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4 retire from public safety department
Four long-time veterans of
the Canton Township Public
Safety Department have retired.
Police Ofc. Thomas
Champagne, Fire Capt. George
“Matt” Mearnic, Police Ofc.
Randall Rankin, and Police Sgt.
Daniel Traylor were honored
for their years of service by the
department as they began their
retirements last week.
Champagne was hired by
Canton in 1998, starting his 20-
year career as a police officer.
During those two decades,
Champagne was assigned to
numerous special units and Ofc. Thomas Champagne Fire Capt. George “Matt” Mearnic Ofc. Randall Rankin Sgt. Daniel Traylor
assignments including assign- Mearnic was hired as a career, enhancing his delivery of officer, he continued to mentor ard partner, Lefty, for seven
ments as a motorcycle officer, Canton Firefighter/Paramedic service to the public, and mak- younger officers for long-term years.
the Honor Guard, with the in 1998, and was promoted to ing him an admired co-worker growth and success. Officer “As a sergeant, Dan spent
detective bureau and the rapid the rank of captain in 2013. As a by all,” noted Meier. Rankin enjoyed working the four years assigned to the detec-
response unit and acted as a Firefighter/Paramedic, Mearnic Rankin was hired by Canton road, handling every type of sce- tive bureau, where he super-
field training officer. Most was assigned to an ambulance, in 1992, starting his 26-year nario imaginable. His good- vised the daily operations of all
recently, he was selected as an providing Advanced Life career as a police officer. During humored personality could dif- criminal investigations, as well
undercover detective assigned Support medical treatment to this time, Rankin was assigned fuse a stressful situation, or sim- as Canton's five ordinance offi-
to a federal task force unit, thousands of patients with vary- to several special units and ply lighten-up a dark day in cers. Sergeant Traylor consis-
working with a team of investi- ing injuries and illnesses. He assignments including working police work for his co-workers,” tently displayed commitment
gators on high-end felony cases. was later trained as an operator, as a department instructor, with Meier said. and dedication to all aspects of
Champagne was meticulous running the multi-faceted fire the bicycle unit, the rapid Traylor was hired as a his career, and worked hard to
with his duties as a police offi- engines and pumper trucks on response unit and as a field Canton police officer in 1993, serve the Canton community
cer, dedicated to the job and fire scenes. As a captain, training officer. He also com- and was promoted to the rank of with pride,” Meier commented.
serving the community at large, Mearnic was responsible for pleted a prominent assignment sergeant in 2013. During his “The Public Safety
according to Public Safety numerous administrative with the accident investigation time as a patrol officer, Traylor Department is losing these four
Director Joshua Meier. duties, along with overseeing a unit where he took part in pro- participated in numerous spe- solid employees who have dedi-
“Tom successfully found a crew of firefighters responding cessing countless crash investi- cial assignments including those cated the last 20-plus years of
balance in performing his duties to emergency calls for service. gations for criminal prosecu- of field training officer, as a rifle their lives to protecting the peo-
while perpetually displaying Mearnic took on several addi- tion. Instructor and as a member of ple and property in our commu-
compassion to those in need. tional projects, most notably “As a field training officer, the elite Western-Wayne Special nity,” said Meier. “Each of these
This kindness is well-document- working toward updating the Randy took pride in training Operations Team. He was also men brought distinct personal
ed by the numerous complimen- department mapping system. new recruits, preparing them selected as a handler for the attributes to the department,
tary notes received throughout “Matt's pleasant demeanor for their career in law enforce- department's K-9 Unit, working and their presence will be
his career,” Mutchler said. was consistent throughout his ment. And, as a senior patrol with his canine German shep- notably missed.”
Roads the Canton trustees will meet to their roads done first.” crete. involved,” said Faas, noting the
hear from both the Michigan
Trustee Anne Marie Graham-
Michigan Department of
Faas referenced the town-
Municipal League and Hudak noted some areas don't ship “80-pound suitcase” on Transportation is imminent in
FROM PAGE 1 Michigan Townships have homeowner associations, road projects paperwork as well listing Ford Road under its aus-
Association about possible city- adding those residents can still as “sore spots we've collected pices “before Christmas to
allocation within the Downtown hood for Canton, including apply for road upgrade money. over the years.” hopefully deliver some good
Development Authority district financial implications. Faas said in early 2019 the Ford Road traffic volume is news,” Faas said of an intergov-
for the Ford Road boulevard Faas said the township con- HOA/resident letters will be especially high, and the Canton ernmental agreement to
project. sultant will likely have some reviewed. “That'll help us build Township boulevard plan for improve Ford Road, which has
Residents who spoke at the local road recommendations in an inventory of projects” for the the area has struggled for many a number of traffic crashes.
