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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 21, 2019

                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Legends holiday giveaway raffle ticket sales continue

           Tickets for the Annual      a $50 dinner card; a family pack-                         ”                                   The drawing for all the prizes
        Christmas Giveaway in Inkster  age for two nights at the luxuri-  The drawing for all the prizes will take place during    will take place during an event
        are now on sale.               ous Mackinac Island Bayshore                                                                set for 5 until 8 p.m. Dec. 18 at the
           Every year, the giveaway pro-  Resort along with a $50 gas card   an event set for 5 until 8 p.m. Dec. 18 at the        Booker     Dozier    Inkster
        vides groceries, clothes, food and  and four tickets to see the Detroit  Booker Dozier Inkster Recreation Complex.         Recreation Complex, 2025
        toys to 100 Inkster families in  Pistons play the Milwaukee                                                                Middlebelt Road in Inkster.
        need for the holiday as the group  bucks Feb. 20, 2020, which also                                                           Tickets and more information
        has been doing for decades.    include a $50 dinner card.     this year there are more than 25  Museum; a case of steaks, multi-  are available from Director Fred
           This year the event, organized  All proceeds go to the Inkster  prizes to be awarded including  ple gift cards for meals at some of  Smiley, (734) 890-2478; Larry
        by the Inkster Legends of      Christmas Giveaway which pro-  tickets to the Detroit Music Hall;  the best-known restaurants in the  Spencer, (313) 520-8144 and
        Basketball, will offer three grand  vides groceries and gifts for at  a night on the Princess Cruise  area; a one-night hotel stay; three  Daniel Orr, (313) 715-6700.
        prizes, including a family pack-  least 100 needy families in the  Ship; a birthday party blast for 15  haircuts and event a $150 profes-  Details about the prizes are
        age to see the world-famous    city.                          at the Romulus Athletic Center;  sional teeth whitening at a local  available at www.inkster-
        Harlem Globetrotters along with  Tickets are priced at $10 and  tickets to the Henry Ford   dental center.       

          Gobble, Gobble                                                                             Person of the Year is sought

                                                                                                                                   according to a spokesman.
          Romulus Goodfellows Turkey Trot set tomorrow                                               Chamber of Commerce is now    Nomination forms are available
                                                                                                                                   on the chamber website and
                                                                                                     accepting nominations for the
                                                                                                     35th Person of the Year award.  should include the contributions
             The Romulus Goodfellows'    Plenty of parking available  Tickets may be purchased         Each year, the award is pre-  the nominee has made to the
          Gobble Wobble Turkey Trot will  at either location with shuttle  through Eventbrite or at  sented to a person who has made  City of Romulus and can be
          begin at 5 p.m. tomorrow, Nov.  services available until 6:30  Romulus City Hall in the    outstanding non-monetary con-  made by anyone.
          22 for packet pick up and warm  p.m. Holiday turkey attire is  Community  Development      tributions to the community.    The chamber office is located
          up at the Artisan Reserve and  encouraged.                Office for $10.                  Nominations will be accepted at  at 11189 Shook Road.d,  28134.
          at 5:30, participants will trot on  There will be a DJ, Karaoke,  For more information, call  the chamber office until 4 p.m.  For more information, call
          over to Walter's Bar.        contests and trophies.       (734) 955-4535.                  on Friday, Dec. 20 and will be  (734)  893-0694  or   visit
                                                                                                     kept in strictest confidence,
        Barden                                 investors to seal the deal and upgrade  organizing a series of regional economic  daughter, Alana M. Barden.
                                                                                                                              “I am honored to have my brother com-
                                                                                     peace conferences to address Detroit's
                                                 Mr. Barden rose from humble begin-  crime problem, national reputation, and  memorated with this street sign,” said
        FROM PAGE 1                            nings to become a self-made multimillion-  need for economic development. Mr.  John Barden. “Don was dedicated to
                                               aire and trailblazer in America's gaming  Barden died on May 19, 2011 from lung  building a better Detroit. He created jobs
        casinos in Mississippi and Colorado.   industry. In 2010, Black Enterprise   cancer in Detroit at the age of 67. In addi-  and other opportunities for many people.
           He acquired three Fitzgeralds casinos  Magazine ranked Barden companies as  tion to his son, Don, Jr., he is survived by a  This is a fitting tribute.”
        for $149 million in 2001, making him the  the 10th highest grossing Black-owned
        first Black businessman to own casino  company in the United States, with $405                        ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
        operations in Las Vegas. Mr. Barden used  million in revenue.
        $14 million of his own money and raised  Mr. Barden never forgot his roots and              LITCHFIELD DRIVE SAD ROAD RECONSTRUCTION
        $150 million from 40 institutional     was widely known for his charitable work,                      Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                                                                                  Plymouth, Michigan
                                                                                                                   November 21, 2019

                                                                                      Sealed Bids for the construction of the Litchfield Drive SAD Road Reconstruction will be received by Charter
                                                                                      Township of Plymouth, by the office of the Township Clerk at 9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan until
                                                                                      2:00 pm local time on December 17, 2019, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The
                                                                                      approximate quantities of major items of work involved are as follows:
                                                                                           Concrete Road Pavement Removal and Replacement   5,964 syd
                                                                                           Aggregate Base                               2,050 tons
                                                                                           6-inch Underdrain                            3,600 ft
                                                                                           12-inch RCP Storm Sewer                      325 ft
                                                                                           4-foot Dia Catch Basins                      2 each
                                                                                           2-foot Dia Inlets                            2 each
                                                                                      This project is a Special Assessment District.

