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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 31, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Holiday Tea reservations available  the Hines family gathered at  Garden Club of Northville will  and film.                meet    from   7-9:30   p.m.
           The Canton Historical       their retreat in the Poconos.  meet at 11 a.m. Nov. 6 at Ward   The event includes the Artists  Wednesday, Nov. 13, at the
        Society will presents "A Holiday  Performances are set for 7 p.m.  Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in  & Indians of Michigan presenta-  Livonia Civic Park Senior
        Tea" from 1-3 p.m. Saturday Dec.  Friday and Saturday and at 2  Northville.                 tion with Suzanne Bilek,       Center, 15218 Farmington Road,
        7 at the Bartlett-Travis House  p.m. on Sunday.                 The speaker for the meeting  Storytime & Art Activity with  just south of Five Mile Road.
        located at 500 North Ridge       Before the show, during inter-  will be Judy Cornellier who will  Northville Public Library, and  The featured program for the
        Road.                          mission, and after the perform-  discuss the World of Garlic and  *Our Fires Still Burn: The  evening will be the winning
           An afternoon tea will be    ance, a signing of the new picto-  Herbs. Light snacks will be  Native American Experience  images from the recent Detroit
        served in a historic Canton    rial history called Detroit: An  served. For more information,  *film screening and conversa-  International Stereo Exhibition.
        house decorated for Christmas  Illustrated Timeline by Paul   call (248) 202-1518.          tion with producer Audrey      Following a refreshment break,
        accompanied by live music. Tea  Vachon is planned. The book                                 Geyer. Light refreshments will  the monthly competition will
        will include sandwiches and    points out many of the seminal  Veteran recalls Pearl Harbor attack  be served.             take place with a theme of
        small desserts and visitors can  events and noteworthy turning  A recorded interview with      Admission is $5 for a family of  "Michigan".
        learn a bit about how Christmas  points of Detroit such as the fall  Navy veteran Warner Klemm  six or $6 at the door. Pre-register  The meetings are free to
        in Canton used to be spent.    to the British during the War of  will be shown at 6 p.m.    and     learn    more      at  attend, and visitors are always
           Tickets are $25 each and    1812 and the existence of slavery  Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the  welcome.
        available at the Summit on the  in Detroit as late as the 1820s.  Romulus Public Library. The  tiveamerican/.                For more information, visit
        Park, 46000 Summit Parkway in  Tickets for the shows are priced  interview is part of Larry                      , or call (248)
        Canton.                        at $16 and $18 and can be pur-  Martin's World War II In Their  Second Monday               398-3591.
           Seating is limited so early  chased at www.cantonvillagethe-  Own Words presentation.    Book Club to meet
        ticket reservations are encour-  or by calling or in per-  Klemm will discuss the surprise  The Brief and Wondrous Life  Cupcake Wars planned
        aged, organizers said.         son at the Village Theater Box  attack on Pearl Harbor. He was  of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz will  The Teen/Tween Cupcake
                                       Office from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  stationed about 200 yards to the  be discussed by the members of  Wars are planned for 11 a.m.
        Students host Euchre Tournament  Monday through Friday or by  stern of the USS Arizona during  the Romulus Second Monday   Saturday, Nov. 16 at the Romulus
           Students at The Park 88.1   phone at (734) 394-5300 x3. The  the attack that killed nearly  Book Club beginning at 7 p.m.  Public Library.
        radio station are hoping for a  Village Theater at Cherry Hill is  3,000 people.            Nov. 11.                         The program is for ages 8 and
        good deal during a planned     located at 50400 Cherry Hill     Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. to  The meeting will take place  older and supplies will be pro-
        Euchre Tournament set for 7    Road, Canton. For more infor-  view some memorabilia on dis-  at the library, 11121 Wayne Road  vided.
        p.m. on Nov. 2 at the Plymouth  mation, visit www.cantonvil-  play. The presentation is spon-  in Romulus. For more informa-  The cupcake decorating skill
        Elks Club.           , or call (734) 394-  sored by the Friends of the  tion, call (734) 942-7589.  contest is sponsored by the
           This is the 8th Annual Euchre  5300.                       Romulus Public Library. The                                  Friends of the Library.
        Tournament fundraiser for the                                 library is located at 11121 Wayne  Photographers meeting set   The library is located at 11121
        student-operated radio station,  Garden Club to meet          Road in Romulus. For more        Members of the only 3D pho-  Wayne Road in Romulus. For
        part of the Plymouth-Canton      The Romulus Garden Club      information, call (734) 942-7589.  tography club in the state will  information, call (734)942-7589.
