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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 6, 2018

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Board of education accepting applications

           Patty Mullen has resigned   tion will become effective Dec.  Mullen emailed her formal   true honor to have been elected  Center, 454 S. Harvey, Plymouth,
        her seat on the Plymouth       10 and the remaining members   resignation to board President  by the citizens of our district  48170 or email the requested
        Canton Community Schools       of the board will have 30 days to  Kate Borninski and then read  and I'm proud to have served as  information  to  eliza-
        Board of Education.            fill her term with an appointed  her statement at the meeting.    a trustee.”     
           Mullen announced her resig-  member.                         “At this time, I am not able to  Anyone interested in apply-  Applications will only be accept-
        nation at the Nov. 20 meeting of  The appointed board trustee  dedicate the time and energy  ing for the appointment can sub-  ed until 4 p.m. Dec. 10.
        the board citing time constraints  will serve from Jan. 1, 2019  the position requires and that  mit a letter of interest including  For more information, con-
        as her reason for leaving her  through Dec. 31, 2020, complet-  the citizens and students   their qualifications and a     tact Elizabeth Adams (734) 416-
        unexpired term. Her resigna-   ing Mullen's term.             deserve,” she said. “It was a  resume to the E.J. McClendon  3048.
        Quick response time controls fire damage

           Fast response from the      limited damage.                Make sure a smoke alarm is
        Northville Township Fire         The fire began around a      installed in every sleeping
        Department is credited for lim-  wood-burning stove used to   room, in the hallway outside the
        iting the damage at a garage fire  heat the garage, Mutchler said,  sleeping room and on every
        Nov. 24.                       and garage fires can move very  floor,” Mutchler added in a pre-
           According to official reports  quickly due to the open con-  pared statement.
        of the incident, Northville    struction and the type and       He also suggested that home-
        Township fire fighters were dis-  amount of contents.         owners have a carbon monox-
        patched to a home located in an  “The quick response of the   ide (CO) alarm installed on
        area of the township where     fire department helped to save  every level of their home, espe-
        there are no fire hydrants in  a classic car and the majority of  cially outside of any sleeping
        response to a reported garage  the contents stored inside the  rooms.
        fire. Tanker trucks were       garage,” he added.               “With the winter weather
        requested from neighboring fire  “This incident is a great    upon us, there is an increase in
        departments to control the fire,  reminder to have your chimney  the use of your furnace, water
        noted Director of Public Safety  cleaned and inspected before it  heater, and fireplace all leading
        Todd L. Mutchler. He added     is used and also periodically  causes of CO incidents,” he said.
        that the homeowner's fast recog-  throughout the year. Creosote  Mutchler also thanked the
        nition of the fire and immediate  buildup is the leading cause of  Northville City and the Salem
        call to 911 were also factors in  chimney fires. Also, remember  Township fire departments for
        extinguishing the blaze with   to check your smoke alarms.    their assistance in the incident.    Fire left serious damage to a Northville Township garage last week.
        Worthy                                                ”                      Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. She noted a   yield good information, but have also dra-
                                                                                                                              Worthy noted police body cameras can
                                                                                     home break-in or other offense is taken

                                                                                     homicide is.
                                                                                                                           Some one-third of jurisdictions in the
        FROM PAGE 1                                  I really have to applaud        seriously by her office and staff, much as a  matically increased her staff workload.
                                                       the Canton Police
                                                                                       “We have gotten a modicum of justice  county have them, with more to come, she
        past rancor between Wayne County offi-         Department on this.           for people who have been wronged,” she  noted.
        cials such as Robert Ficano and said,               Basically,               said, using the word closure. I have such  “We care about having a safe place to
        “Kim has done a very good job to turn that                                   hardworking prosecutors in the office.  live, work, play and worship,” said Worthy,
        around.”                                    it's organized retail fraud.     That's very gratifying for me.”       who met afterward with many residents.
           Worthy also addressed the steep auto                                        She urged audience members con-     She thanked the public officials who
        insurance rates in Michigan and the       Wayne County Prosecutor            cerned about animal cruelty to write their  attended, including law enforcement.
        impact of legalized recreational marijua-         Kym Worthy                 legislators, noting bills in Lansing and lim-  Said Northville Township Supervisor
        na. “We're still assessing all this right now,”                              its on what prosecutors can do. Worthy  Robert Nix II, “We're really excited we're
        she said of that Nov. 6 vote, noting her  drugs.                             cited studies that such cruelty leads to vio-  able to do this. This is a special event for
        office hasn't prosecuted marijuana posses-  Two CVS stores in Detroit closed due to  lence against humans.         us.”
        sion for a long time, and likely will dismiss  the problem. “We don't want that to hap-
        Michigan State Police and Wayne County  pen,” said Worthy, who's seeking unit
        Sheriff tickets for that offense.      funds from chambers of commerce and
           She was asked about the opioid crisis,  stores.
        and said her office Business Protection  “We want to get them out of that busi-
        Unit and police discovered that big box  ness,” she added of those offenders, noting
        stores were being victimized by drug   diversion programs and courts that deal
        addicts paid to take stolen merchandise to  with mental health, veterans and other
        pawn shops to pay for opioids.         issues.
           “I really have to applaud the Canton  “I don't care if you are the mayor of the
        Police Department on this. Basically, it's  city,” Worthy said to a ripple of laughter
        organized retail fraud,” Worthy said, not-  Nov. 29, reminding listeners of her high-
        ing often the offenders have been paid in  profile prosecution of former Detroit

