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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 21, 2019


        Community pledge donations save recreational fields

           Don Soenen watched the For    According to officials, the hall-                       ”                                   In addition to securing these
        Sale sign go up at 10-acres of recre-  ways on all three floors of the for-  All the improvements will be funded by an as-yet  funds for major capital improve-
        ational fields owned by the    mer Central Middle School will                                                              ments, PARC - like all non-profit
        Plymouth Arts and Recreation   have new ceiling tiles, new LED     unidentified group of residents and foundations.        organizations- will continue to face
        Complex (PARC) a few months ago  lighting, new paint on the walls                                                          the ongoing challenge of balancing
        with some regret. Now, Soenen,  and lockers, and refurbished floor-                                                        the annual operating budget.  This
        who serves as PARC president, will  ing including the original terrazzo  officials said.    and no major private donations  year, the facility has been bolstered
        happily watch the sign come down  floors, along with already-installed  All the improvements will be  emerged, we reluctantly decided to  by a record facility utilization
        as the property is no longer on the  new directory and wayfinding  funded by an as-yet unidentified  sell the 'excess land'.  Not because  which has led to a 15 percent
        market.                        signs.  Exterior doors have already  group of residents and foundations  we wanted to; because at that point  increase in revenue over 2018,
           Benefactors of the arts complex  been replaced where needed, and  which recently banded together to  we had to, as the building is not  combined with the recurring,
        have come forward and pledged  all have been re-painted, accord-  make charitable pledges to PARC  long-term viable without sufficient  needed annual charitable dona-
        the necessary funding to make the  ing to a spokesperson.     on the condition that the complex  funding to make necessary repairs  tions to PARC by foundations and
        needed improvements at the 100-  In addition, broken and uneven  would abandon the sale of the  and improvements.  Those who  residents, including the $100 pub-
        year old building, conditional on  cement leading to the front  recreational fields.        have now stepped forward to allow  lic campaign initiated this year,
        the retaining of the recreational  entrance has been replaced and  When members of the board  us to retain the 10 acres of recre-  Soenen said.
        fields by the arts complex, Soenen  next year, officials said, the first  realized that enough pledges had  ational and green space have done  “No other community that we
        said.                          priority will be the much-needed  been received to fund the neces-  PARC and Plymouth a great favor  are aware of in the region, or any-
           Last week, following the    re-paving of the parking lot.  Other  sary improvements to the historic  for which we should all be grate-  where in Michigan, can boast this
        pledges, members of the board of  projects that will be phased in dur-  school building, they enthusiasti-  ful,” the board members noted in a  breadth and depth of quality arts,
        directors of the 501 c 3 non-profit  ing the next few years include:  re-  cally agreed to the condition and  prepared statement.    education, and recreation organi-
        were happy to reveal plans for  installing full-size windows consis-  agreed to cancel the sale of the 10-  “The private donors who made  zations in one central location,
        major capital improvements dur-  tent with the original appearance  acres of green space despite the  this possible will be appropriately  helping sustain these mostly non-
        ing the next 3 to 4 years to help  of the building and some major  significant financial offers from  recognized via naming rights as  profit organizations and providing
        ensure the building remains a val-  upgrades to the pool area, locker  several qualified developers, a  their multi-year charitable dona-  outstanding quality-of-life opportu-
        ued asset for the Plymouth com-  rooms, and theater. All the rest  source noted.            tions turn into completed proj-  nities for residents of all ages,” the
        munity.                        rooms will also be refurbished,  “When the millage vote failed  ects,” the statement continued.  board statement concluded.

        Library to debut new upgraded creative computer lab on Saturday

           The Plymouth District Library will for-  Enhancement Grant through the    Premiere Pro, Illustrator, InDesign, After  our local student population.”
        mally unveil the recently-completed full  Michigan Economic Development      Effects and Acrobat; a full color graphics  Training classes for those utilizing the
        scale upgrade to the facility computer lab  Corporation, according to a library  printer; a large poster printer; faster net-  lab will be available for students at all lev-
        Saturday.                              spokesman.  The new full-service creative  work capabilities and training classes at  els.  Pairing this with the library extensive
           The new full-service creative computer  lab will now be available seven days a  all levels                      online training product, LinkedIn
        lab will be formally introduced from 11  week.  Improvements and upgrades at the  Advanced graphics and video capabili-  Learning, offers even more professional
        a.m. until 2 p.m. this Saturday, Nov. 23.  facility include: all new public computers  ties in the Creative Lab will speak directly  instruction opportunities, Souchock
        The upgraded facility was created with  updated with Adobe Creative Cloud Suite  to the needs of area entrepreneurs and  added.  LinkedIn Learning, provided for
        the   assistance   of  a   Michigan    2020, which includes Adobe Photoshop,  small business owners as their communi-  Plymouth library cardholders, was made
                                                                                     cation efforts expand, the spokesman  possible through the support of the Bosch
                                                                                     noted.  Area students, both at the high  Community Fund.  Both the lab classes
                                                                                     school and college levels will find the lab  and LinkedIn Learning sessions will
                                                                                     vitally important in the completion of class  directly improve job skills for community
                                                                                     assignments.                          members as they look to secure future
                                                                                       “These improvements literally trans-  employment or advance professionally,
                                                                                     form our lab from a basic computer class-  Souchock said.
                                                                                     room into an economic development tool   No registration is required for the
                                                                                     for the community, “commented Carol   Creative Lab open house Saturday. The
                                                                                     Souchock, director of the library.  “Our  library is located at 223 S. Main St. in
                                                                                     seven-day service will go beyond what is  Plymouth. For more information, visit
                                                                                     available in the schools, greatly serving or call (734) 453-0750.


