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Festival fallout
Blues, Brews and Barbeque funds
presented to local charities, groups
While thousands of people enjoyed another remarkable event,” said Wild.
Blues Brews and Barbeque in Westland “This signature event attracts thousands
this year, hundreds more will benefit of people from Westland and surrounding
from the event. communities, but its only possible
Recently, Mayor William R. Wild pre- because of the help of our amazing civic
sented checks for more than $20,000 to 16 group volunteers.”
local community organizations, funded by The 16 community organizations
the Blues, Brews and Barbeque festival. received donations from the event Mayor William R. Wild presented donation checks generated at the Blues, Brews and
Barbeque event this year to representatives of 16 community groups last week.
To date, the event has generated a total of include: Friends of the Library, Gateway
nearly $250,000 for local charitable organ- Family Worship Center, Inspire Theater, The local organizations provided the check is a wonderful feeling because we
izations during the nine years it has taken Norwayne Community Citizens Council, volunteer manpower at the Blues, Brews know that these funds will help the
place in the community. Norwayne Boxing Club, St. John's and Barbeque festival. Volunteers from Westland civic groups do great things
The checks were presented to the vol- Episcopal Church, Westland Civitans, the community groups served as greeters, within the community,” commented
unteer organizations during a regular Westland Democratic Club, Westland worked as the grounds crew and checked Chamber of Commerce CEO Gretchen
meeting of the members of the city coun- Fire Fighters Public Awareness identifications, along with a variety of Heinicke. “It is my pleasure to work with
cil last month. Committee, Westland Grange, Westland other roles in an effort to cost effectively the volunteers and I appreciate all that
“I want to thank all of our volunteers, Area Jaycees, Westland Lions Club, operate the annual event, according to they do during the event and within the
the participating restaurants, our spon- Westland Rotary, Westland Youth officials. Westland community.”
sors and the performers and, of course, Assistance and the Westland Youth “Being able to give back to the organi- Next year, Blues, Brews and BBQ will
the Westland Chamber of Commerce for Athletic Association. zations and volunteers in the form of a take place Aug. 7 and 8 in the city.
Legislator speaks to Rotary club
Julie Brown Coleman said, “I'm not big on tax credits”
Staff Writer which he believes can unfairly benefit
businesses. He found the Federal-Mogul
State Rep. Kevin Coleman, who repre- situation different which prompted him to
sents both Wayne and Westland in the write that for his first bill.
Michigan Legislature, said he is well Coleman noted the Federal-Mogul firm
aware that Michigan roads are in bad went through business transition. Tenneco
shape. Coleman, a freshman Democrat, bought Federal-Mogul with a split into two
told Westland Rotarians recently an “us vs. companies.
them” mentality between metropolitan Coleman believes that transaction bene-
Detroit and the rest of Michigan is part of fited Michigan both with jobs and money
Close shave? the problem. “and made sure the company that's based
in Michigan would be able to collect.”
Rotarian John Albrecht pointed out
The faces of the Wayne Police Department have changed and will be changing how much better roads are in northern With some state legislators away Up
again this month as several officers shave for the first time in several weeks. The Michigan. Coleman, a former Westland North for hunting, Coleman, not among
department-wide facial hair was obvious evidence of the officers' participation in City Council member and first-term state them, said he wishes to help the Wayne-
Movember, a campaign that urges men to grow mustaches, and beards, to raise representative, noted a budget stalemate Westland Community Schools more in the
awareness of men's health and part of the Movember Foundation. Last year,
through pledges and donations, the Wayne Police Department raised $2,600 for in Lansing, partly due to partisan differ- coming months.
the foundation and this year set a goal of $3,000 for the month-long campaign. At ences. Coleman noted his and others' concerns
last report, the campaign had generated more than $2,000 but no final total was He has worked with former State Rep. as well about money and services for
available at press time. Bob Kosowski, a Westland Democrat, and Michigan children with autism. Coleman
others to understand budget issues. taught music to autistic children.