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Man faces felony charges in robbery
An Inkster man is facing mul- felon in possession of ammuni- cant gunshot wound. She was was later apprehended, accord-
tiple felony charges in connec- tion and 10 counts of felony transported by medics to a local ing to prosecutors.
tion with the armed robbery of firearm. hospital for treatment of her Smith was arraigned Nov. 28
a Romulus couple and the The charges stem from a 2 injuries, police said. before 34th District Court Judge
shooting of the female victim. p.m. armed robbery Nov. 24 of a It is alleged that the victim David Parrott.
According to reports from man and woman from Romulus and an acquaintance, a 39-year- The Probable Cause
the office of Wayne County in the 6800 block of old Romulus man, met with a Conference is scheduled for
Prosecutor Kym Worthy, Kyon Waynecourse Street. According potential buyer at the Concorde Dec. 12, before 34th District
Lamar Smith, 27, of Inkster, has to police, Romulus officers Apartments in Romulus to dis- Court Judge Lisa Martin. His
been charged with two counts responded to a dispatch call cuss the purchase of a vehicle. preliminary court examination
of armed robbery; two counts of about a woman suffering a During the meeting, investiga- on the charges is scheduled for
assault with intent to murder; gunshot wound to her face. tors claim Smith approached Dec.19. before Judge Brian
two counts of assault with intent When officers arrived on the the vehicle on the driver's side, Oakley, also in 34th District
to commit great bodily harm; scene, they found the 37-year- pulled out a firearm, and dis- Court. The defendant received
two counts of felonious assault; old woman who had sustained charged it, striking the victim. a $1 million dollar/10 percent
felon in possession of a firearm; what was described as a signifi- Smith left the scene on foot and bond. Kyon Lamar Smith
Volunteers are sought
for free medical clinic
Adventist Community Health is seek- Church and will take place at Edgemont
ing volunteers to participate in a free Elementary School in the gymnasium.
healthcare event set for 8 a.m. until 5 The school is located at 125 Edgemont
p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24 in Belleville. St. in Belleville.
The group is seeking dentists, eye Local coordinators of the health care
doctors, hygienists and dental assistants event are Nathaniel Oregon (918) 902-
to volunteer their services for the day 9977 and Adam Woolf (734) 721-5330.
during the free service event provided The dental vision coordinator is Randy
to members of the community. Griffin, DDS who can be reached at
All volunteers are covered by a
Coffee time $100,000 malpractice/liability policy. (317) 409-3260 or randy.griffin@lakeu-
Residents are invited to join the Inkster Police Department for a cup of coffee The event is sponsored by the Information is also available at
and conversation during Coffee With A cop set for 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 20 at Belleville Seventh-day Adventist
Applewood Coney Island, 28640 Michigan Ave. Coffee with a Cop is a national
initiative started in California in March 2011 to improve relations between law
enforcement officers and the citizens they serve daily. The program has become To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.
nationally recognized, with departments from all 50 states participating in nation-
al Coffee with a Cop Day in October since 2016. Community members are
encouraged to ask officers questions and voice their concerns during the event.
Department officers use the event as an opportunity to connect with the commu-
nity they serve just as they did above during the event last month.
Award effective, a spokesman explained.
The city operates much like a success-
ful business. Experts are hired to fill key
FROM PAGE 1 municipal positions that enable quality
service. Each business and industry cus-
and the public at large, providing busi- tomer is provided information about the
nesses with a key recruiting tool and job city and its services, while listing the
seekers with local opportunities. appropriate steps toward locating a com-
• Business-retention visits to local pany in Romulus. Once a business moves
businesses by Burcroff, Keyes, DDA from planning to development, city staff
Director Merrie Druyor and other key stays connected while providing an open
team members. The mayor also sched- door, the spokesperson continued.
ules occasional staff meetings on the road Keyes, who has 33 years of economic
so administrative city staff can interact development experience both in govern-
with local business leaders. ment and in private industry, is key to the
• Realtor/developer opportunity entitlement process and is involved in
events, which showcase key buildings and every new development that is consider-
areas to those connected to potential new ing Romulus, the spokesperson added.
businesses and developments. The city is known for its proximity to
Romulus focus on business retention all major forms of transportation.
and attraction involves a proven system Romulus is one of only a few small cities
that guides owners, CEOs and managers in the country that offers immediate
through the best process of locating a suc- access to an international airport, Detroit
cessful business in a city. Business clients Metropolitan, for passenger and cargo
are introduced to all of the appropriate service. The city is intersected by major
agencies to ensure that the entitlement railways and is at the nexus of two major
process is smooth, quick, easy and cost- highways, Interstates 94 and 275.