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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 5, 2019

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Romulus OK’s re-zoning for new trucking facility

                       Scott Spielman  patch and truck repair facility.                          ”                                 there-that's my concern,” she
                        Special Writer  There would be space for about               Even though it is residential,                said. “Those businesses have
                                       30 trucks and or trailers to be                                                             been there and they're offering
           Another trucking facility   parked on the site, he said.            this zoning has taken over a good-sized             some of the same things you are
        could come to a vacant parcel on  “It's open to the public, but its          area of that residential zoning.              going to offer to the general pub-
        Ecorse Road in Romulus.        primary purpose is to service                                                               lic.”
           Members of the city council  their own trucks,” he said. “The                                                             Zelos said that would be a
        approved a request last week to  rest of the site is basically                                                             small part of the operation, how-
        rezone a 10-acre site between  truck/trailer storage.”          “There's also going to be a bar-  said. “We're well within an area  ever.
        Inkster and Middle Belt roads    The site is located just west of  rier, as well,” he said. “They won't  that is planned to be [this zoning]  “They're not competing with
        from light industrial use to indus-  Birchdale Street, a residential  be able to see into it.”  in the future.”            anyone else,” he said. “If some-
        trial transportation uses. Peter  neighborhood, but Zelos said the  He also pointed out that the  The council voted 6-1 on the  one comes looking for a repair,
        Zelos, an architect representing  industrial transportation use  new use is consistent with other  rezoning, with Virginia Williams  they won't turn them away, but
        the potential buyer, said the sale  requires additional landscaping  recent developments.   casting the lone negative vote.  their primary focus will be to
        would be contingent upon the   between it and any residential   “Even though it is residential,  She said she was concerned that  service their own trucks.”
        rezoning.                      uses. There would 100 feet of  this zoning has taken over a good-  there were other similar busi-  The project will be sent back
           The plan would be to establish  landscaping between the two  sized area of that residential zon-  nesses in the area.   to the planning commission for
        a trucking facility on site, along  properties, he added, that would  ing. We're in full compliance with  “If you're going to hurt the  site plan review before any final
        with an 8,000-square-foot dis-  include any retention basins.   the future land use map,” he  businesses that are already  approval.
        Laurain to lead county

