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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 31, 2019

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Holiday Home Tour is planned in Northville

           From a home built in 1883 to a condo-  Point Theatre in downtown Northville.
        minium with a weaving loft, visitors to the  Guests can enjoy light refreshments and
        Northville Community Foundation        also enter to win two tickets to a future
        Holiday Home Tour can visit five private-  Tipping Point Theatre production.
        ly-owned homes filled with Christmas     Tickets for the 2019 Holiday Home
        spirit this year.                      Tour are $25 if purchased in advance and
           The highly-anticipated tour is planned  $30 the day of the tour.  To purchase tick-
        for 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Nov. 22 and 23 this  ets in advance, visit Pear-Aphernalia,
        year.                                  Gardenviews, Haven of Northville, or the
           The tour homes have each been fully  Northville Chamber of Commerce.
        decorated for the holidays.  The varied  Tickets may also be purchased online by
        style of the homes and the decorations is  visiting www.northvillecommunityfounda-
        sure to please every taste, a spokesperson or by phone at (248) 374-0200.
        noted.                                 Tickets are limited and the tour does sell
           This year, in addition to the historic  out nearly every year.
        home built in 1883 and the condo with a   Proceeds from the Holiday Home Tour
        weaving studio in the loft, visitors can tour  help fund the work of the Northville
        a traditional home in a gated community  Community Foundation. The Northville
        and a farmhouse "glam" home just outside  Community Foundation enhances and
        downtown Northville. Many of the homes  enriches life in the community through
        have just been updated and are beautiful-  operations of Maybury Farm, a working
        ly decorated for the holiday season.   farm with a mission to connect the com-  ing and educational.               to nonprofit organizations serving
           The 2019 Holiday Home Tour will also  munity to animals and agriculture through  The foundation also annually awards  Northville and the surrounding communi-
        feature a refreshment stop at the Tipping  hands-on experiences that are both engag-  scholarships to local students and grants  ties.
        Expansion at Rural Hill Cemetery is now complete

           The expansion of Rural Hill Cemetery,  country.                           flanked by towering trees. Rural Hill  panies bidding on the expansion. Work
        a feature in Northville since 1948 when  The City of Northville completed the  Cemetery is well-known for the natural  included grading the area, installing an
        the city was a village, has been complete  phase II expansion in late summer and  beauty of the site, with rolling hills, a  asphalt road and curbs, and adding top-
        and the newest section is now open.    plots located in the southern-most section  pond, and a multitude of trees in varying  soil and grass.
           The expansion includes a veteran's  are available. Rural Hill Cemetery is  sizes and species.                      Although five mature trees had to be
        section of the cemetery marked by four  located on the south side of West Seven  Northville City Council members   removed during the regrading process,
        large trees that surround a tall pole with  Mile Road, east of S. Rogers.    approved a contract in March for      they are being replaced by new trees
        a large American flag to symbolize the   The new section features space for 541  $120,034 with Premier Group, of Detroit,  either in the cemetery or elsewhere in
        sacrifice the veterans made for their  cemetery plots and a wide circular road  which had the lowest cost of seven com-  the city for zero tree loss.
                                                                                     Ballots                               council, including Suzi Deal, Kelly
                                                                                                                           O'Donnell, Anthony Sebastian and Marques
                                                                                     FROM PAGE 1                              Voters will be asked to approve a 10-year
                                                                                                                           $12,280,000 bond question to be used for the
                                                                                       Voters will be asked to choose one city  acquiring and constructing of street
                                                                                     council member in each district. Candidates  improvements throughout the city consisting
                                                                                     in District One are Aaron Sims and George V.  of paving, repaving, resurfacing, reconstruct-
                                                                                     Williams; in District Two, Charmaine  ing and improving streets. If approved, the
                                                                                     Kennedy and LaGina Washington; in District  estimated millage to be levied is 1.2721 mills
                                                                                     Three, Christha Bond and Sandra K. Watley;  or $1.27 per $1,000 of taxable property value.
                                                                                     in District Four, Steven Chrisholm and
                                                                                     Rebecca J. Daniels; in District Five, Kim  TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH:
                                                                                     Howard and Kelli Lindsey and in District  There is no election scheduled.
                                                                                     Six, Connie Rose Mitchell and Dennard
                                                                                     Shaw.                                 CITY OF ROMULUS:
                                                                                       Voters will also have five candidates on  There is no election scheduled.
                                 Not so scary                                        the ballot for six seats on the Inkster Public  VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP:
                                                                                     Library Board of Directors, Michael Wells,
                                 Tomorrow will be the final day                      Ruth E. Williams, Stephanie Abernathy-   The Van Buren Public Schools is asking
                                 to view the nearly 100 cleverly                     Lane, Dosye A. Thompson and DeAndra   for a bond proposal of $35,490,000 for a new
                                 designed scarecrows in                              Chystal-Rikay Watley.                 early childhood center and the remodeling,
                                 Kellogg Park in downtown                                                                  furnishing and refurnishing and equipping
                                 Plymouth. The annual exhibit,                       CITY OF NORTHVILLE:                   of existing school buildings. Details of the
                                 sponsored by the Plymouth                             City of Northville voters will select either  bond question are listed under the City of
                                 Chamber of Commerce,                                Ken Roth or Brian Turnbull to serve a 2-year  Belleville heading.
                                 brings out the creativity of                        term as mayor during the election Nov. 5.
                                 local businesses, groups and                          Electors will also choose two city council  CITY OF WAYNE:
                                 families as Flo is nearly blown                     members to serve 4-year terms from three  There is no election scheduled
                                 away by insurance rates, an
                                 astronaut is ready to launch                        candidates including Joseph Patrick
                                 and formally-dressed ball-                          Corriveau, Barbara A. Moroski-Browne and  CITY OF WESTLAND:
                                 room dancers 'perform.'                             Marilyn Price.                           In Westland, incumbent City Clerk
                                 'Started several years ago,                                                               Richard LeBlanc is unopposed.
                                 the display has grown from                          TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE:                  Seven candidates are seeking four avail-
                                 just a few artistic creations to                      There is no election scheduled.     able terms on the city council including
                                 fill the spots available in the                                                           Michael E. Delph; Timothy Gilbert, incum-
                                 park. Photos by Sean Rhaesa                         CITY OF PLYMOUTH                      bent James Godbout, Debra Kehrer, incum-
                                                                                       The City of Plymouth has four candidates  bent Michael Londeau, Mike McDermott
                                                                                     seeking four available terms on the city  and Andrea Rutkowski.


