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November 18, 2021                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7


        Rezoning of marijuana growing sites is proposed

           Sumpter Township may soon                                                                he told the commissioners, there  board. Young said this change
        restrict marijuana growers to                             ”                                 have recently been positive court  would give the township, like
        industrial-zoned property, rather          Young said this change would  give               cases that encouraged reinstate-  other municipalities, more con-
        than allowing caregivers to uti-                                                            ment of the zoning ordinances  trol over where marijuana is
        lize their primary residences to         the township, like other municipalities,           which give local municipalities  grown.
        produce the plants.                   more control over where marijuana is grown.           the authority to control where   Young will prepare some new
           Trustee Matt Oddy first                                                                  caregivers can grow marijuana.  versions of the ordinance, Oddy
        brought the issue to the attention                                                          A public hearing on the change  said, and notices of a public hear-
        of the board of trustees during a                                                           would be required, Oddy said, to  ing on the matter could be sent
        regular meeting, explaining that  Oddy again presented the    under the Michigan Medical    have the restriction adopted. He  within 30 days. He told the com-
        there have been changes and    issue at the Nov.  4 meeting of the  Marijuana Act of 2008 within  said that he had looked at the  missioners they could discuss the
        challenges to the current state  Sumpter Township Planning    Sumpter Township.”            ordinances of several other com-  changes and following public
        law and that this effort could be  Commission, where he serves as  He said a portion of this ordi-  munities and each is putting the  input, have the new require-
        superceded by changes under    the board liaison. The proposed  nance was previously repealed  growing of marijuana in industri-  ments approved by the members
        discussion   in   the   state  amendment to the zoning ordi-  by the board because there had  al-zones areas.              of the board of trustees.
        Legislature. Nevertheless, Oddy  nance would  “establish, regu-  been lawsuits challenging the  Township attorney Rob Young  The changes affect Ordinance
        said, he felt the township should  late, and specifically define the  regulation and the Michigan  thanked Oddy for explaining the  sections 4.15.2, 5.16.2, and 6.55. A
        impose restrictions moving the  permitted locations for regis-  Township Association had rec-  item and said the proposed  public hearing is set for Dec. 9.
        growing of the plants to an indus-  tered Primary CareGiver   ommended the repeal of that sec-  change was referred to the plan-  (See official notice of public
        trially zoned area.            Operations being conducted     tion of the ordinance.  However,  ning commission by the township  hearing, page 6.)
        Trustees delay purchase of pump station air cleaning system

           Members of the Sumpter Township     ter authorized next spring. The machine  survey indicated that 26 or 27 of neigh-  control device “needs to start operating.”
        Board of Trustees opted to table the pur-  would be installed in an effort to remedi-  boring residents found the smell emanat-  Trustees discussed, at length, the cost
        chase of a new air cleaning system for  ate the odor at the pump station, located  ing from the station to be “intolerable.”  of the installation of the BioAir system,
        the Sumpter Road pump station until    at the corner of Willis and Sumpter     Sumpter Township Department of      including the cement pad necessary to
        next spring.                           roads.                                Public Works John Danci told the council  properly operate the machinery.
           Trustees agreed that the 14-16-week   Residents in the area have been com-  members during the meeting earlier this  The decision on the purchase was
        lead time necessary for the installation of  plaining for months about the odors  month that the situation was an “urgent  tabled and is expected to be revisited by
        the $85,100 BioAir system would be bet-  emitting from the facility, and a recent  matter” and that the air filtration and  trustees in the spring.