                                                                                                           2012 FORD             3  MONTHS   MINIMUM
                                                                                                           FUSION                EXPERIENCE,  EXCEL-
                                                                                                           3FAHP0HA1CR304640     LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
                                                                                          Stefek’s         2002 FORD             ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
                                                                                                                                 CATED ROUTES ROMEO
        One Plymouth resident got an early look at the Adobe Creative Cloud software now  Beautiful Estate Sale  1FMZU75E52ZA94170  AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
        available in the upgraded computer lab at the library.                           Fri 11/22 & Sat   2007 PONTIAC          CALL RON 586-752-4529
                                                                                          11/23, 9-3pm     G6                    EXT 1028
                                                                                         1000 Scott Ct.    1G2ZH57N974120434
                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH                              Northville, MI 48167  2005 CHEVROLET
                                 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS                                 Check website     UPLANDER                  Steel Buildings
                                THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2019                            for photos and details:  1GNDV03L55D258353  PIONEER POLE BUILD-
                                                                                                                                 INGS- Free Estimates-
                                                                                                           2003 FORD
                                          6:00 P.M.                          WINDSTAR           Licensed and insured-2x6
                                                                                                           2FMDA53453BB68726     Trusses-45 Year Warranty  T o subscribe to The Eagle   call 734-467-1900.
         PLEASE NOTE that the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its Regular Meeting on Thursday,                                 Galvalume Steel-19 Colors-
         December 5, 2019 commencing at 6:00 p.m., to consider:                                            These vehicles were towed  Since  1976-#1  in
                                                                                                           by Michigan State Police.   Michigan-Call Today 1-800-
              Application 1597 (tabled from 9/5/19), R78-005-99-0009-301, 15075 Beck RD, IND zoning district is  NOTICE OF AUCTION AT  292-0679.
              requesting two variances:                                               J&T CROVA TOWING
                 1. To be allowed to have the signable area for a monument sign to be 65 square feet whereas 60  36573 GRANT ST,
                   square feet is allowed with a distance from the road of 22 feet with a road frontage of over 200  ROMULUS, MI 48174  Wanted to Buy or Trade
                   feet. Variance requested is an additional 5 square feet of sign area.  (734) 699-0584                         WANTED FREON R12: We
                 2. To be allowed to have the height of the monument sign to be 12 feet whereas 10 feet is allowed  THURSDAY NOVEMBER  pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11
                   with a distance of 22 feet from the road with over 200 feet of road frontage. Variance requested is  21ST, 2019 @ 9:00 AM  Convenient, Certified
                   2 additional feet in height.                                                                 Help Wanted           Professionals
                                                                                     2007 CHEVROLET            - Truck Driver        (312) 291-9169
         The meeting will be held at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road in the Town Hall Meeting Room.  IMPALA  CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
         Posted: Eagle Newspaper November 21, 2019                  PT0273 - 112119  2.5 x 2.718

                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                      ON ADOPTION OF
                                    BROWNFIELD PLAN
                               REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing shall be held before the Township Board of the Charter
         Township of Plymouth on the 10th day of December, 2019, at 7 p.m. in the Plymouth Town Hall, 9555 Haggerty
         Road, Plymouth, Michigan, on the adoption of the Michigan International Technology Center Redevelopment
         Authority's Brownfield Plan, of which the Authority proposes to implement pursuant to and in accordance with
         the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, being Act 381 of the Public Acts of the State of
         Michigan of 1996, as amended.
         The property to which the proposed Brownfield Plan applies is the property located in the Michigan International
         Technology Center Redevelopment Area, which includes approximately 800 acres of property along the north
         and south sides of Five Mile Road between Napier Road and Beck Road in Northville and Plymouth Townships.
         Identification of the specific property subject to the proposed Brownfield Plan is as follows:

             77-066-99-0001-716   NTBRA         78-001-99-0001-703  City of Detroit
                                                                   Hillside Realty
             77-066-99-0001-719   NTBRA         78-001-99-0001-704  Investments, LLC
                                                 (130-acre portion)
             77-066-99-0001-722  Zhongding Sealing   78-001-99-0001-704  Hillside Realty
                                 Parts USA        (3-acre portion)  Investments, LLC
                                                                   Hillside Realty
             77-066-99-0002-700  DTE Electric Company  78-006-99-0001-701  Investments, LLC
             77-066-99-0002-701  Northville Township  78-006-99-0001-002  Adient plc
             77-066-99-0002-702  Northville Township  78-006-99-0001-711  Michigan Land Bank
             77-066-99-0001-723   NTBRA        Adjoining road rights-of-  Wayne County
              (4.5-acre portion)                      way
         This description of the property along with any maps and a description of the Brownfield Plan are available for
         public inspection at Plymouth Town Hall, 9555 Haggerty Road.  Please note that all aspects of the Brownfield
         Plan are open for discussion at the public hearing.
                                                         _________________________, Clerk
                                                                     November 7, 2019
          PT0272 - 112119  2.5 x 6.165
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