                                                                                      The ENGINEER for the project is Orchard, Hiltz, & McCliment, Inc. (d.b.a. OHM Advisors), 34000 Plymouth
                                                                                      Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150.
        Comcast hosts of the dedica-                                                  Bidding Documents may be obtained on BidNet Direct website (formerly MITN). Neither Owner nor ENGI-
        tion   ceremony      Scott                                                    NEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from
        Monteith, vice president of                                                   sources other than BidNet Direct website. Bidders should direct correspondence to the ENGINEER, OHM
        field operations, left and                                                    Advisors. For questions related to the design documents, contact Kyle Selter, PE of OHM Advisors at 734-466-
        Craig D'Agostini, vice presi-
        dent of external affairs, wel-                                                Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security in the form of a Bid
        come the crowd of family                                                      Bond for a sum no less than 5% of the amount of the Bid will be required with each Bid. Bids shall be enclosed
        members and city officials                                                    in sealed envelopes plainly marked with the project name and the name of the bidder.
        and media.                                                                    No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 90 calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of the Bids.
                                                                                      This time period may be extended by mutual agreement of the Owner and any Bidder or Bidders. The OWNER
                                                                                      reserves the right to accept any or all Bids and award the contract to other than the lowest bidder, to waive any
                                                                                      irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all Bids; and in general to make the award of the Contract
                                                                                      in any manner deemed by the OWNER, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the OWNER.
                                                                                      No pre-bid meeting is scheduled for this project.
                                                                                                                                            Jerry Vorva, Township Clerk
                                                                                      PT0271 - 112119  2.5 x 5.744                        Charter Township of Plymouth

                                                                                                               CITY OF ROMULUS
                                                                                                               ORDINANCE NO. 19-335
                                                                                      AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 50 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, SECTION 50-1
                                                                                      AND SECTION 50-13 of the CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF ROMULUS.
                                                                                      THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:
                                                                                      Chapter 50 Section 50-1 is amended to read as follows:
                                                                                      Sec. 50-1. - Necessity for improvements or abatements.
                                                                                         Whenever the city council, based upon sufficient petition of property owners, shall by resolution
                                                                                      determine the necessity for the improvement of certain lands within the city for any public use or
                                                                                      purpose or to bring about the abatement of a public nuisance, it shall direct the city assessor to pre-
                                                                                      pare a list of all of the lots, subdivisions and parcels of real property making up the total area of prop-
                                                                                      erty affected by such improvement. The list shall contain the name of the owner, or other party in
                      CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID                               interest of each parcel, subdivision or lot to the best of the city assessor’s knowledge.
                ITB 19/20-18 HEAT TREATED UNDERBODY SCRAPER BLADES                    Chapter 50 Section 50-13 is amended to read as follows:
         The City of Romulus Michigan, Department of Public Works is seeking bids from qualified compa-  Sec. 50-13. - Petitioning city for street lighting; payment for improvement.
         nies for guaranteed three (3) month fixed pricing for heat treated underbody scraper blades.   (a) Any property owner may petition the city to have street lighting or additional street light-
                                                                                             ing installed in the vicinity of his property.
         (1) Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City.  (b) The petition shall be filed with the city assessor and shall be signed by not less than 51
            Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing Group page of  percent of the property owners in the assessment district. The petition shall be verified by
            BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms includ-  the city assessor and certified as sufficient by him.
            ed with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other source are not con-  (c) The city assessor, upon determination of the sufficiency of the petition, shall follow
            sidered official copies.                                                       the requirements of Section 50-2 through 50-10.
         (2) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion of  (d) Payment of the cost of the improvement shall be borne by the property owners within the
            the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN Purchasing Group  district, the costs to be based on an annual charge as prescribed by resolution of the city
            page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly  council.
            for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued addenda and  (e) The city shall pay all street lighting charges against city property not held for public pur-
            acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as part of  poses.
            the required documents for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date the  (f) This section shall not apply to residential, commercial, or other developments in which
            "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid documents.          street lighting installation is required as part of the city's approval process for the devel-
         (3) A total of three copies (one marked "Original" and two marked "Copy") of the bid must be sub-  opment. In such cases, the developer shall be responsible for completion of street lighting
            mitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later  installation in accordance with the site plans and any and all other city requirements pur-
            than 2:30 P.M., Tuesday, 12/10/2019.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package label pro-  suant to the approval process for the development.
            vided in the ITB documents.                                               ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this  day of
         (4) At approximately 2:45 p.m., local time all timely received bids will be publicly opened and read.   November, 2019.
         (5) The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required by the  I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City Council
            ITB documents and copies of all required endorsements.                    of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the City Council Room in said City on
         (6) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the  the 4 day of November, 2019.
            right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and to  I further certify that the foregoing was published in The Eagle, a newspaper of general circula-
            award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most  tion in the City of Romulus, on the 21 day of November, 2019.
            responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus  ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC, City Clerk
            or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.  Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a peti-
         (7) For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by calling  tion may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect. Said
            (734) 955-4568 or by emailing .                 petition shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%)
         (8) The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published document  of the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was
            or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  Unauthorized post-  elected. Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council
            ing of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or solicitations is strictly  shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
            prohibited.                                                               Introduced:    10-14-2019
                                                                                      Second Reading:   11-04-2019
         Publish: 11/21/2019                                           RM0442 - 112119  2.5 x 5.312  Published/Effective 11-21-2019                RM0445 - 112119  2.5 x 6.977
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