                                     November 13, 2018
              Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
         The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.
         Pledge of Allegiance
         Roll Call: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia
         Administrative Officials in Attendance:
         LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         Stacy Paige, Treasurer
         1.  Moved by Talley, seconded by Abdo to accept the agenda as amended. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         18-393 2A. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the minutes of the regular meeting  of the
         Romulus City Council held on November 5, 2018. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         3. Petitioner
         4. Chairperson’s Report
         Mayor Pro Tem John Barden read a resolution to recognize the 50 th  wedding anniversary of Minnie and Terry
         4. Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Webb to accept the Chairperson’s Report. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         5. Mayor’s Report
         Mayor Burcroff presented a video of upcoming City events.
         18-394 5A. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to concur with the administration and award ITB 18/19-
         11 to the most responsive and responsible bidder, Wear Parts and Equipment Company, Inc., for a guaranteed
         fixed pricing for underbody scraper blades for the City of Romulus DPW Dept. in the amount of $26,845.00.
         Motion Carried Unanimously.
         18-395 5B. Moved by Webb, seconded by Talley to concur with the administration and award Bid ITB 18/19-
         14 to Jam Best One Fleet Service for a two-year period ending November 12, 2020 for fixed pricing for tires for
         the City of Romulus DPW Department. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         18-396 5C. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to concur with the administration and award Bid ITB
         18/19-15 Official Publications Newspaper for the publication of all City notices to Associated Newspapers for
         the calendar year 2019 at the printing rates submitted in the bid document. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         6A. Clerk’s Report
         City Clerk, Ellen Craig-Bragg, thanked all the workers and volunteers who helped with the November 6 th
         18-397 6A1. Moved by Abdo, seconded by Webb to concur with the Property Disposition Committee that the
         City of Romulus does not wish to acquire any of the properties included on the Wayne County Treasurer’s Unsold
         Tax Foreclosed Properties for Year 2018 dated November 2, 2018 due to the fact that none of the properties are
         adjacent to existing city-owned property. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         6B. Treasurer’s Report
         City Treasurer, Stacy Paige, gave an overview of the City Quarterly Financial Investment Report. Tax bills will
         be received by December 1, 2018.
         7. Public Comment
         A resident spoke about the towing of her car.
         A citizen asked if there is a projected date for a new fire station to open in Romulus and if there will be any job
         cuts. A resident spoke about the National Day of Kindness.
         8. Unfinished Business
         Councilman Wadsworth gave a reminder that Helping Hands is in need of turkeys. Mayor Burcroff read a memo
         from the police department regarding a resident’s eviction. The mayor also informed that he will pass along the
         information when it is available in regards to the opening of a fire station.
         18-397 8A. Moved by Webb, seconded by Roscoe to adopt a memorial resolution for the family of Karl” Eric”
         Butler. Motion Carried Unanimously.
         9. New Business
         Councilwoman Abdo announced that the National Honors Society is holding a “Chad Tough” bowling fundrais-
         10. Communication
         Councilwoman Abdo spoke about donations for veterans.
         18- 398 11A. Moved by Abdo, seconded by Talley to pay Warrant 18-21 in the amount of $1,847,265.87. Motion
         Carried Unanimously.
         18-399 11B.  Moved by  Abdo,  seconded by  Webb  to pay  Warrant 18-21E in the amount of $15,105.00.
         Motion Carried Unanimously.
         12.  Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council.
         Motion Carried Unanimously.
         I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on November 13, 2018.
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