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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 18, 2021


        Newly-elected mayor promises to ‘exceed expectations’

           The 20th inauguration cere-                                                              board of appeals, the Downtown
        mony for newly-elected Romulus                            ”                                 Development Authority and the
        officials drew a large crowd of               This is not my vision, not the                Tax Increment Financing
        supporters and well wishers to                                                              Authority Director.
        city hall Nov. 8.                            council's vision, it is your vision.              McCraight won the mayoral
           After opening remarks from               Where do you want the city to go?               election with 2,483 votes or 59
        several local dignitaries, 34th                                                             percent of the votes cast. He
        District Court Judge Lisa Martin                                                            defeated former Mayor Alan R.
        administered the oath of office to                                                          Lambert who received a total of
        city council members John      thanking their families and their  personal agendas but had been  1,732 votes, or 41 percent of the
        Barden; Virginia Williams; Tina  supporters and campaign work-  chosen to find common ground  total.
        M. Talley; William J. Wadsworth;  ers and giving credit to the voters  and help work in the community  He told the crowd that the city
        Celeste Roscoe; Kathy Abdo and  who cast their ballots for them.  to achieve the full potential of  was beginning a new vision
        Eva Webb. All are incumbents.  Each of them also lauded outgo-  the city.                   process as the needs and wants
        Judge Tina Brooks-Green offici-  ing Mayor LeRoy Burcroff for his  “The officials have been cho-  of the city change. He said he and
        ated at the swearing in of incum-  24 years of service to the commu-  sen to strive to better your com-  his administration would be
        bent City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg  nity. Burcroff opted not to seek  munity to work together to pro-  looking for help and for volun-
        who was unopposed in her bid   reelection this year.          vide the best quality of life possi-  teers to serve in the community.
        for a fourth term in office, and  Wadsworth, the longest-serv-  ble for residents,” he said. This  “This is not my vision, not the
        incumbent city Treasurer Stacy  ing member of the city council,  was McCraight's first bid for  council's vision, it is your vision.  Mayor Robert McCraight
        Paige.                         who was first elected in 1983,  elected office after a 20-year  Where do you want the city to go.
           Newly-elected Mayor Robert  said that as the campaign was  career with the city. He was for-  Romulus is the home of opportu-  McCraight closed his remarks
        McCraight was sworn into office  over, “It is now time to do the  merly the chief building officer  nity,” he said, “but it must be the  with a pledge to operate in an
        by Brian Oakley, chief judge at  people's work.”              and director of public services  home of opportunity for every-  open and transparent manner
        the 34th District Court in       McCraight, after thanking his  and economic development for  body. We are a diverse communi-  and concluded by telling the
        Romulus.                       wife for her support, told the  the city. He also served as the  ty, we have always been, but we  crowd, “I plan to exceed your
           Each of the newly-elected offi-  assembled crowd that the offi-  administrative liaison to the  can become an example for the  expectations during the next four
        cials spoke to the large crowd,  cials had not been chosen for  planning commission, the zoning  nation,” he said.         years.”

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                                                                                                              ORDINANCE NO. 2021-005
                                                                                                                 CITY OF ROMULUS
                                                                                                               APPENDIX A - ZONING
                                                                                                                 AMENDMENT 1.250
                                                                                      AN ORDINANCE  AMENDING ARTICLE 14, PARKING REQUIREMENTS, SECTION
                                                                                      14.05, LONG TERM PARKING FACILITIES, CAR RENTAL,  AND LEASING
                                 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-009                               FACILITIES OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR  THE CITY OF ROMULUS
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS                                   THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:
                                  APPENDIX A - ZONING                                 The following Section(s) are amended:
                                    AMENDMENT 1.252                                                 Section 14.05 Long-term Parking Facilities, Car Rental, and Leasing Facilities.
         AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 13, SITE DESIGN, SECTION 13.05 LIGHTING               ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus
         REGULATIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR  THE CITY OF ROMULUS                 this 1st day of November 2021.
         THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:                                                        I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City
         The following Section(s) are amended:                                        Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held at the Romulus City Hall
                       Section 13.05 Lighting Regulations                             Council Chambers on the 1st day of November, 2021.
                ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus     I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a news-
         this 1st day of November 2021.                                               paper of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 18th day of November, 2021.
                I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City                           ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,
         Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held at the Romulus City Hall                                              Romulus City Clerk
         Council Chambers on the 1st day of November, 2021.                              COMPLETE COPY OF ORDINANCE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,
                I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a news-   11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.
         paper of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 18th day of November, 2021.   Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a peti-
                                                       ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,     tion may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said
                                                                   Romulus City Clerk  petition shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent
            COMPLETE COPY OF ORDINANCE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,            (6%) of the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the
                              11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.                          City was elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and
         Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a peti-  the Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
         tion may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said  Introduced:  10-25-2021
         petition shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent  Adopted:  11-01-2021
         (6%) of the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the  Published Effective:  11-18-2021        RM0620 - 111821  2.5 x 4.382
         City was elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and
         the Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
         Introduced:          10-25-2021                                                  MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
         Adopted:             11-01-2021
         Published Effective:  11-18-2021                              RM0620 - 111821  2.5 x 4.235               November 1, 2021
                                                                                         Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174

