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Can we talk?
Gift of Life launches minority education effort
Jerome Espy was talking about discuss its future. age of 24, despite feverish
the need for organ, tissue and eye Remonia Chapman, Gift of attempts to save him, bringing
donors at an event last year when Life community outreach manag- him back to life seven times dur-
heard a familiar phrase: er and director of MOTTEP, said ing a 10-hour heart procedure.
“Oh no, I'm not doing that. I'm the Let's Talk program has made “There are people in our
taking my organs with me.” progress throughout the year, African American community
Espy, who received a donated reaching out to the African who feel that organ donation isn't
kidney about a year ago, said it American, Arabic American and important. You'd be surprised by
was an important reminder of Hispanic American population in how many people do say those Terra Defoe, a liaison for Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's office, speaks
common thoughts and myths Michigan through community things and not realize what to the audience at a recent Let's Talk campaign of Gift of Life
regarding organ and tissue dona- events, social media campaigns, they're saying,” she said. “We Michigan.
tion and the subsequent need for dialogue circles, educational have to have these conversations.
the Let's Talk campaign initiated videos and televised public serv- We have to have them in our com- yet we don't want to have that tions with people, you never
this year by Gift of Life Michigan ice announcements. munity. We have to put everything conversation,” she added. “We break down barriers or help
and the Minority Organ Tissue “It is critical that we encour- else aside and talk about life. don't have the conversation about them understand what's going
Transplant Education Program age conversations about the This is what's important.” life and preserving life. There's on,” added Rico Razo, who is also
foundation (MOTTEP). importance of organ and tissue It's also important, she said, to never going to be a perfect time. a liaison with the Detroit mayor's
“I know those kinds of atti- donation in order to positively have those conversations earlier. We all know that. But we all know office.
tudes exist in our community,” impact our communities,” she She urged people to discuss the someone who can be an influ- For more information about
said Espy. “That's why 'Let's Talk' said. “It is our belief that issue when they get together with encer in our family or in our cir- the Let's Talk initiative or to find
is important.” increased dialogue will lead to family or friends, even though it cle and just have the conversa- ways to get involved, visit
The Let's Talk Campaign is the increased awareness. Awareness may be a difficult subject. tion.”
first Gift of Life Michigan multi- will lead to the action that will “We miss this opportunity to The community can get Gift of Life Michigan is a fed-
cultural campaign designed to save and transform more lives - have the conversation with the involved in 2020 by: erally designated organ procure-
increase awareness of the need that's our commitment to our younger generation until our sons • talking to your loved ones ment organization that serves the
for more donors in multicultural community.” are lying in a hospital bed and about organ and tissue donation state of Michigan as the interme-
communities, dispel common Still, more education is need- the doctor says: 'He needs a kid- • signing up to be a donor and diary between donors, their fami-
misconceptions about organ, tis- ed. Terra Defoe, a liaison for ney. We have to find a match.' We encourage others to sign up lies and hospital staff. In collabo-
sue and eye donation, and to help Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's have to get engaged now. We have • visiting GOLM.ORG/LET- ration with Eversight, Gift of Life
people make informed decisions office, spoke to the common mis- to have these conversations now,” STALK to join the conversation provides all services necessary
about the process. Espy, along conception that hospital staff will Defoe said. • sharing the message on for organ, eye and tissue dona-
with Gift of Life ambassadors, not work as hard to save patients “We argue and fight about social networks using the hash- tion. For more information, or to
community advocates and influ- if they know they are registered everything stupid thing around tags #LetsTalk and sign up on the Donor Registry,
encers, got together recently to organ, eye and tissue donors. Her us, but here you have something #GiftOfLifeMich visit or call (866)
talk about its successes and to son Emilio became a donor at the that can help somebody else-and “If you don't have conversa- 500-5801.
Canton Library to host annual ‘Snow Spree’ event
Whether you smile at the first sight of spring, Canton Public Library has plenty The library will host the annual Services Librarian Whitney Jones. “We
snow or are counting the days until of reasons to celebrate winter. Winter Snow Spree from 7-8:30 p.m. hope that attendees will enjoy time
Tuesday, Dec. 17. Outdoor activities spent with family and friends while mak-
include rides on the Canton Express ing some special new memories.”
train and pictures with a reindeer. To The Spree is sponsored by Primrose
warm up, there will be hot chocolate and School of Canton. No registration
crafts inside. required. The Canton Public Library is
“The Winter Snow Spree is a chance located at 1200 S. Canton Center Road in
for our community to come together and Canton. Visit or call
celebrate all things winter,” said Youth (734) 397-0999 for library information.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, December 19, 2019 for the following: Truck Driver PIONEER POLE BUILD- Convenient, Certified
CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED, INGS- Free Estimates- Professionals
FENCING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 3 MONTHS MINIMUM Licensed and insured-2x6 (312) 291-9169
EXPERIENCE, EXCEL- Trusses-45 Year Warranty
Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a
sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-
posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
Publish 12/05/2019
CN1983 - 120519 2.5 x 2.079
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, December 19, 2019 for the following:
Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a
sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-
posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
Publish 12/05/2019
CN1984 - 120519 2.5 x 2.079
The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Charter Township
of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,
or activities.
Employment: The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-
tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of
the ADA.
Effective Communication: The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services
leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township
of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other
ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies
and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-
ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets
are generally prohibited.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-
ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human
Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon
as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its
programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities
should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
Canton, MI 48188, (734) 394-5260.
The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-
als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-
ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.
Publish: 12/05/19 CN1982 - 120519 2.5 x 4.72