                              sisters; Diana Simmons  KNAFE121345059220   NOTICE OF AUCTION AT  EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-  Michigan-Call Today 1-800-  pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11
                              and    Rhonda   (Ken)  2005 PONTIAC           J&T CROVA TOWING    LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN  292-0679.          Convenient, Certified Pro-
                              Harrellson, both of Arizona;  GRAND PRIX        36573 GRANT,      ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-                       fessionals (312) 291-9169
                              her two Yorkies, Danny and  2G2WP522251271899  ROMULUS, MI 48174  CATED ROUTES ROMEO     Wanted to Buy or Trade
                              Ginger; numerous extend-  2005 PONTIAC          (734) 941-1520    AND WAYNE DISPATCH,   WANTED FREON R12: We
                              ed family members, and
                              many friends.         GRAND PRIX              NOVEMBER 7, 2019    CALL RON 586-752-4529
                              Mrs. Norman was preced-  2G2WP522851338290        @ 9:00 AM       EXT 1028
                              ed in death by her parents  2016 HONDA PILOT
                              and her beloved pet Yorkie,  5FNYF6H99GB109446  2003 FORD EXPLORER    Steel Buildings
                              Gizmo.                2006 DODGE CHARGER    1FMYU60E83UC11414     PIONEER POLE BUILD-
                              Cremation  rites  were  2B3KA53H96H529991   2005 JEEP GRAND       INGS- Free Estimates-
                              accorded and cremains will  2008 CHEVROLET IMPALA  CHEROKEE       Licensed and insured-2x6
                              be interred at Tyler Street  2G1WD58C581340926  1J4GR48K15C649310  Trusses-45 Year Warranty
                              Cemetery in Van Buren  1998 PONTIAC         2000 DODGE RAM        Galvalume Steel-19 Colors-
           Linda Ann Norman   Township.             GRAND PRIX            1B7KF23Z0YJ127995     Since   1976-#1   in
        Linda Ann Norman, 72, of  Arrangements  were  1G2WP52K8WF271772   1999 FORD ECONOLINE
        Romulus, died Oct. 25 at  entrusted to the David C.  2015 NISSAN ALTIMA  1FDPE24L4XHB83765
        home.                 Brown Funeral Home in
        Mrs. Norman was born  Belleville.  In lieu of flowers,  1N4AL3AP2FC410384  2018 CHEVROLET MAL-
        Dec. 30, 1946 in California,  memorials may be made to  2003 FORD TAURUS  IBU
        the daughter of Fred Elmer  the  Romulus  Animal  1FAFP53U63G145157  1G1ZD5ST7JF190998
        and Hua Inez (Gibson)  Shelter or to the Romulus  2008 DODGE GRAND  1998 FORD ECONOLINE
        Allison.              Senior Center.        CARAVAN               1FTSS34L0WHA47998
        Mrs. Norman was the direc-                  1D8HN54P48B102668     2006 HONDA CIVIC
        tor of the Romulus Senior                   1998 CHEVROLET        1HGFA16586L139639
        Center for more than five                    BLAZER               2016 FORD FUSION
        years and enjoyed both                      1GNDT13W5W2228790     3FA6P0G77GR210295
        cooking and creating cook-  NOTICE OF AUCTION AT
        books.   She    loved   J&T CROVA TOWING    2004 SAAB 93          2008 DODGE NITRO
        Christmas movies, carfts  36573 GRANT ST,   YS3FB49S341053221     1D8GU28K98W260475
        and her Yorkie.         ROMULUS, MI 48174   2001 OLDSMOBILE       These vehicles were towed
        Among her survivors are   (734) 699-0584    ALERO                 by Romulus Police
        her devoted husband of      THURSDAY        1G3NL52E21C261715
        nearly 45 years, Gerald F.  NOVEMBER 7, 2019  2007 NISSAN
        "Jerry" Norman; five chil-                  PATHFINDER
        dren,  Carolyn  (Steve)     @ 9:00 AM       5N1AA08C67N7C1117
        Banko of Romulus, Todd  2004 PONTIAC        2007 STOUGHTON
        (Vicki) Norman of Texas,  GRAND PRIX
        Curtis (Nanette) Smith of  2G2WS542741236141  TRAILER
        Michigan, Melissa (Karl)  2005 FORD TAURUS  1DWA1532X7B010720
        Makowski of Michigan and  1FAFP53215A134278  2010 NISSAN VERSA         Help Wanted
        Brian (Kimberly Burton)  2009 PONTIAC G6    3N1BCACP8AL395244          - Truck Driver
        Norman, also of Michigan;  1G2ZG57BX94225432  These vehicles were towed  CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
        nine grandchildren; two  2004 KIA SPECTRA   by Michigan State Police  3  MONTHS  MINIMUM
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