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October 31, 2019                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Van Buren Township

        adopts 2020 budget

           Members of the Van Buren Township   retired.
        Board of Trustees approved the $17.6     At the beginning of the budget discus-
        million 2020 general fund budget by a 5-1  sion, McNamara explained that there
        vote at the regular meeting Oct. 15.   was a $600,000 reduction in the budget,
           The dissenting vote was cast by     from $18.3 million last year to $17.6 mil-
        Trustee Paul White. Township           lion.
        Treasurer Sharry Budd did not attend     McNamara said the township is com-
        the meeting.                           pleting the rebuilding of facilities and
           Also approved were the 2019 amend-  other progress includes six full-time fire
        ed special revenue budget and the 2020  fighters for the first time. He mentioned
        proposed special revenue budget and    the two Iron Belle Trail projects, one in
        the water and sewer budget which       the final construction stages from
        includes a 5 percent raise in costs to  Edgemont to Riggs Park, with grants
        water users in the township beginning  from the state plus $100,000 from the    Grounded
        Jan. 1, 2020. That cost is estimated at $8  township. The second project is the trail  Demolition of the Smith Terminal at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus in now
        or $9 quarterly for an average user in the  at Old Denton Road and Van Buren    under way. The 51-year-old facility, named for former Wayne County Road
        township                               Park, which received  a $500,000 federal  Commissioner Leroy C. Smith, a founder of the airport, was retired in 2008 as a
           White said his no vote was based on  grant through the county.               terminal with the opening of the new North Terminal. Plans for the space created
        inappropriate raises in the threat of a  McNamara said the township             with the demolition of the building include a de-icing station and overnight park-
        future economic downturn and the situa-  received grants for French Landing Park  ing for planes. The L.C. Smith Terminal Building -- known at the time as Terminal
        tion with the unmet bond payments by   and an additional $31,000 is being added  1-- was built in 1958 and renamed for Smith in 1967. Photo by Chris Szymanski
        Visteon.                               to the county budget for this park. He
           Township Clerk Leon Wright, howev-  noted that Van Buren received more
        er, defended the budget noting that    than $1 million in grants from the county.  Goodfellows Tea is served
        Township Supervisor Kevin McNamara       Prior to the vote, McNamara request-
        had explained the reasons for salary   ed two changes to the proposed budget
        increases during study sessions regard-  that evening. He requested the move of  The 12th annual Julie's Goodfellows  and friends. There will be a silent auction
        ing the budget.                        the REAL [Revealing Exceptionally     Tea is set for 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3 at the  and prizes for special hats.
           White, however, said he “was not    Amazing Leaders] program budget from  Romulus Athletic Center.                 Tickets are priced at $35 per person
        happy with the budget.”                the Human Resources Department into     The event is a benefit for the Romulus  and RSVPs are requested at the
           “We're not in the business to make  the supervisor's office and proposed the  Goodfellows No Child Without a    Goodfellows Hotline at (734) 955-4577.
        money, but to collect taxes and provide  addition of $100,000 to the fire depart-  Christmas campaign.             Early purchase is suggested as space is
        services,” Wright said in response to  ment for wages as an anticipated grant  Visitors are welcome to wear their  limited.
        White's comments about how business    for wages for the six new firefighters had  favorite hat and bring along moms, grand-  The Romulus Athletic Club is at 35765
        worked at Kroger's from where he       not been received.                    mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins  Northline Road in Romulus.
        Belleville officials explain Tuesday advisory vote

           Members of the Belleville City Council  the officials were not required to schedule  chase of needed equipment like police  vide public safety in the city or meet the
        scheduled a special meeting last week to  the meeting and that whatever happened  patrol vehicles and fire trucks cannot be  current operating needs of the depart-
        discuss the 2-mill public safety assessment  at the polls Tuesday would be taken into  funded at the current revenue level. The  ment.
        question which will be on the local ballot  consideration in making the decision.  2-mill assessment, if approved, would gen-  Currently, one third of property in the
        Tuesday.                                 Councilman Tom Fielder told the     erate about $90,000 annually for 10 years.  city is tax exempt noted Mayo Pro tem
           The elected officials explained to the  group that the question would come  Members of the council would be required  Jack Loria, and includes churches,
        small audience that the vote on the ques-  before the council members at the second  to vote to continue the assessment each  schools and the library.
        tion was advisory and that the city would  meeting in November. Should the council  year, Conley explained.           Fire Chief Brian Loranger explained
        not be required to follow the results of the  members approve the levy, it will appear  Audience members questioned the fate  that the need for equipment is serious and
        election.                              on the winter tax bills of property owners  of the proposal should voters reject the  that one city fire truck is from 1989 while
           Several firefighters in the audience  in the city.                        question and Conley suggested that the  the other is from 1998.
        were among those who criticized the      Public safety costs in the city have been  council members could then vote on the  Should the 2-mills be assessed by coun-
        council members for not making the deci-  discussed multiple times by the council  question or wait to determine why the  cil members, the revenue could be used
        sion to implement the assessment to fund  members and officials who have     millage question failed at the polls. She  for both equipment and operational costs
        public safety in the community.        explained that the city does not receive  noted that arbitrarily levying the millage  in the public safety department.
           Mayor Kerreen Conley reminded the   enough tax revenue currently to provide  was “not a good idea” but stressed that the  Polls in the city will be open from 7 a.m.
        audience at Belleville High School that  public safety services and that the pur-  current city revenue is inadequate to pro-  until 8 p.m. Nov. 5.

