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Salvation Army emergency services is meeting topic
Julie Brown call for Salvation Army
Special Writer Emergency Services.
Envoy Andrew Barylski of the
Charles McDougall and The Wayne-Westland Salvation Army
Salvation Army emergency serv- explained the need for the volun-
ice volunteers he supervises teers.
were recently at the scene of a “I know maybe the average
tragic suicide in downtown person knows The Salvation
Detroit, feeding first responders Army as a thrift store and maybe
for more than 12 hours as the bells outside a store. Chuck has
scene unfolded. After 12 hours, helped me out on numerous
the event ended tragically as the occasions,” Barylski said.
woman took her own life, Barylski, co-president of
McDougall told members of the Westland Rotary, said he appreci-
Westland Rotary Club during a ates working together with
recent luncheon. McDougall on cases like local
“There's Emergency Disaster apartment fires. Residents are
Services teams all over the world housed temporarily at shelters or
with The Salvation Army,” he told in hotels and receive vouchers to
the audience. He said he has thrift stores for clothing and Salvation Army Emergency Services volunteers and supervisor Charles McDougall were on hand at a
been at scenes involving barri- housewares. recent Detroit emergency, helping feed firefighters.
caded gunmen, helping feed “It's just very rewarding for
police and emergency personnel me, very humbling” to serve The Flight 255 plane crash at Detroit The Detroit Fire Department McDougall, who took the job
attempting to end the standoff. Salvation Army, McDougall, a for- Wayne County Metropolitan handles house fires in that city, offer 12-plus years ago, welcomes
Most of those scenes, he said, end mer professional airplane Airport. he noted, but he and his team go volunteer inquiries at
peacefully. mechanic, said. Once volunteers have served to suburban house fires regularly. charles.mcdougall@usc.salva-
The Salvation Army volun- He and his family worship at close to home, “They start fan- They often serve hot dogs, ham- The U.S. Air Force
teers are trained, some in emo- the Dearborn Heights Citadel, ning out to the rest of the United burgers and soup to victims and veteran, also a Detroit Fire
tional/spiritual care and are where McDougall is bandmaster. States” to work at sites of emer- first responders from the can- Department chaplain, thanked
supervised by McDougall. Flood He cited a local yearly 9/11 gencies, McDougall said. Those teen, which must navigate poorly Westland Rotarians for their sup-
scenes, drownings, and often Detroit memorial service and an include West Coast wildfires as plowed streets in Detroit in win- port of the Salvation Army and
apartment and warehouse fires annual service for victims of the well as hurricanes in other states. ter, following rutted road paths. other community efforts.
Flipped out
The 18th Annual Breakfast With Firefighters in
Wayne recently attracted a large crowd of hun-
gry residents who were there to help support
and thank the emergency responders. The all-
you-can-eat breakfast is a tradition in the com-
munity and all funds generated benefit the
Wayne Professional Firefighters Public
Education Fund, which goes directly back to
the Wayne community, officials said. Several
lucky guests won raffles including Wayne
Director of Community Development/Planning
and DDA Lori Gouin, who won the Michigan
football basket, with a football by coach
Harbaugh and stuffed with Michigan apparel.
Shooting suspect is arrested
A suspect who fled the scene of a shooting press time.
was arrested last week. When Inkster officers arrived at the
The man, Andre Williams, Jr., 37, was scene, they believed Williams was still inside
arrested at about 8 p.m. Oct. 10, according to the home. When SWAT team officers
police reports. He is suspected of shooting entered the home, they discovered that the
his girlfriend in her neck on Saturday, Oct. 7 shooter had fled, according to police reports.
at a home on Biltmore Street near Stollman An immediate search for Williams, suspect-
Drive. An argument led to the shooting ed as the shooter, was instituted. Police con-
which took place at about 9 p.m., police said. sidered Williams armed and dangerous and
The victim was listed in critical condition at warned the public not to approach him.
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