study session commented about January. He outlined the three years of work ending in years seeking state grant funds. “The timing is so critical,”
safety concerns on major roads letter/form plan to “precommit” 2022, Faas noted. Faas answered a resident that said Williams, who said he will
such as Ford, Canton Center, to local projects of one of three “Does it make sense to clus- funding could extend the boule- schedule a special meeting of
Haggerty and Sheldon as well sizes: 0 to $50,000, requiring a 5 ter projects to get economies of vard, a traffic calming/safety the board of trustees specifical-
as concerns about their own percent match; $50,000 to scale?” he asked, noting work effort, further west to the Belle ly to discuss Ford Road. “We
subdivisions. $100,000, requiring a 10 percent also can't be too disruptive to Tire location area. don't want to lose days.”
Faas explained the Roads match and up to $200,000, with a drivers and residents in one Faas said the 2014 Traffic Added Faas of state MDOT
Task Force recommendations, 20 percent match required. area. and Environment Study on officials, “They're treading care-
including exploring “the differ- “We want to get you in the An expanded work group is Ford Road is done, and in the fully. We too want to be careful.”
ence of the township form of work queue,” Williams told one forming to help with the town- spring of 2019, weather permit- Williams said county officials
government and the city form of woman who asked about bad ship road allocations. Faas ting, surveyors will start their tell him the closed Lilley Road
government.” roads. “Those subdivisions that explained developers generally Ford Road work in Canton. bridge, south of Palmer Road,
At 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18, are organized will probably get decide on use of asphalt vs. con- “There's a lot of steps will reopen in June 2019.
Musico, Miranda Musico,
Kaitlynn Caincross and careers/ (MICH)
Courtney Caincross; two HELP WANTED-
great -grandchildren, TRUCK DRIVER
Madilynn Musico and CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
Annabell McIntee, and 3 MONTHS MINIMUM
also her loving compan- EXPERIENCE, EXCEL-
ion Rick Pierce of LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
Belleville. ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
Mrs. Hemby was preced- CATED ROUTES ROMEO
ed in death by her par- AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
ents, and her husband, CALL RON 586-752-4529
John Andrew Hemby who EXT 1028 (MICH)
died March 2, 2004.
Funeral services took place STEEL BUILDINGS
Dec. 5, at David C. Brown PIONEER POLE BUILD-
Funeral Home, 460 E. INGS- Free Estimates-
Huron River Dr., Belleville. Licensed and insured-2x6
Interment was at Hillside Trusses-45 Year Warranty
Cemetery in Belleville. Galvalume Steel-19 Colors-
Sherrie Lynn Hemby Memorial contributions Since 1976-#1 in
Sherrie Lynn Hemby, 69, may be made to the family Michigan-Call Today 1-800-
of Van Buren Township, and would be appreciated. 292-0679. (MICH)
passed away Wednesday,
Nov. 28, 2018 at her WANTED TO
She was born Nov. 13, FREON R12 WANTED:
1949 in Wayne, the CERTIFIED BUYER will PAY
daughter of Donald and CLASS ACTION CA$H for R12 cylinders or
Margery (Archer) Gifford. LAWSUIT cases of cans. (312) 291-
She graduated from If you or a loved one were 9169; www.refrigerantfind-
Wayne Memorial High diagnosed with ovarian (MICH)
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She loved camping and tled to compensation.
family cook-outs, and was Contact Charles H. Looking to sell?
known for her salads. She Johnson 1-800-535-5727. Need to rent?
also enjoyed Palm trees (MICH)
and butterflies. She was a Find it fast in
former member of the HELP WANTED -
Belleville Moose Lodge PROFESSIONAL The Eagle’s
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Mrs. Hemby is survived by Market, a Cincinnati desti- Classifieds. Call
her two daughters: Cindy nation since 1971, currently 734-467-1900
(Phillip) Musico of has career opportunities for
Dearborn Heights, and Store Managers, Assistant to place your classified ad
Candy Caincross of Managers, Department
Wayne; four grandchil- Managers and Specialty or email
dren, Cory (Olivia) Food Buyers. https://jun-