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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 21, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Holiday Tea reservations available     call (734) 942-7589.                  tainment. There will be a cash bar. Live  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge
           The Canton Historical Society will                                        entertainment on Dec. 3 will be by the  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in
        presents "A Holiday Tea" from 1-3 p.m.  Jazz musicians to perform            Marsha Gayle Band. Emcees are Ralph   Plymouth. For more information, call
        Saturday Dec. 7 at the Bartlett-Travis   Jazz @ The Elks take place from 7   and Kim Cabildo of RC DJ and Video.   (734) 453-1780 or visit
        House located at 500 North Ridge Road.   until 9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the                                   or email
           An afternoon tea will be served in a  month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  Christmas celebrated in Plymouth
        historic Canton house decorated for    Lodge 325. There is a $10 donation at the  A dining and shopping experience is  Arts council hosts holiday party
        Christmas accompanied by live music.   door which includes hors d'oeuvres.    set in downtown Plymouth from 5-9 p.m.  The Plymouth Community Arts
        Tea will include sandwiches and small    The Music of Billy Strayhorn,       Thursday, Dec. 5 when local merchants  Council will host a Member's Exhibit
        desserts and visitors can learn a bit about  Something to Live For is set for Tuesday,  will offer holiday sales, horse and car-  Reception and Holiday Park celebration
        how Christmas in Canton used to be     Nov. 25.  . Singing will be Emma      riage tours will be available, live music  the 50th anniversary of the organization
        spent.                                 Aboukasm with Scott Gwinnell on key-  and dance entertainment will fill the  from 7-9 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7.
           Tickets are $25 each and available at  board, Pete Siers on drums, Rob Bickley  streets and live reindeer and elves will be  There will be hors d'oeuvres and live
        the Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit   on bass, and Janelle Reichman on sax  on hand.                              music along with a silent auction.
        Parkway in Canton.                     and clarinet.                           The Mistletoe Market will be open   Artwork from members will be for sale
           Seating is limited so early ticket reser-  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge  from noon until 9 p.m. and will carry on  and the event is open to the public.
        vations are encouraged, organizers said.  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road.  the tradition of the open-air Christmas  The Plymouth Community Arts
                                               For more information, call (734) 453-1780  markets throughout Europe. The event  Council is located at 774 North Sheldon
        Veterans holiday meals available       or visit or email    will feature specialty foods, handcrafted  Road in Plymouth.
           City of Westland Mayor William R.                                         holiday gifts and fresh green s and weath-  For more information, call (734) 416
        Wild, City of Wayne Mayor John P. Rhaesa  Santa arrives in Plymouth          er. The market will take place in the  4278.
        and Wayne-Ford Civic League President    Santa will arrive in downtown       Gathering across from Kellogg Park.
        Vic Barra are now accepting registrations  Plymouth during a special celebration in                                Country Garden Club to meet
        for the 6th Annual Holiday Meals for   Kellogg Park  from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Nov.  Winterfest Parade planned            Members of the Country Garden Club
        Wayne-Westland Veterans and Active     29.                                     The Belleville Area Chamber of      of Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 at
        Duty Families - recipients will receive a  Santa will arrive in Kellogg Park by  Commerce Parade will begin at 6 p.m.  Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in
        16-20 pound turkey, stuffing, mashed   fire truck at approximately 6 p.m. and vis-  Dec. 7 and step off at Belleville High  Northville.
        potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn,  its with Santa in his special holiday home  School.                        The speaker for the meeting will be
        green beans, cranberry sauce and rolls  will begin during the weekend.         Following the parade, the Belleville  Cheryl English who will discuss the
        for a family of sic to eight people. The                                     Christmas tree-lighting ceremony will  Autumn Jewels. Light snacks will be
        meal is free.                          Saint Nick comes to Wayne             take place on the lawn of the lawn of the  served. For more information, call (248)
           Veterans' families only need to register  Small Business Saturday in downtown  Belleville Areas Museum          202-1518.