                                                                                                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                      NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM                  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton held on November
                                                                                      9, 2021, the Board of Trustees adopted an amendment to the Zoning Map of the Zoning Ordinance (Article 8.00 of Appendix A
          The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six Mile Road,  - Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances of the Charter Township of Canton) to rezone a portion of parcel no.  057-01-0013-301 at
          Northville, MI 48168 to consider a special land use for an outdoor event venue at 19275 Gerald St.  44125 Ford Road from OSP, Off-Street Parking and Central Business District (CBD) Overlay to C-2, Community Commercial
                                                                                      and Central Business District (CBD) Overlay, which is an area measuring approximately 40 feet by 127.5 feet and described as
          The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions. Plans will be available for view-  the south ½ of the vacated alley adjacent to Lot 404 and the north 30 feet of Lot 404 of McIntyre Manor Subdivision
          ing at the  Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the
          Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168.  This amendment to the Zoning Map of the Zoning Ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of seven (7) days after its pub-
                                                                                      lication date.  Copies of the amendment may be viewed or obtained at the Canton Township Administration Building, Office of
          Tim Zawodny, Chair                                                          the Township Clerk, 1150 Canton Center S., Canton, MI 48188 during regular business hours.
          Planning Commission
                                                                                      Publish:  November 18, 2021
          Publish: 11/18/2021                                          NT0158 - 111821  2.5 x 1.86  Effective Date:  November 26, 2021                CN2313 - 111821  2.5 x 1.946

                                    PLANNING COMMISSION                                                         PLANNING COMMISSION
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                                                    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

          NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant
          to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton  to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton
          will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. by electronic remote access on the following proposed  will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. by electronic remote access on the following proposed
          Special Land Use request as provided in Section 27.03 of the Canton Township Zoning Ordinance:  Special Land Use request as provided in Section 27.03 of the Canton Township Zoning Ordinance:
          CANTON BUSINESS CENTER - Consider request for Special Land Use approval for automobile service station uses (Section  MINI STORAGE DEPOT - Consider request for Special Land Use approval for a mini-warehouse (Section 22.02(B)(17) of the
          22.02(B)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance) on parcel no. 008-99-0001-021 on Koppernick Road (multiple address).  Property is zoned  Zoning Ordinance) on parcel no. 131-02-0015-000 (4985 Research Dr.).  Property is zoned LI, Light Industrial District, and locat-
          LI, Light Industrial District, and located on the north side of Koppernick Road, west of Haggerty Road.  ed at the southeast corner of Research Dr. and Michigan Ave., located between Beck Rd. and Belleville Rd.
          To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Canton  To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Canton
          Township residents; the Canton Township Planning Commission will conduct its meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00  Township residents; the Canton Township Planning Commission will conduct its meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 7:00
          p.m. by video teleconference in accordance with Michigan law.               p.m. by video teleconference in accordance with Michigan law.
          Public comments may be submitted to at any time prior to the meeting.  Additionally, written com-  Public comments may be submitted to at any time prior to the meeting.  Additionally, written com-
          ments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the Township Administration Building at 1150 S Canton  ments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the Township Administration Building at 1150 S Canton
          Center Rd., Canton, MI 48188 by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021.  The Secretary or staff will read comments submit-  Center Rd., Canton, MI 48188 by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021.  The Secretary or staff will read comments submit-
          ted within the Rules of the Planning Commission during the meeting.  Members of the public who attend by telephone or video  ted within the Rules of the Planning Commission during the meeting.  Members of the public who attend by telephone or video
          may address the Planning Commission during the public hearing period via videoconference.  may address the Planning Commission during the public hearing period via videoconference.
                             Individuals may join the video teleconference by going to:                   Individuals may join the video teleconference by going to:
                                        Or iPhone one-tap:                                                           Or iPhone one-tap:
                          1-301-715-8592 (84361296559#) or 1-646-558-8656 (84361296559#)              1-301-715-8592 (84361296559#) or 1-646-558-8656 (84361296559#)
                                          Or Telephone:                                                               Or Telephone:
                                    1-301-715-8592 or 1-646-558-8656                                            1-301-715-8592 or 1-646-558-8656
                                      Webinar ID: 843 6129 6559                                                   Webinar ID: 843 6129 6559
                         International numbers available:       International numbers available:
          SEE ATTACHED MAP     Greg Greene, Chairman                                  SEE ATTACHED MAP     Greg Greene, Chairman
                               Publish: Newspaper - November 18, 2021    CN2317 - 111821  2.5 x 11.165     Publish: Newspaper - November 18, 2021     CN2318 - 111821  2.5 x 11.165
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