                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                         CITY OF ROMULUS
                                 NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS                                           PLANNING COMMISSION - Notice of a Public Hearing
                                      OFFICE CLOSING
                                                                                                   November 18, 2019
         The Charter Township of Northville Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2019, in
         observance of Veterans Day.  The offices will re-open at 8:00 am on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
                                                                                      Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
                   POLICE & FIRE EMERGENCY SERVICES WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE.            November 18, 2019 for the purpose of considering the following:
                                                    Marjorie Banner, Clerk               - RZ-2019-003; Global Trucking Repair, LLC located at Ecorse Road - Parcel ID #80-004-
                                                                                           02-0815-000) requesting to rezone 10.10 acres of property from M-1, Light Industrial to
         Publish:  October 31, 2019                                 NT0025 - 103119  2.5 x 1.711  M-T, Industrial Transportation.

                                                                                      The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                            Romulus MI  48174-1485.
                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                              A copy of the proposed requests are available in the Planning Department during regular business
                                      November 20, 2019                               hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be addressed to Carol Maise,
                                                                                      City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or at
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the Northville Parks and Recreation  734-955-4530.
         Commission on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Rd.,
         Northville, MI 48168.  The purpose of the hearing is to review the 2020 Proposed Parks, Recreation and Senior  Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         Services Budget.                                                             City of Romulus, Michigan

         All interested residents are invited to attend.  Comments and questions concerning the proposed budget will be  Publish:  October 31, 2019
         heard at the public hearing.  A copy of the 2020 proposed budget will be available for public inspection at the                            RM0437 - 103119  2.5 x 3.679
         Township Clerk's office beginning November 15, 2019 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and on the
         Township's website at
                                                                                                   CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID
                                                           Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk    ITB 19/20-12 2019/2020 SNOW REMOVAL/ICE MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                                           Charter Township of Northville
                                                                                              FOR ROMULUS ATHLETIC CENTER/RINK MANAGEMENT
         Publish:  October 31, 2019                                 NT0026 - 103119  2.5 x 2.569  The City of Romulus on behalf of the facility's management firm, Rink Management is seeking bids
                                                                                      from qualified and experienced companies for snow removal and ice management services for the
                                                                                      2019/2020 snow season for the Romulus Athletic Center.
                      CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID                               (1) Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City.
                         ITB 19/20-13 2020 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS                         Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing Group page
         The City of Romulus Clerk's Office, in compliance with Section 6.12 of the Romulus City Charter  of BidNet Direct (  Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms
         adopted April 9, 1970 is seeking guaranteed rates from qualified newspapers for the printing of all  included with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other source are
         required publications and notices during the calendar year beginning January 1, 2020.    not considered official copies.
         (1) Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City.  (2) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion
            Bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the City of Romulus Purchasing  of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN Purchasing
            Department.  Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms included with the bidding docu-  Group page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website
            ments.  Copies of documents obtained from any other source are not considered official copies.  regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued adden-
         (2) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion  da and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as
            of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be sent via e-mail to all vendors on the  part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date
            bidders list or requesting a bid.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued adden-  the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid documents.
            da and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as  (3) A total of three copies (one marked "Original" and two marked "Copy") of the bid must be sub-
            part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date  mitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later
            the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form supplied in the bid documents.   than 2:30 P.M., Thursday, November 07, 2019.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package
         (3) A total of three copies (one marked "Original" and two marked "Copy") of the bid must be sub-  label provided in the ITB documents.
            mitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later  (4) At approximately 2:45 p.m., local time all timely received bids will be publicly opened and read.
            than 2:30 P.M., Thursday, November 07, 2019.  Bids should be addressed using the Bid pack-  (5) The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required by
            age label provided in the ITB documents.                                     the ITB documents and copies of all required endorsements.
         (4) At approximately 2:45 p.m., local time all timely received bids are to be publicly opened and  (6) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
            read.                                                                        right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and to
         (5) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the  award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, Rink Management may contract with the lowest
            right to reject all bids and proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids  most responsive and responsible company, as determined in the discretion of Rink Management
            received and to award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the  and the City of Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best inter-
            lowest most responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the  est.
            City of Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.  (7) For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by call-
         (6) For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by call-  ing (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
            ing (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
         Publish: October 31, 2019                                    RM0439 - 103119  2.5 x 4.206  Publish: October 31, 2019                      RM0438 - 103119  2.5 x 5.208
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