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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 20, 2022


        Candidate’s explicit phone call is posted online

           An obscenity-laden recording  tentious recording. He said that                        ”                                 Previously, she has unsuccessful-
        of a phone call made to Sumpter  while he had heard about the                                                              ly sought election to terms as a
        Township Supervisor Tim        phone call to Bowman, he had             The call, made by Sheena Barnes, the               trustee and as township clerk
        Bowman by a current candidate  never heard the entire record-        democratic candidate for treasurer, contains          although she was appointed and
        for treasurer has been posted on  ing.                                                                                     served a partial term on the
        public websites.                 A disclaimer on the site notes             highly explicit, vulgar language               board of trustees.  She said she is
           The call, made to Bowman by  that no candidate or group                                                                 seeking office to "to make a dif-
        Sheena Barnes, the democratic  authorized or approved the post-            including multiple racial epithets.             ference to the stagnated board of
        candidate for treasurer, contains  ing of the recording.                                                                   trustees and be the eyes and ears
        highly explicit, vulgar language  Barnes published criticism of  Smythe Lutz and Zeal. During  handling licensing were not  and voice of the people."
        including multiple racial epi-  current treasurer Vincent     her report to the board members  available at press time. The busi-  Patterson has owned his own
        thets. In the recording, Barnes  Warren falsely claiming that he  in August, Emmons told the  ness was also in violation of  construction and remodeling
        also physically threatens      has not provided reports during  trustees that the audit was  Sumpter Township ordinances   business for 30 years and previ-
        Bowman and his family mem-     township board of trustee meet-  "unmodified" meaning the report  requiring a business permit at  ously sought election to the
        bers. In light of the incendiary  ings has also been challenged by  was an accurate audit of revenue  the time of Barnes' phone call to  board as clerk and as a trustee in
        language and emotionally       township officials. Warren and  and expenditures for the fiscal  Bowman.                    the early 2000s. He said he is
        charged content of the recording,  his staff have significantly  year ending March 31. The audi-  Bowman said he suspected  active with his church where he
        Bowman referred the call to the  reduced the delinquencies in  tor gave the township "top marks"  Barnes' call may have been in  is involved with the children's
        Sumpter Police Department for  water department payments dur-  for financial management.    response to a notice requiring  ministry and is a CPR/First
        investigation and possible crimi-  ing his time in office and that  Barnes is facing other ques-  compliance sent to all township  Aid/AED instructor for the Red
        nal action, citing harassment and  achievement has been reported  tions regarding permits and  businesses without proper per-  Cross. He said his goal as treas-
        intimidation along with the overt  and discussed during public  licenses for her food business  mits. He denied that Barnes had  urer would be to ensure the con-
        physical threat. At last report,  meetings, they noted. Warren  which she operates from her  been in any way singled out for  tinued fiscal responsibility in the
        the findings in the police investi-  was appointed in June of 2021 to  Sumpter  Road  property.  the compliance notice.    township while providing "excel-
        gation and interview with      fill the incomplete term follow-  According to documents provid-  Barnes has operated the busi-  lent services, recreational oppor-
        Barnes regarding the content of  ing the death of Treasurer James  ed through a Freedom of  ness for 35 years and is a gradu-  tunities, and improved standard
        the recording had been referred  Clark.                       Information Act request, both  ate of Airport High School and  of living."  He added that another
        to another agency for review.    Other township officials dis-  Wayne and Washtenaw Health  has attended Wayne County      priority is “funding for the cur-
           Barnes, 62, is opposed by 26-  puted Barnes' published claims  Department inspectors have  Community College. She is a  rent and future needs of the pub-
        year township resident Bart    of misspending, citing a recent  found health violations at her  member of the Belleville Area  lic safety department.”
        Patterson,   a   republican.   independent financial audit of  business. Requests for further  Council  for  the    Arts,    The two are competing for a
        Patterson denied any involve-  township finances performed by  information regarding the viola-  Southwestern Democratic Club,  partial term which will end in
        ment in the posting of the con-  Rana Emmons, a CPA with Post,  tions and Barnes' current food  and Belleville Lake Fest.  November of 2023.
