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October 20, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                        INKSTER -ROMULUS
                                                        INKSTER -ROMULUS

        Area mourns death of activist Leanna Hicks

           One of the most revered for-                                                             many others. She also received
        mer residents of the Inkster                              ”                                 numerous national, state and
        community, Leanna Hicks, died           She also served with the Wayne County               county tributes and awards
        Oct. 9 at the age of 102 in                                                                 along with the many honors she
        Westland.                           Federation Library and the Wayne County Library         received from the City of Inkster.
           The Inkster Public Library is         Commission during her storied career.              Among those was the designa-
        named for Mrs. Hicks, a former                                                              tion of the Leanna Hicks Public
        journalist, community worker,                                                               Library in Inkster, first opened
        youth director, historian, library                                                          in September 1960. A new
        activist and humanitarian. Mrs.  collections. She was the founder  from  Eastern  Michigan  library building on Hamlin
        Hicks spent more than half a   of The Friends of the Inkster  University and Wayne State    Street was dedicated to Mrs.
        century involved in the improve-  Library, a decades-old Inkster  University. She received count-  Hicks in 2020.
        ment of local libraries and the  library support group. She also  less humanitarian awards from  Mrs. Hicks was actively
        preservation of local history.  served with the Wayne County  institutions such as the YWCA,  involved in the Springhill
        Through her more than four     Federation Library and the     Girl Scouts of America, Veterans  Missionary Baptist Church in
        decades of service of the Inkster  Wayne  County    Library   groups, NAACP, Gamma Phi      Inkster for more than 50 years.
        Historical Commission, she     Commission during her storied  Delta Sorority, Zeta Phi Beta    Funeral arrangements were
        oversaw hundreds of acquisi-   career.                        Sorority, City of Inkster Parks  entrusted to the Chapel of the
        tions and improvements in the    Mrs. Hicks earned a degree in  and Recreation and Inkster  Chimes Funeral Home in
        Inkster library and historical  journalism and social science  Christians in Action, among  Westland.                                  Mrs. Leanna Hicks
        Nominations sought for Romulus Person of Year

           The 36th Person of the Year  after Dec. 8 will be considered  should be honored as the Person  ber office at 11189 Shook Road,  Nominees do not have to be a
        will be named in Romulus next  for the honor.                 of the Year. The award presenta-  Suite 200, Romulus, MI 48174.  resident of Romulus but must
        spring.                          The criteria for the nominees  tion ceremony will take place in  Additional nomination forms are  meet the criteria of having made
           Nominations for the honor   are individuals that have made  spring, 2023, chamber officials  also available at the chamber  a significant contribution to the
        will be accepted by the Greater  significant contributions to  said.                        office.                        city.
        Romulus Chamber of Commerce    Romulus and residents of the     An online nomination form is   Nominations are open to the   Nominations will be reviewed
        until Dec. 8 by mail, email, in  community. Nominations should  available at admin@romu-    public although the nominator  by a committee chosen by the
        person or online. No nomina-   include a biographical synopsis Completed   must submit a contact telephone  members of the Romulus
        tions postmarked or received   stating reasons the nominee    forms can be mailed to the cham-  number or email address.   Chamber of Commerce.
        Dig in

