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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 26, 2023


        Fine Arts Exhibition winners selected by juror

           Winners in the 29th Annual  reviewed by juror Jeff Cancelosi,
        Canton Fine Arts Exhibition    who is an artist, curator, and pho-
        include Debbie Grifka who was  tographer who is widely recog-
        awarded best of show for her   nized for his ongoing creation of
        work, Chaos and Calm. Second   photographic portraits of artists --
        prize went to Ava Doyle for 'Ludo'  national, regional, and local --
        while third prize was awarded to  working or showing work in
        Lidia   Natanail   for   'The  southeast Michigan. His artworks
        Importance of Being Yourself'.  have been juried into shows
        Honorable mentions were award-  across the United States by cura-
        ed to  Loralei Byatt for 'Neima'  tors from the Whitney Museum of
        and Alex Gilford for 'Tugboats  American Art, the Detroit
        near Zug Island', Merit award  Institute of Arts, the Solomon R.
        winners were Robert du Nord for  Guggenheim Museum, the DIA
        'The White Robe', Michael Morelli  Art Foundation of New York, the
        for 'Jesus in the Storm on the Sea  Berkeley Art Museum, and    Best of Show by Debbie Grifka    Second Place by Ava Doyle     Third Place by Lidia Natanail
        of Galilee’, Lori Ann Zurvalec for  Cranbrook Academy of Art.              Chaos and Calm                           Ludo    The Importance Of Being Yourself
        'Ancient Bur Oak No.2' and Larry  Cancelosi is also an adjunct facul-
        Hoxey for 'Radiant Portal'.    ty member at the College for   Christina Czaja, Jennifer Davis,  Lori Ann Zurvalec.           The free exhibit is open from
           “This annual exhibition con-  Creative Studies in Detroit. He  Ava Doyle, Alex Gilford, Rarroon,  The Canton Fine Arts  10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday and
        tinues to gain a great reputation  earned a B.F.A. degree in graphic  Debbie Grifka, Bryan Grose,  Exhibition began in 1993 as an  Wednesday and from 4 until 8
        for featuring some of the best-  design from the University of  Marcia Hales, Tina Hotchkiss,  activity of Canton Project ARTS, a  p.m. Thursday and Friday, during
        emerging artists in Michigan,”  Cincinnati School of Design, Art,  Larry Hoxey, Jenn Kesler, Linda  cultural programming body that  public performances at the the-
        said Elli Fassois, The Gallery at  Architecture, and Planning, as  Klenczar, Margaret Larson, John  provided various arts-related  ater and by appointment by call-
        Cherry Hill coordinator. “We're  well as a B.A. in radio/television,  Middlestead, Michael Morelli,  events and activities to the com-  ing (734) 394-5308. The gallery,
        hoping that as many people as  with a minor in photography, from  Lidia Natanail, Robert du Nord,  munity.  In 2004, Canton Project  located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road
        possible stop in before the exhibi-  Southern Methodist University.  Robert Piatek, Kelly Potter, James  ARTS was absorbed by Canton  in Canton, is closed on holidays.
        tion closes on Oct. 29, to select  Featured artists this year  Rodriguez, Jeffery Schofield,  Leisure Services and is currently  For more information about this
        their favorite and vote for the  included: Jean-Paul Aboudib,  Claudia   Selene,   Nicole   guided    by   the    Canton   latest exhibition, call (734) 394-
        People's Choice Award.”        Susan Aitken, Loralei R. Byatt,  Szymanski, Alicia Vasseli, Nancy  Commission for Culture, Arts, and  5308 or visit www.cantonvillageth-
           This year 150 pieces were   Nancy       Coumoundouros,     Wanchik, Michele Wyatt Friss and  Heritage.        

                                                                                                                  Calm and cool

                                                                                                                  Public safety officials from both the police and fire
                                                                                                                  department in Canton Township recently honored
                                                                                                                  third-grade student Rylynn Hill. Rylynn was laud-
                                                                                                                  ed in front of her fellow students for her quick
                                                                                                                  thinking and action during a medical emergency
                                                                                                                  at her home.  When her mother experienced a
                                                                                                                  severe medical emergency, Rylynn immediately
                                                                                                                  called 9-1-1 and remained calm as she directed
                                                                                                                  emergency personnel to her home. She provided
                                                                                                                  her address, unlocked the door for faster access
                                                                                                                  by responders and ensured that the family dogs
                                                                                                                  were caged so as not to interfere with getting help
                                                                                                                  for her mother. “We encourage the community to
                                                                                                                  use this experience as a teachable moment and
                                                                                                                  encourage you to take the time to help teach your
                                                                                                                  young members of the community the importance
                                                                                                                  of learning their address and phone numbers in
                                                                                                                  case they ever have an emergency,” officials said
                                                                                                                  in a prepared statement.
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