        Community Schools, which has   members will meet at 6:30 p.m.
        been operating for more than 47  Nov. 4 at the Romulus Public  Family Movie Night in Romulus
        years.                         Library.                         Family Movie Night at the        CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
           Tournament play includes 25-  The guest lecturer for the   Romulus Public Library is set
        cent Euchres and 50-50 raffle  evening will be Carol Brodbeck  for 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 when
        tickets.  Players are encouraged  who will discuss Pollinator:  Toy Story 4 will be shown.            NOTICE OF BUDGET
        to bring quarters. Registration is  Butterflies, Hummingbirds and  Snacks will be provided.              PUBLIC HEARING
        available by emailing wsd-     Good Bugs.                       The movie and snacks are or by call-    The library is located at 11121  sponsored in part by the Friends
        ing (248) WSDPEUCHRE (973-     Wayne Road in Romulus. For     of the Library.                        TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019
        7382).                         more information, call (734) 942-  The library is located at 11121
                                       7589.                          Wayne Road in Romulus. For
        Art entries sought                                            more information, call (734) 942-  The Charter Township of Plymouth Board of Trustees
           Local artists have only until  Art club hosts speaker      7589.                             will hold a public hearing on the proposed township
        Nov. 12 to submit their work for  The Three Cities Art Club                                     budget for the fiscal year of 2020 during their regular-
        the upcoming Three cities Art  will host guest speaker        Genealogists host speaker         ly scheduled board meeting on November 12, 2019 at
        Club 8th Annual Open Call for  Alessandra Collar Lipman from    Members of the Northville       7:00 PM at the Charter Township of Plymouth, Town
        Artists.                       6:45 until 8:45 p.m. Monday, Nov.  Genealogical Society will meet
           The juried exhibition will  4 at the Plymouth District     at the Northville District Library  Hall Meeting Room, 9955 N. Haggerty Road,
        include prizes for original hang-  Library.                   located at 212 W. Cady St.,       Plymouth, MI 48170. A copy of the proposed budget
        ing art in two categories, photog-  Collar Lipman is a Michigan  Northville beginning at 1:15 p.m.  is available for public inspection at the above address
        raphy and all others. The entry  mixed media arts working with  Sunday, Nov. 10.                in the clerk's office weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:30
        fee is $35 for up to three pieces  themes of memories of the past  There will be a roundtable
        plus $5 for each additional entry.  with an emphasis on the figura-  discussion about using genealog-  PM and on the township's website at www.ply-
        Entrants can receive $10 off the  tive.                       ical software to store data fol- This budget may be adopted after the
        entry fee by joining Three Cities  The meeting is free, open to  lowed by a general meeting at 2  public hearing.
        Art Club at time of entry by pay-  the public and light refresh-  p.m.
        ing membership fee of $25, good  ments will be served.          Tim Gliesner, manager of
        for the 2019-2020 club season.   For more information, con-   Special Library Collections at
        Go to  tact Marilyn Meredith at    the Library of Michigan will be    The property tax millage rate
        for additional information and  (313)231-3939 or email marilyn-  the guest speaker at 3 p.m.  He
        to download the entry form and          will discuss My Heritage Library
        a club membership form or call                                Edition.                               proposed to be levied to
        (313) 231-3939 to request a free  Dinosaur Storytime set
        informational package.           The Romulus Public Library   Art celebrates                     support the proposed budget
           For more information, con-  will host Dinosaur Storytime   Native American Heritage
        tact Marilyn Meredith at (313)  featuring stories, crafts and   The Northville Art House at
        231-3939 or email marilyn-     more all about dinosaurs at 6:30  215 W Cady St. Northville will             will be a subject           p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5.          host Native American Heritage
                                         The event is suitable for all  Day at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9 to            of this hearing.
        Play, book signing planned     ages and children must be      celebrate the rich and diverse
           Better Than Ever Production  accompanied by an adult.      cultures, traditions, and histo-
        will present a combined theatri-  The library is located at 11121  ries of Native American people.
        cal production/book signing of  Wayne Road in Romulus. For    The celebration is part of Native
        Proposals by Neil Simon at The  more information, call (734) 942-  American Heritage Month.     Jerry Vorva
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill in  7589.                      Preschool-aged children to        Plymouth Township Clerk
        Canton from Friday, Nov. 1                                    adults can learn about the
        through Sunday, Nov. 3.        Garden Club of Northville meets  Native American way of life     Publish: Thursday, October 31, 2019
           The play recalls the last time  Members of the Country     through art, literature, music                                                PT0269 - 091919  2 x 8
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