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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 20, 2022

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Maybury Farm Corn Maze open until Oct. 30

           Intrepid fall enthusiasts only have two  maze can be even more difficult under
        more weekends to enjoy the Maybury     moonlight. For those brave enough, the
        Farm Corn Maze.                        maze will be open until 8 p.m. on Friday
           The 10-acre maze opened to the public  and Saturdays and until 7 p.m. on
        earlier this month and will continue to  Sundays. The last wagon leaves for the
        entertain and bewilder visitors until Oct.  maze about one hour before closing.
        30. This year, advance tickets will be avail-  The maze is sponsored this year by
        able for the maze although, as usual, reser-  Community Financial Credit Union,
        vations are not required.              Blackwell Ford, and GEM Asset
           Maybury officials said the maze this  Management.
        year promises to be one of the best with 10  When visitors have found their way
        acres of thick, lush corn that features a  through the maze, they can visit the
        brand-new design created by the Ford IT  Maybury Farm General Store to enjoy
        Design Group.  The design will present a  fresh, delicious Parmenter's cider and
        challenge to adults and children both, a  donuts, along with other treats and gifts
        Maybury spokesman said, and will again  available for purchase.
        this year include a scavenger hunt.      The Maybury Farm Corn Maze is open
           A 1-acre mini-maze, part of the 10-acre  from 5 until 8 p.m. Fridays; from 10 a.m.
        field, will take an estimated to 20 minutes  until 8 p.m. on Saturdays and from 10 a.m.  by the Northville Community Foundation;  Eight Mile Road in Northville. It is 1-1/4
        to complete for those who are not brave  until 7 p.m. Sundays. Admission to the  this fundraiser helps raise funds to feed  mile west of Beck Road on Eight Mile,
        enough for the larger challenge.       corn maze is $13 per person and includes  the animals and support the work of the  one-half mile west of Maybury State Park.
        Organizers said it will take about an hour  a tractor-drawn wagon ride to the maze,  farm. The mission of Maybury Farm is to  Enter at the Maybury Farm sign do not
        to an hour and a half to complete the larg-  where visitors can enjoy the peace of the  connect the community to animals and  enter the state park. Parking is free at
        er maze this year. For those looking for  farm. Children younger than 2 are admit-  agriculture.                   Maybury Farm. For more information,
        something even more challenging, the   ted at no cost. Maybury Farm is operated  Maybury Farm is located at 50165  visit
        Northville Foundation Holiday Home Tour returns

           One of the most popular holiday  Advance tickets are now on sale
        season events will return to     at local Northville stores including
        Northville this year. The traditional  Gardenviews and PearAphernalia,
        Holiday Home Tour organized by   at the Northville Chamber of
        the    Northville   Community    Commerce office or at Design
        Foundation will return to a live for-  DeJour. Tickets can also be pur-
        mat this year.                   chased by phone at (248) 374-0200,
           Five private homes, lavishly dec-  ext. 1 or online through Brown
        orated for the holiday season, will  Paper Tickets at northvillecommu-
        be open to visitors from 10 a.m. until
        4 p.m. Nov. 18 and 19. Tickets this  As usual, the ticket vouchers will
        year are priced at $25 if purchased  be exchanged for a map and
        in advance and $30 if purchased the  description of the display homes at
        day of the event.                Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road,
           Organizers stressed that partici-  the days of the event. Tickets can
        pation in the tour supports animal  also be purchased at the church the
        care at Maybury Farm, along with  days of the tours, for an additional
        grants to local non-profit groups and  cost.
        scholarships.  All funds generated  For more information, call (248)
        are used to support causes of the  374-0200 or info@northvillecommu-
        Maybury Community Foundation.


        Palooza is

        set Sunday

           The annual Pumpkin Palooza
        is planned from 11:30 a.m. until
        2:30 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 23
        throughout downtown Plymouth.
           The downtown streets will be
        closed so that costumed trick or
        treaters can enjoy games, music,
        face painting and live entertain-
        ment celebrating the Halloween
        season. There will be a pet cos-
        tume contest at 11:30 and a chil-
        dren's costume contest at 12:30
        while entertainment is provided
        by Redline Percussion, Synergy
        Dance and Prelude Music at Ann
        Arbor Trail and Main Street.
           The Plymouth Fife & Drum
        Corps will perform on the Forest
        Street stage near Wing Street at
        11:45 a.m. and again at 2 p.m.
        Ventriloquist Richard Paul will
        be onstage at 12:15. Magician
        Gary Thison is scheduled to
        entertain at 1:15 p.m. and
        strolling juggler Jonathan
        Haglund and pumpkin carver
        John Bradshaw will also amuse
        crowds. Birds of Prey will bring
        some feathered friends to the
        event and the Kensington
        Metropark Mobile Learning
        Center will have people on site.
        Balloon artistry will be per-
        formed by Gracie the Clown
        while face painting and Uncle
        Sam entertain.
           Public safety vehicles includ-
        ing a fire truck and ambulance
        will be on site for close up inspec-
        tion by young visitors, too, organ-
        izers said.
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