                                                                                      The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.
                                 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-008                               Pledge of Allegiance
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS                                   Roll Call
                                  APPENDIX A - ZONING                                        Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva
                                    AMENDMENT 1.253                                          Webb, Virginia Williams (attended the meeting at 7:39 p.m.)
         AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 12, GENERAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 12.15,                Absent / Excused:
                                                                                             Administrative Officials in Attendance:
         WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES  AND SERVICES OF THE ZONING                       Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF ROMULUS                                                   Stacy Paige, Treasurer
         THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:                                                        Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff
         The following Section(s) are amended:                                               Administrative Staff in Attendance:
                       Section 12.15 Wireless Communication Facilities and Services.         D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney; Carol Maise - City
                ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus     Planner
         this 1st day of November 2021.                                               1. Agenda
                I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City  A.  Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the agenda as presented
                                                                                             Motion Carried Unanimously
         Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held at the Romulus City Hall  2. Minutes
         Council Chambers on the 1st day of November, 2021.                              A.  Res. #21-312 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the minutes
                I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a news-  from the regular meeting held on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 7:30 p.m.
         paper of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 18th day of November, 2021.   Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                       ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,        B.  Res. #21-313 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the minutes from the
                                                                   Romulus City Clerk        special meeting - study session held on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of
            COMPLETE COPY OF ORDINANCE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,                   discussing long-term parking facilities, wireless communication facilities, and lighting regulations.
                              11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.                                 Motion Carried Unanimously
         Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a peti-  3. Petitioner - None
                                                                                      4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
         tion may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said  A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson's Report.
         petition shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent  Motion Carried Unanimously
         (6%) of the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the  5. Mayor's Report - LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
         City was elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and  A.  Res. #21-314 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to concur with the Administration
         the Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.                            and approve the appointment of Cheryle Buckley, to the City of Romulus Officer Compensation
         Introduced:          10-25-2021                                                     Commission, with a term to expire on June 24, 2026. Motion Carried Unanimously
         Adopted:             11-01-2021                                              6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         Published Effective:  11-18-2021                              RM0619 - 111821  2.5 x 4.363  A.  Councilperson Williams attended the meeting at 7:39 p.m.
                                                                                             Res. #21-315 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the second
                                                                                             reading and final adoption of TA-2021-001 which amends Article 14, PARKING REQUIREMENTS,
                                                                                             Section 14.05, Long-Term Parking Facilities, Car Rental, and Leasing Facilities and Article 22,
                                 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-006                                      BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, Section 22.03, Temporary Buildings and Uses of the Zoning
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS                                          Ordinance.  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                  APPENDIX A - ZONING                                    B.  Res. #21-316 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the second reading
                                                                                             and final adoption of TA-2021-002 which amends Section 12.15, Wireless Communication Facilities
                                    AMENDMENT 1.251                                          and Services of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion Carried Unanimously
         AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 22, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SECTION              C.  Res. #21-317 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to approve the second
         22.03, POWERS AND DUTIES, SECTION(e) TEMPORARY BUILDINGS AND USES OF                reading and final adoption of TA-2021-003 which amends Article 13, Site Design, Section 13.05,
         THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF ROMULUS                                        Lighting Regulation sofa the Zoning Ordinance. Motion Carried Unanimously
         THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:                                                    D.  Res. #21-318 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the second reading and
         The following Section(s) are amended:                                               final adoption of an amendment to Chapter 58, Traffic & Motor vehicles, Section 58-66, Defined,
                                                                                             and 58-67, Entrance; exits; paving, of the City of Romulus Code of Ordinances.
                       Section 22.03(e) Temporary Buildings and Uses.                        Motion Carried Unanimously
                ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus  7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of minutes
         this 1st day of November 2021.                                               8. Public Comment - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of minutes
                I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City  9. Unfinished Business - None
         Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held at the Romulus City Hall  10. New Business - None
         Council Chambers on the 1st day of November, 2021.                           11. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of minutes
                I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a news-  Res. #21-319 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a memorial resolution for
         paper of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 18th day of November, 2021.   the family of Roxanne McCurdy. Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                       ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,            Res. #21-320 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a resolution, at
                                                                                             the request of Clerk Bragg, thanking Katie Tomasik for her service in the Clerk's Office.
                                                                   Romulus City Clerk        Motion Carried Unanimously
            COMPLETE COPY OF ORDINANCE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,                   Res. #21-321 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by Kathy Abdo to adopt a memorial
                              11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.                                 resolution for the family of Vivianne Hollified. Motion Carried Unanimously
         Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a peti-  12. Adjournment
         tion may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said  Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
         petition shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent  Motion Carried Unanimously
         (6%) of the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         City was elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and  copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on November 1, 2021.
         the Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
         Introduced:          10-25-2021
         Adopted:             11-01-2021                                              Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         Published Effective:  11-18-2021                              RM0618 - 111821  2.5 x 4.394  City of Romulus, Michigan                      RM0617 - 111821  2.5 x 9.621
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