school board   munity groups like the Wayne
                Vol. 76, No. 49        Josh Powell, is unopposed in the  is currently serving on the city  trustees. Hines holds a dual  Ford Civic League and the VFW
             The Canton Cobras may     primary election set for Tuesday,  council. Should he be elected to  master's degree in business  Post 9885.
          be the future while the      Jan. 30. As the only republican  the state office, the other mem-  management and human      Layla Taha, a Westland resi-
          Canton Chiefs will remain    on the ballot, Powell will face  bers of the city council would  resources management from  dent, who is a program manager
          the revered historic mascot  the winning democratic candi-  name a replacement to serve  Phoenix University as well as a  for Congresswoman Rashida
          of Canton High School.       date in the election set for  April  the remainder of his term which  bachelor's degree in behavior  Tlaib (D-Detroit), has also filed
                          See page 3.  16 to fill the term which expires  expires at the end of 2025. A  arts and science with a special-  paperwork to be on the January
                                       at the end of next year.  Powell is  council member since 2016,  ization in criminal justice from  primary election ballot. She
                                       a Westland resident who has   Herzberg graduated from John  Saginaw Valley State University.   earned her bachelor of arts
                                       been unsuccessful in several  Glenn High School before earn-   Also seeking the state office is  degrees at University of
                                       campaigns for a city council  ing his bachelor's degree in  City of Wayne resident Shannon  Michigan and her master degree
                                       seat.                         finance from Wayne State      Rochon. He is employed as the  at Columbia University.
                                          Democrats seeking the      University.                   director of partnerships for the  Both her bachelor's degrees
                Vol. 76, No. 49        $71,685 salaried state position in  Current Wayne Westland  Michigan      League      of  are in international studies in
             An Inkster man has been   Lansing include two current   Community Schools Board of    Conservation Voters, according  Global Environment and her
          sentenced to life in prison  members of the Westland City  Education member Melandie     to his LinkedIn profile. Rochon  master's degree is in public
          for the fatal stabbing of a 60-  Council and a serving member  Hines is also seeking the vacant  earned his bachelor's at Eastern  health.
          year-old Inkster man and his
          dog last year.
                          See page 6.  Living and Learning
                                       $15,000 grant will help fund programs for disabled youth

                                          Living   and    Learning
                                       Enrichment Center, a nonprofit
                Vol. 23, No. 49
                                       organization dedicated to
            Debbie Giulianelli-Smith   improving the lives of individu-
          has been named as the new    als with disabilities, has
          Northville    Parks    &     received a $15,000 grant from
          Recreation Senior Services   the Wendell and Doris Rogers
          Supervisor.                  Foundation (WDRF) for the sec-
                          See page 2.  ond consecutive year. The con-
                                       tribution will support the essen-
                                       tial operations of the organiza-
                                       tion, officials said.
                                          The Wendell and Doris
                                       Rogers Foundation, known for
                Vol. 23, No. 49        its commitment to enhancing
             When Rotary District      the lives of veterans and their
          Governor Russ Jones paid a   families, at-risk youth, and
          visit to his home club last  youth with disabilities, contin-
          month, he was treated to a   ues to be a beacon of hope and
          special ride in club member  support for communities in    Living and Learning Enrichment Center was founded in 2015 by Rachelle Vartanian and is a 501C3
                                                                     charity headquartered in the former Don Massey estate in Northville.
          Jan    Eisen's    vintage    need, center officials said.
          Delorean.                       “General operating support  tain and improve vital functions  Vartanian and is a 501C3 charity  adjudicated youth for 10 years
                          See page 3.  is often the most challenging to  ranging from staff wages to  headquartered in Northville, in  and during this time, she went
                                       secure, yet it is crucial for our  facility utilities, ensuring that  the former Don Massey estate.  back to school and obtained a
                                       organization,” said Jennifer  we can continue to provide       Vartanian graduated from   master's degree in educational
                                       Provenzano, grants and out-   exceptional services to our   Eastern Michigan University   psychology with a concentra-
                                       reach specialist at Living and  community.”                 with a bachelor's degree in   tion in personality and develop-
                                       Learning. “This generous grant   Living   and    Learning   teaching for the emotionally  ment.
                Vol. 138, No. 49       from    the   WD     Rogers   Enrichment Center was found-  impaired. After college, she
                                       Foundation enables us to main-  ed in 2015 by Rachelle      worked at lock up center for            See Center, page 6
             Romulus residents have
          only until Dec. 15 to nomi-
          nate a candidate as the 37th  Mistletoe Market and Christmas in Plymouth will begin today
          Annual Person of the Year.
                          See page 5.     Mistletoe Market begins    tion.                         with horse drawn carriage     Market Craft show will be open
                                       today in downtown Plymouth as    The popular Christmas in   rides, special decorations, sales,  from 4 until 9 p.m. today,
                                       part of the highly anticipated  Plymouth event will take place  carolers and holiday entertain-  Thursday, and from 11 a.m. until
                                       Christmas in Plymouth celebra-  today and continue tomorrow  ment. The popular Mistletoe  9 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 8.
                                                                                                                                 The market takes place at The
                                                                                                                                 Gathering, 760 Penniman Ave.,
                                                                                                                                 across from Kellogg Park, near
                Vol. 76, No. 49                                                                                                  the Penn Theatre
             Former Wayne City                                                                                                      Early shoppers can get a
          Councilman Christopher                                                                                                 head start at 4 p.m. today or 11
          Sanders will serve two years                                                                                           a.m. tomorrow and get ahead of
          on probation after pleading                                                                                            the rush, organizers suggested.
          guilty to a single charge of                                                                                           Local vendors will feature one
          attempted false report of a                                                                                            of a kind Michigan made treas-
          felony.                                                                                                                ures, arts, crafts and culinary
                          See page 4.                                                                                            gifts and treats. In addition to
                                                                                                                                 the 40 vendors at The
                                                                                                                                 Gathering, booths and tents will
                                                                                                                                 be installed along Penniman for
                                                                                                                                 added vendors and sales.
                                                                                                                                    There will be a free perform-
                Vol. 76, No. 49                                                                                                  ance by the Synergy Dance
             The Compassion Project                                                                                              Academy and bleacher seating
          at the Westland City Council                                                                                           will be available to accommo-
          meeting on Monday, Nov. 6                                                                                              date the anticipated crowd for
          introduced three outstand-                                                                                             the popular entertainment. In
          ing students from three dif-                                                                                           addition, Candy Cane Corner
          ferent elementary schools.
                          See page 4.                                                                                                      See Market, page 3

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