        police chiefs association

                                                                                       MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
           Van Buren Township Public Safety                                                                       November 12, 2019
        Director Gregory M. Laurain will serve as                                          Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
        the new president of the Wayne County                                         The City Council Regular Meeting was Called to Order at 7:30 o’clock p.m.
        Association of Chiefs of Police.                                              Pledge of Allegiance
                                                                                      Roll Call
           Laurain was sworn into his new leader-                                     Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Virginia Williams.
        ship role by 34th District Court Judge                                        Excused: Celeste Roscoe, Eva Webb.
        David M. Parrott during a meeting of the                                      Administrative Officials in Attendance:
                                                                                      Leroy Burcroff, Mayor
        executive board of the association at the                                     Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
        Ted Scott Campus of Wayne County                                              Stacey Paige, Treasurer
        Community College District in Belleville.                                     Administrative Officials in Attendance:  Chief of Staff Julie Wojtylko, Deputy Clerk Robin Underwood.
                                                                                      1. Agenda
           Laurain has served in several capaci-                                      Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the Agenda as presented.
        ties with the association executive board,                                    Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
        including terms as vice president and as                                      Nays  None.
                                                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
        secretary.                                                                    2. Minutes
           Also taking the oath of office were                                        A. Res. #19-336 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo for approval of Minutes from the
        Michigan State Police Captain Tom Deasy                                       Regular Meeting held on November 4, 2019.
                                                                                      Roll Call Vote:
                                                                                                    Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
        as treasurer, Livonia Police Chief Curtis                                     Nays  None.
        Caid as past president, Plymouth Director                                     Motion Carried Unanimously
        of Public Safety/Police Chief Al Cox as sec-                                  B. Res. #19337 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Minutes from the Special Study
                                                                                      Session Meeting held on November 4, 2019.
        retary, Westland Chief Jeff Jedrusik as ser-  Public Safety Director Gregory Laurain  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
        geant at arms and Northville Chief Al                                         Nays  None.
        Maciag as vice president. Laurain will  said Laurain. “I look forward to carrying  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      3. Petitioner- None.
        represent member police chiefs, directors  on the mission and goals of the organiza-  4. Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor ProTem
        and executive-level law enforcement pro-  tion. We will continue to provide our col-  Res. #19338 Motion by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams to approve a Special Tribute
        fessionals across Wayne County during his  lective advice and take strong stances on  Resolution to the family of the late Don H. Barden in recognition of posthumous Secondary Street Naming
                                                                                      Ceremony to be held on November 14, 2019 in the City of Detroit. A special tribute renaming Lyndon Street to
        term.                                  any issue affecting law enforcement in  Don H. Barden Street.
           “It is an honor to serve in the position,”  Wayne County.”                 Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
                                                                                      Nays  None.
                                                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
                 To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.                         Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson’s Report.
                                                                                      Roll Call Vote:
                                                                                                    Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
                                                                                      Nays  None.
                                                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
                                  INVITATION TO BID                                   5. Mayor’s Report – LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
                         ROMULUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS                                    Mayor Burcroff addressed the City and Council regarding the City’s Cemetery and recognized Jan Lemmon,
                                                                                      Chair of the Cemetery Board. A framed commemorative U.S. flag and Certificate of Appreciation was present-
                                                                                      ed to retired Romulus employee, Tim Keyes.
         Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received, opened and read aloud, by Romulus  A video of current events was delivered by Jazmine Danci, Director of Marketing and Community Development.
         Community Schools at the District Administration Building located at 36540 Grant Rd., Romulus,  A .Res. #19339 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with administration and consent to
         MI 48174 no later than 1:00 PM local time on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 for the following  Piggyback on MiDeal Contract #07B7700181 with Gorno Ford to purchase of Two (2) Ford F250 Pick - Up
         work:                                                                        Trucks  for  the  Department  of  Public  Works  with  a  total  amount  of  $60,085.00.
                                                                                      Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
         Romulus High School - Cafeteria flooring replacement 9650 Wayne Rd, Romulus MI 48174    Nays  None.
         Romulus Middle School - Cafeteria Flooring Replacement 37300 Wick Rd, Romulus, MI 48174  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      B. Res. #19340 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration and
         HaleCreek Elementary - Cafeteria Flooring Replacement 16200 Harrison Rd, Romulus, MI 48174  introduce Budget Amendment 19/20-09 to carry over the program income from last fiscal year (6-30-19) and rec-
         Barth Elementary - Cafeteria Flooring Replacement 38207 Barth St, Romulus, MI 48174  ognize additional repayment of liens.
         Wick Elementary - Cafeteria Flooring Replacement 36900 Wick Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
         All bids shall be submitted online at:
         Please contact with any questions.
         The School Board will not accept any bid submitted after the indicated due time and date. Bidders
         will be required to submit with their Bid Proposals a Bid Security by a qualified surety authorized
         to do business in the state where the Projects is located. All Bid Proposals shall be accompanied
         by the following two forms: Familial Disclosure Form (in accordance with MCL 380.1267) and an
         Iran Economic Sanctions Act Form (in compliance with Michigan Public Act No. 517 of 2012).
         Bid Proposals that do not include these two sworn and notarized forms shall not be accepted.
                                                                                      Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
                      CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID                               Nays  None.
          ITB 19/20-17 2020 Chevrolet 3500 Low Cab 150" Truck Chassis With Morgan Dry  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      6. Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
                      Freight Van Body or Department Approved Alternates              Res. #19341 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Special Meeting Request from
                                                                                      Merrie Druyor, Director of Authorities for DDA and TIFA for December 9, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
         The City of Romulus is seeking bids from qualified vendors for the purchase of a 2020 Chevrolet  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
         3500 Low Cab Forward Gas 2WD Regular Cab 150" Truck Chassis with Dry Freight Van Body or  Nays  None.
         department approved alternates as specified in the solicitation documents.   Motion Carried Unanimously
         (1)    Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by  7. Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer
              the City.  Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing  An announcement by Treasurer Stacy Paige that kindly reminds citizens of the upcoming Winter Tax Bills which
                                                                                      will be distributed by December 1st.  Treasurer Paige stated that the Winter Tax bill is for Wayne County taxes.
              Group page of BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made  8. Public Comment
              on the forms included with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any  One resident addressed the legislative body regarding the donation of turkeys to Helping Hands.
              other source are not considered official copies.                        9. Unfinished Business
         (2)    Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the dis-  Mayor Burcroff addressed the Council and Community with special recognition of a phenomenal job well-done
              cretion of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN  by the Romulus Police, Fire and DPW departments during the winter storm, yesterday, which dumped approxi-
              Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the  mately 9 inches of snow in the city.
              MITN website regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to  10. New Business
              obtain all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed  Res. #19-342 Motion by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Virginia Williams to approve a Memorial Resolution for
              copy of each addendum as part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the  Ginny Smith, (Virginia Mae Smith), retired Romulus Community School District Teacher.
                                                                                      Roll Call Vote:
                                                                                                    Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
              addendum and sign and date the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in  Nays  None.
              the bid documents.                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
         (3)    A total of three copies (one marked "Original" and two marked "Copy") of the bid must  11. WARRANT
              be submitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's  A. Res. #19-343 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Warrant #1921; Checks pre-
              Office no later than 2:30 P.M., Tuesday, 1/7/2020.  Bids should be addressed using the bid  sented in the amount of $2,171,810.63.
              package label provided in the ITB documents.                            Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
         (4)    At approximately 2:45 p.m., local time all timely received bids will be publicly opened  Nays  None.
              and read.                                                               Motion Carried Unanimously
         (5)    The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all insurance required by the  B. Res. #19344 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Warrant #1921E; Checks pre-
                                                                                      sented in the amount of $1,325.00.
              ITB documents and copies of all required endorsements.                   Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
         (6)    The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves  Nays  None.
              the right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received  Motion Carried Unanimously
              and to award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the low-  11. Communication - Councilwomen:  Abdo, Talley and Williams spoke during Communications.
              est most responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the  Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.
              City of Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes  Abdo, Barden, Talley, Wadsworth, Williams.
         (7)    For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by  Nays  None.
              calling (734) 955-4568 or by emailing        Motion Carried Unanimously
         (8)    The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
                                                                                      copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Romulus City Council held on Tuesday, November 12,
              document or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  2019.
              Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or
              solicitations is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         Publish: 12/5/2019                                           RM0450 - 120519  2.5 x 5.875  City of Romulus, Michigan                      RM0449 - 120519  2.5 x 14.83
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