        Chorus rehearsals continue

           Rehearsals are now under way for the  Non singers interested in helping                  To subscribe to The Eagle visit
        Belleville Community Chorus winter con-  coordinate the organization or work     
        cert, Joy-Hope-Love, set for Dec. 11 at  behind the scenes are also welcome, he
        First United Methodist Church.         added.
           The group welcomes singers from 16    The award-winning chorus is a non-
        through 96 to join the chorus, whether  profit organization of volunteers who love
        new voclaists or veterans who have sung  to sing. The chorus performs a variety of             CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID
        with the members in the past. Soprano,  choral music for the enrichment, educa-                ITB 22/23-07 THREE YEAR EMERGENCY
        alto, tenor, bass or undetermined, the  tion and enjoyment of members and                    AND AS NEEDED WATER & SEWER REPAIRS
        chorus, under the direction of Mary    audiences in surrounding communities.   ITB 22/23-09 THREE YEAR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR
                                                                                             EMERGENCY ON CALL & AS NEEDED ELECTRICAL SERVICES
        Loring, is open to all who love music and  First United Methodist Church is         ITB 22/23-10 TWO YEAR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACT
        singing, a spokesman said. To join, arrive  located at 417 Charles St. in Belleville.   - DUST CONTROL PROGRAM CITY STREETS & PARKS
        at the church a few minutes before 7 p.m.  For more information, contact Mary              ITB 22/23-11 2023 & 2024 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER
        any Monday and expect a warm wel-      Larivee, (313) 310-2614 or Claudia
        come, he added.                        Roullier at (734) 697-8235.            The City of Romulus, Michigan is seeking bids from qualified companies for the above services.
                                                                                      (1)  Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the
                                                                                           City.  Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing
                                      INVITATION TO BID                                    Group page of BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made on
                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP                                      the forms included with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other
                                  WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN                                   source are not considered official copies.
                                  SUMPTER TOWNSHIP HALL
                                                                                      (2)  Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discre-
                              The Township of Sumpter is accepting sealed bids for         tion of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN
                                     DUCT CLEANING SERVICE                                 Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the
                                in Sumpter Township, Wayne County, Michigan                MITN website regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain
                                                                                           all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of
         Sumpter Township will only entertain sealed bids submitted on or before;
                                                                                           each addendum as part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the adden-
                                     Friday, October 28th, 2022                            dum and sign and date the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid
                                           2:00 pm                                         documents.
                                                                                      (3)  A total of two copies (one marked "Original" and one marked "Copy") of the bid must be sub-
         Sealed bids will be received by:
                                        The Clerk's Office                                 mitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later
                                        Sumpter Township                                   than 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 22, 2022.  Bids should be addressed using the bid pack-
                                        23480 Sumpter Rd.                                  age label provided in the solicitation documents or submitted electronically on the MITN
                                        Belleville, MI 48111
                                                                                           Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.
         Bids shall be publicly opened and read on:                                   (4)  At approximately 3:00 p.m., local time, November 22, 2022, all timely received bids will be
                                                                                           publically opened and read.
                                     Friday, October 28th, 2022                       (5)  The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
                                           3:00 pm
                                    Sumpter Township Board Room                            right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and
                                        23480 Sumpter Rd.                                  to award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most
                                       Belleville, MI 48111                                responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of
                                                                                           Romulus or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.
         Bids are directed to make an appointment with; The Clerk's Office, (734) 461-6201, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm,  (6)  The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required by
         Monday through Friday, to view the HVAC Systems and supply/ductwork for the units to base their specifications and bids on.
         Bidder must be NADCA Certified, possess an HVAC License and be a registered vendor with Sumpter Township. Bidder must  the solicitation documents and copies of all required endorsements.
         also produce a W-9 and Certificate of Liability.                             (7)  For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by call-
                                                                                           ing (734) 955-4568 or by emailing .
         Please call Sumpter Township, Clerk's Office at (734) 461-6201 if you require additional information.  (8)  The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published docu-
                                       Township of Sumpter
                                        Esther Hurst, Clerk                                ment or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.
                                                                                           Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or
         Published: Posted:                                                                solicitations is strictly prohibited.