        at  Wayne Nov. 30 will also feature a special  The museum, which serves Sumpter
        meals  or contact Wild's office at (734) 467-  visitor when Santa arrives.   and Van Buren townships along with the  Elks host Blues performance
        3200            or            email:     Wayne Main Street has partnered with  City of Belleville, is located at 405 Main  Blues @ The Elks takes place from 7, or contact   the State Wayne Theater, 35310 W.     St. in Belleville. For more information,  until 10 p.m. the second Tuesday of the
        Rhaesa's office at (734) 722-2000 or   Michigan Ave., to bring Saint Nick to the  call (734)697-1944.              month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Applications  city. Children 12 and younger will have a                                   Lodge #325 in partnership with the
        must be submitted by noon on Friday,   chance to visit with Santa and have a free  Elks to host Flying Crowbars    Detroit Blues Society (www.detroitblues-
        Nov, 22, 2019.  Veterans and/or families  photo taken from noon until 2 p.m. on  Blues @ The Elks takes place from 7 There is a $5 donation at the
        can pick up their meal on Saturday, Nov.  Small Business Saturday.           until 10 p.m. the second Tuesday of the  door and dancing is encouraged.
        23, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Wayne  The special shopping day will begin in  month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  The Kathleen Murray Band will per-
        Ford Civic League, 1661 N. Wayne Road.  Wayne at Karma Coffee & Kitchen, 35634  Lodge #325 in partnership with the  form Jan. 14. Joining Murray with vocals
                                               W. Michigan Ave., from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Detroit Blues Society (www.detroitblues-  is Mike Ferencz on guitar, Craig Scott on
        Holiday Home Tour planned              Participants will be able to pick up a free There is a $5 donation at the  bass, Bob Bowman on drums and Evan
           From a home built in 1883 to a condo-  Shop Small tote and other Small    door and  dancing is encouraged.      Mercer on keyboard.
        minium with a weaving loft, visitors to the  Business Saturday swag. Organizers will  Erich Goebel and the Flying Crowbars  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge
        Northville Community Foundation        also be giving away $1,000 in gift cards  will perform Dec. 10.  Goebel leads with  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in
        Holiday Home Tour can visit five private-  from local businesses that attendees will  guitar and vocals, Dave Watson on drums,  Plymouth. For more information, call
        ly-owned homes filled with Christmas   have a chance to win.  The event is free to  Joe LaBeau on sax and Chris Rumel on  (734) 453-1780 or visit
        spirit this year.                      attend, and the first 100 people will  bass.                                or email
           This year, the highly anticipated tour is  receive a free small coffee.
        planned for 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. tomorrow  The event is being sponsored by the
        and Saturday, Nov. 22 and 23.          Wayne DDA, Jack Demmer Ford,
           The tour homes have each been fully  Phoenix Theatres, Village Dental, and
        decorated for the holidays             Karma Coffee.
           The 2019 Holiday Home Tour will also
        feature a refreshment stop at the Tipping  Westland Taste Fest served
        Point Theatre in downtown Northville.    The Westland Holiday Taste Fest, set
        Guests can enjoy light refreshments and  for 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3, will offer
        also enter to win two tickets to a future  tasty food, entertainment, an auction, raf-
        Tipping Point Theatre production.      fles and more.
           Tickets for the 2019 Holiday Home     The event will take place at the
        Tour are $25 if purchased in advance and  Hellenic Cultural Center, 36375 Joy Road
        $30 the day of the tour.  To purchase tick-  in Westland and proceeds will support
        ets in advance, visit Pear-Aphernalia,  the Westland Rotary Charities and
        Gardenviews, Haven of Northville, or the  Westland Chamber of Commerce.
        Northville Chamber of Commerce.          Wayne County Community College
        Tickets may also be purchased online by  District is presenting the annual social
        visiting www.northvillecommunityfoun-  event this year, while other sponsors are or by phone by calling (248)  also being sought. Call the Westland
        374-0200.                              Chamber at (734) 326-7222 or visit the
                                               website, for
        Anime Club to meet                     more information.
           All ages are welcome at the free meet-  A children's winter clothing drive is on
        ing of the Anime Club at the Romulus   tap as part of Taste Fest: Donors who
        Library at 5 p.m. Nov. 25.             bring new or gently used kids' gloves, hats
           Visitors will watch anime, eat      or boots for children ages 3 and up will be
        Japanese snacks and do a craft.        entered in a special raffle. For that raffle,
           The event is sponsored in part by the  Zeal Credit Union has donated a $100 gift
        Friends of the Library.                card.
           The library is located at 11121 Wayne  Admission to the Taste Fest is $25 per
        Road in Romulus. For more information,  person which includes food and enter-
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