        Volunteers needed to help

        plant 15 trees this Saturday

           Again this year, Romulus residents  community volunteers, the group has
        are invited to make a difference in the  planted nearly 30,000 trees on public
        community that can last decades.       property in Michigan cities, townships,
           This Saturday morning, from 8:45 a.m.  and villages.  Unlike most other volun-
        until noon, volunteers are needed to   teer-driven tree planting organizations,
        help plant 15 trees in Romulus. ReLeaf  ReLeaf Michigan plants trees that are
        Michigan, a non-profit tree organization,  already substantial in size resulting in
        is partnering with the city to help plant  much higher rates of survival and a  Romulus volunteers participate in the ReLeaf tree planting every year in the city.
        the trees. Funding this year is being pro-  more immediate environmental impact.
        vided by the DTE Foundation. ReLeaf      This planting will take place at the                               Sumpter Township
        Michigan is the only statewide tree    historic Peter Bird House in the city. The                         Regular Board Meeting
        planting non-profit organization in the  historic home is located at 12112 Wayne                      Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
        state, working with communities and    Road. ReLeaf Michigan tree experts will                      23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
        organizations throughout Michigan to   help volunteers and oversee the event.
        protect and restore urban tree canopies.  Families are welcome, organizers said.   Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:44 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
        The ReLeaf mission is to educate the     Volunteers should war closed-toe     Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Warren, Trustees: LaPorte, Morgan, Oddy and Rush. Also showing pres-
        public on the value of trees and how to  shoes and comfortable clothing and   ent: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire Chief Brown,
                                                                                      DPW Director Danci and 11 attendees.
        properly select, plant, and maintain   come prepared to get dirty. Bring a shov-
        them.                                  el, organizers said, or a hard rake and  3. Agenda: Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Agenda with the following additions:
                                                                                          Add to Item C "with attorney review of contract recurring fee".
           Founded by some of the most respect-  gloves, if possible. The event will take  Add Item I. "Consider approval to name Township Manager Anthony Burdick as Parks Administrator".
        ed arborists in the state and building on  place rain or shine and light refresh-  Move Item H to beginning of Agenda.
                                                                                          Roll Call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None Motion carried.
        lifetimes of green expertise, ReLeaf   ments will be served.
        Michigan has worked with over 400 com-   No planting experience is necessary,  4. Public Comment: Three (3) attendees spoke.
        munities across the state. Working with  the ReLeaf spokesman noted.          5. Minutes: Motion by Bowman, supported by Rush to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2022 with cor-
                                                                                      rection of Item 14A: add with regrets. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, Oddy, LaPorte and Rush. Nay: Morgan.
                                                                                      Motion carried.
           To subscribe to The Eagle visit              Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to add Item J "Consider re-confirmation of Davenport Brothers bid for fence/gate at
                                                                                      Sumpter fairgrounds". Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      Motion to approve planning commission meeting minutes of June 23, 2022. Roll call vote: Yes. All in favor. Nay: None. Motion
                                       Sumpter Township                               carried.
                                     Regular Board Meeting                            6. Warrants:  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve warrants totaling
                                  Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 6:00 p.m.                  $139,489.15. roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                               23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
                                           Minutes                                    7-11. Reports. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Warren to receive and file all reports. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.
                                                                                      Motion carried.
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 7:21 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
                                                                                      12. Board Response: Rush thanked public safety departments for their quick response to a house explosion.
         Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Warren, Trustees: LaPorte, Oddy and Rush. Trustee Morgan excused. Also
         showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire  New Business:
         Chief Brown, DPW Director Danci and 8 attendees.
                                                                                        A. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to hire Nelson Hammons as a full-time police officer, contingent upon him
         3. Agenda: Motion by Bowman, supported by Oddy to approve the Agenda with the following addition:  passing a drug test in addition to the required physical and psychological examinations. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.
              Amend: Add Item C. Consider approval of township hall bathroom renovations and septic not to exceed $144,341.90 plus  Nay: None. Motion carried.
              a 5% contingency fee.
         Roll Call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                  H.  Motion by Rush, supported by Warren to approve the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 Audited Financial Statements,
                                                                                          as submitted by PSLZ, LLP. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         4. Public Comment/Open Floor: Three (3) attendees spoke.
                                                                                        B. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to accept the quote from West Shore Services for repair of emergency siren #9
         5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve/accept the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2022.  (Sherwood at Arkona) at a cost of $3,760.00. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                        C. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to have UIS install communication equipment at the Martinsville Road pump
         6. Warrants:  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve warrants totaling $186,186.68. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  station at the cost of $9,325.00 with the township attorney review of contract recurring fee. Roll call vote: Yes: All in
         Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                       favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         7. Supervisor's Report:  Supervisor Bowman requested a motion to approve the fence/gate bid for the arena area from  D. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush for the re-appointment of Richard Pokerwinski to the planning commission with
         Davenport Brothers. Motion by Rush, supported by Hurst to approve the fence/gate bid from Davenport Brothers and to accept  term to expire 07/23/2025. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         the Supervisor's report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                        E. Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to move Dan Watson from alternate position to regular position on the planning
         8,10,11,12. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to receive and file all reports. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.  commission. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Motion carried.
                                                                                        F. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to direct the Township Supervisor, Attorney and Manager to begin assessment and
         9. Police Report: Public Safety Director Luke thanked all residents for their overwhelming support in the millage election. The  design planning for the Banotai Park & Sherwood Pond reclamation & improvements process and entertain design bids
         siren is down on Sherwood and Arkona due to a possible lightening strike and Wayne County prisoner Bailey died. Motion by  for Township Board consideration. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, LaPorte, Oddy and Rush. Nay: Morgan.
         Rush, supported by LaPorte to accept the police department report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  Motion carried
         13.Board Response: Trustee LaPorte thanked all the election workers and the Clerk's office for their work on the August 2, 2022  G. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte for approval of Wade Hoppe Design proposal and agreement to prepare a design
         primary election. LaPorte also stated that help would be needed for the November 8, 2022 election.  and master plan for the new Sumpter Township fairgrounds and each of (4) associated designs as identified for a total of
                                                                                          $11,500.00, with Township Attorney review of agreement. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, LaPorte, Oddy
         14.New Business:                                                                 and Rush. Nay: Morgan. Motion carried.
           A. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve and accept the resignation of probationary police officer Jeff Benedict,  H. Moved up.
              effective 7/14/2022 with regrets*. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
           B. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the 1st quarter budget amendments. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.   I.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to name Town Manager Anthony Burdick as Sumpter Township Parks
              Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                  administrator. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
           C. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the township hall bathroom renovations and septic field not to exceed
              $144,341.90 plus a 5% contingency fee. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  J.  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to re-confirm The Davenport Brothers fence/gate bid for the Sumpter Township
                                                                                          Fairgrounds. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, LaPorte, Oddy and Rush. Nay: Morgan. Motion carried.
         15.Announcements: None.
                                                                                      14.  Announcements: Clerk Hurst announced a vendor market will be held on September 10, 2022 under the fairgrounds pavil
         16.Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:36 p.m. Motion carried.  ion from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. If interested call Maryann Watson at 461-9373.
           *  Corrected                                                               15.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 7:31 pm. Motion carried.
         Minutes prepared by:                                                         Minutes prepared by:
         Deputy Clerk K. Armatis                                                      Deputy Clerk K. Armatis
         Sumpter Township                                                             Sumpter Township

         ___________________________  _____________                                   ___________________________  _____________
         Esther Hurst, Clerk     Date                                                 Esther Hurst, Clerk     Date

         ___________________________  _____________                                   ___________________________  _____________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                              ST0126 - 102022  2.5 x 7.444  Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date              ST0125 - 102022  2.5 x 10.659
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