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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 18, 2021

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Motorists welcome reopening of Harvey Street

           Plymouth motorists celebrat-                           ”                                 taking place during the next few  are working to put the finishing
        ed last week when the intersec-                                                             weeks.                         touches on the project.
        tion of Harvey Street and                                                                      Pedestrians and motorists     “Thanks you for your support
        Penniman opened to traffic.                Pedestrians and motorists will still             will still see crews finishing  and enthusiasm during the past
           The intersection officially           see crews finishing some brick work,               some brick work, as well as    few months. We hope we deliv-
        opened last Friday after three                                                              trees, topsoil, sod and other  ered a timely, responsible proj-
        months of construction during                   as well as trees, topsoil,                  landscape work. There is one   ect that will last for years to
        which new utilities were                    sod and other landscape work.                   small asphalt patch left to com-  come,” officials said in a pre-
        installed, including a new water                                                            plete on Penniman, which will  pared statement.
        main installed under the                                                                    require a short-term detour.     Questions regarding this or
        Tonquish Creek, new wider,                                                                  That will be announced, city   other road projects can be
        ADA sidewalks constructed,     Tonquish Creek Nature Trail to  were prepped for installation  officials said, when the con-  directed to the Plymouth
        additional lighting  was connect-  downtown, and the foundations  next spring.              struction schedule is set.     Department of Municipal
        ed, a new mid-block crossing   for the new mast arm signals     Officials said there will be   Caution is urged in the     Services at (734) 453-7737 or
        installed connecting the       and pedestrian crossing signals  some on-going restoration work  Harvey Street area while crews  dms@plymouth
        Northville district receives top rating from auditors

           Northville Public Schools con-  term rating, despite the challeng-  of sound fiscal management, uti-  fund balance, the district has not
        tinues to meet the highest stan-  ing economic environment    lization of grant funding, and  had to borrow money to fill the
        dards for accuracy of financial  shaped by the pandemic.      effective use of resources, includ-  gap in State Aid payments
        statements, accountability for use  “Watch points” for the future  ing bond and sinking fund dollars  between August and October
        of federal and state funds, and  were noted and discussed,    generously supported by the   since 2012, saving hundreds of
        overall financial stability, accord-  including retirement funding,  community:  Northville Public  thousands of dollars in interest
        ing to the report presented by  matching revenue to costs, short-  Schools has not asked for a tax  costs over time, officials noted.
        Plante & Moran auditors at the  term nature of some existing rev-  increase over existing rates since  In January 2017, Standard &
        Oct. 26 board of education meet-  enue sources, student enrollment  2011 when voters approved the  Poors Global Ratings raised their
        ing.                           trends, and a potential revenue  initial 1.000 mill Sinking Fund  underlying rating two notches to
           The   auditors   awarded    cliff in the 2023-24 school year.   Levy - which is now at .9416 mills.  'AA-' from 'A' on the district unlim-
        Northville Public Schools the     Members of the board of edu-  The district general fund per-  ited-tax general obligations
        highest possible audit rating in  cation take watch points serious-  formance was approximately  bonds.
        rendering an “unmodified” opin-  ly, and remain mindful of the  $2.5 million favorable to the final  Despite the challenges creat-
        ion for the district financial state-  need for sound fiscal practices  budget in 2020-21 and the district  ed during the COVID shut-down
        ments and federal awards, while  and the need to budget for sus-  drew down fund balance over the  period in spring of 2020, ongoing
        noting no material weaknesses  tainability, according to a pre-  last year by less than 1 percent,  supply chain issues, and the
        or deficiencies, and qualifying  pared   statement     from   even as teacher and staff pay was  changing labor market, Phase 3       Mary Kay Gallagher
        the district as a low-risk auditee.   Superintendent of Northville  expanded and class size lowered.  projects of the bond improve-
           The most recent S & P bond  Public Schools Mary Kay        That was made possible in large  ment program were completed  schools, renovated Cooke Center
        rating review of the district in  Gallagher.                  part by the $2.7 million of federal  this fall, including the launch of  program spaces, and reimagined
        May, 2020 cited Northville Public  The board of education mem-  Corona-virus Relief Funds   the redesigned Hillside Middle  media centers and flexible learn-
        Schools' strong financial position,  bers made note of several posi-  received by the district.   School, completion of Maker's  ing environments across every
        and held the District's AA-, long-  tive outcomes that are the result  As a result of the sufficient  Spaces across all six elementary  school, Gallagher said.

        Lawsuit                                                   ”                                 and independent from the state  and I are committed to holding
                                                                                                                                   GFL accountable for the prob-
                                                                                                    efforts and provides additional,
                                                    Within the past eight days alone,
        FROM PAGE 1                            we have received over 40 odor complaints             complementary relief to the citi-  lems they have created in the
                                                                                                    zens of Northville Township.
                                                                                                                                   operation of the Arbor Hills
                                                                                                       The complaint filed includes  Landfill,” said Abbo.
                                                   from Northville Township residents.
        complaints by township resi-                                                                claims against Arbor Hills        “We are committed to stand-
        dents.                                                                                      Landfill for breach of contract,  ing up for a safe, clean environ-
           “Odor complaints from the                                                                public nuisance, private nui-  ment and community for
        landfill are constantly being  over 40 odor complaints from   lations. Northville Township has  sance, trespass, negligence and  Township residents, and will not
        reported to The Conservancy    Northville Township residents.”   applauded the efforts of Nessel  seeks injunctive relief.   be stopped in pursuing that
        Initiative and have continued to  Attorney General Dana       and the work by the Michigan     “Arbor Hills has refused to  goal.”
        rise,” said Ralph Lassel, presi-  Nessel filed a lawsuit against the  Department of Environmental,  negotiate a resolution outside of  A copy of the complaint can
        dent of The Conservancy        Arbor Hills Landfill in late 2020  Great Lakes, and Energy   court that ensures the health  be         found          at
        Initiative. “Within the past eight  for failing to comply with state  (EGLE). The lawsuit filed  and safety of township residents.
        days alone, we have received   and federal environmental regu-  Northville Township is separate  The Township Board of Trustees  wsuit.

                                                                                                                TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER
                                                                                                      DANGEROUS BUILDINGS BOARD SPECIAL MEETING
                                                                                                           NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING
                                                                                                       DANGEROUS OR UNSAFE BUILDING BOARD MEETING

                                                                                      PUBLIC NOTICE:
                                                                                      To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
                                                                                      as directed by the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees; this public meeting will be conducted virtually in compliance with the
                                                                                      emergency declaration of the Wayne County Executive Order) and Wayne County Department of Health regarding remote pub-
                                                                                      lic meetings. To participate in this meeting electronically, please see posted instructions on the Township Website; www.sumpter-
                                                                             Thank you.
                                                                                      The Sumpter Township Dangerous Buildings Board will hold a VIRTUAL Public Meeting commencing at 2:00 pm on Tuesday,
                                                                                      December 7th, 2021 regarding;
                                                                                         •  Consideration of unsafe or dangerous buildings; terms and conditions of Ordinance Sec. 6-203; potential ordered dem-
                                                                                      This Public Meeting has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments
                                                                                      to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens an opportunity to express opinions, ask questions,
                                                                                      and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
                                                                                      For those unable to attend the Public Meeting, written comments may be submitted to the Sumpter Township Clerk's Office,
                                                                                      23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, MI  48111, prior to the meeting date.
                                                                                      Esther Hurst
                                                                                      Sumpter Township
                                                                                      (734) 461-6201
                                                                                      Posted:   November 18, 2021
                                                                                      Published:  November 18, 2021                                 ST0084 - 8  2.5 x 3.962

                                                                                                                TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER
                                                                                                         PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING
                                                                                                           NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING

                                                                                                          PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
                                                                                      PUBLIC NOTICE:
                                                                                      To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
                                                                                      as directed by the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees; this Planning Commission meeting will be conducted virtually in com-
                                                                                      pliance with the emergency declaration of the Wayne County Executive Order) and Wayne County Department of Health regard-
                                    TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER                               ing remote public meetings. To participate in this meeting electronically, please visit the Township Website; www.sumpter-
                            PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING              Thank you.
                              NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; that the Sumpter Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on December 9, 2021, at
                            PROPOSED AMENDMENT/SPECIAL LAND USE                       its special meeting commencing at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                      The item(s) to be considered at this public hearing are:
         To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;  •  To consider proposed amendments to the Industrial district regulations and special land use provisions (4.15.2, 4.16.2),
         as directed by the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees; this Planning Commission meeting will be conducted virtually in com-  to the Single Family district and special land use provisions (R-2) and Special Provision Section of the Sumpter
         pliance with the emergency declaration of the Wayne County Executive Order) and Wayne County Department of Health regard-  Township Zoning Ordinance as added (6.55) relating to medical marijuana primary caregiver operations.
         ing remote public meetings. To participate in this meeting electronically, please see posted instructions on the Township Website; Thank you.                               The purpose of the Amendment is to establish, define and regulate the locations of caregiver operations under the Michigan
                                                                                      Medical Marijuana Act MCL 333.26424 ("MMMA") and to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare of the community.  This
         The Sumpter Township Planning Commission will hold a VIRTUAL Public Hearing at its Special Meeting commencing at 7:00  Amendment is neither intended to condone or legitimize the use or possession of marihuana, except as allowed by Michigan Law
         pm on Thursday, December 9th, 2021 regarding the following request(s);       and Township Ordinances.
                                    NATURE OF THE REQUEST                             Under this Amendment, a registered primary caregiver, operating in compliance with the MMMA, shall be permitted in and under
            •  A PROPOSED request to amend a Zoning  Text  Amendment, considered at the regularly scheduled Planning  a special land use in L-I, Light Industrial G-I zoning district, General Industrial zoning district and in R-2, Single Family
              Commission meeting held on November 4th, 2021, to determine a Special Land Use for 50425 Bemis Road., Belleville,  Residential zoning district.  MMMA operations are prohibited in all other zoning districts.  The Amendment shall include certain
              MI 48111.                                                               location limitations near a place of worship, public or private school or similar use, park, library, group home, alcohol rehabili-
                                                                                      tation facility or correctional facility.  The Amendment will further provide for certain operational limitations and restrictions as
         This Public Hearing has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments  set forth in the Zoning Amendment.  The Planning Commission reserves the right to modify the proposed ordinance and amend-
         to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens an opportunity to express opinions, ask questions,  ments at or following the public hearing and to make its decision accordingly.
         and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
                                                                                      The complete text of the proposed ordinance may be examined at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville,
         For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office prior to the  MI 48111 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Written comments may be submitted by mail in
         hearing date.                                                                care of Esther Hurst, Township Clerk, 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111, and may be further submitted to the Planning
                                                                                      Commission at the public hearing.
         Esther Hurst
         Clerk                                                                        Esther Hurst
         Sumpter Township                                                             Clerk
         (734) 461-6201                                                               Sumpter Township                                                        ST0085 - 8  2.5 x 5.177
                                                                                      (734)  461-6201
         Posted:   November 18, 2021
         Published:  November 18, 2021                                 ST0086 - 8  2.5 x 4.07  Posted:   November 18, 2021              Published:   November 18, 2021
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