         The Eagle - October 20th, 2022
         October 14th, 2022                                            ST0127 - 102022  2.5 x 4.75  Publish: October 27, 2022


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              1FDRE14W52HB11477     vehicles must be paid in  from the  City of Westland
                              CHEVROLET MALIBU      full at the time of the con-  Police Department within
                              1G1ZT53F16F260255     clusion of the auction.   48 hours of the sale.
        On Thursday, November  TAOTAO HURAGAN
        1, 2022 @ 1PM Frazier's  L9NTEACX1G1501062                        2012 Chevrolet
        Auto Service Towing locat-  CHEVROLET CRUZE  On Wednesday, October  1G1JC6SH1C4170651
        ed at 35830 Van Born Rd  1G1PC5SB7F7141464  26th, 2022 at 11: 30 am,  2007 Ford
        Wayne, MI 48184 will con-  INFINITI QX4     Great  Lakes  Towing  1FMEU73E07UB42938
        duct a public auction of  JNRDR07Y11W109732  Impound and Recovery  The above vehicles are
        Impounded        and  CHEVROLET MALIBU      Division located at 42350  impounded through the
        Abandoned Vehicles.  The  1G1ZC5E17BF245948  Van Born Rd, Belleville, Mi,  Garden City Police
        following vehicles will be  DODGE CHALLENGER  County of Wayne, will con-  Department. All paper-
        offered for sale to the  2C3DZAG9GH283364   duct a public auction of  work must be picked up
        highest bidder.       MAZDA MPV             Impounded        and  from the  Garden City
                              JM3LW28J440514550     Abandoned vehicles. The  Police Department within
        DODGE RAM             LINCOLN LS            following vehicles will be  48 hours of the sale.
        3B7HF13Z9TG106349     1LAHM87A81Y731729     offered for sale to the high-
        FORD FIESTA           DODGE AVENGER         est bidder.           2005 Volkswagen
        3FADP4EJ5CM137478     1B3CC4FB0AN1302391                          3VWCM31Y35M363854
        DODGE RAM1500         CHRYSLER 300          2008 Saturn           2012 Volkswagen
        1D7HA18D83S301563     2C3KA53G46H499101     3GSCL53738S669530     1VWBN7A31CC093056
        CHEVROLET MALIBU      PONTIAC G. PRIX       2008 Dodge
        1G1ZB5EB9A4115191     1G2WP52K6YF223481     1B3HB28B88D595636     The above vehicles are
        FORD FOCUS            FORD FUSION           2012 Buick            impounded through the
        1FADP3J28GL314346     3FA6P0HD1LR110563     1G4PP5SK0C4192065     City of Dearborn Police
        FORD ESCAPE                                 2009 Chevrolet        Department. All paper-
        1FMCU9GD8KUA77396     The above vehicles are  1G1AT18H297193678   work must be picked up
        SATURN RELAY          impounded through the  2009 Chevrolet       from the  City of Dearborn
        5GZDX23185D194757     cities of Romulus and  2G1WB57K691326582    Police Department within
        CHEVROLET CRUZE       Wayne.  All paperwork is  2005 Pontiac      48 hours of
        1G1PF5SC6C7286605     to picked up from the city  3G7DA03E05S543384
        TAO TAO 125CC         within 48 hours of the sale.   2006 Ford    All Vehicles are sold in "as
        L9NYGJGG0M10000037                          1FAFP231X6G173553     is condition". Bidding on
        DODGE RAM 1500        All vehicle are sold in "as is  2003 Ford   all vehicles will start at the
        1D7HU18N46S531301     condition".  Bidding on all  1FMYU02193KA06638   amount due for towing
                                                                          and storage. Vehicles may
        MAZDA B2300           vehicles will start at the  2006 Chevrolet  be deleted from this list at
        4F4CR12A2VTM31497     amount due for towing  1GND513S162237616    any time prior to the start
        CHEVROLET SONIC       and storage.  Vehicles  The above vehicles are  of the auction. This is a
        1G1JC5SH0G4141867     may be deleted from this  impounded through the  cash only sale and all vehi-
        DODGE JOURNEY         list at any time prior to the  City of Westland Police  cles must be paid in full at
        3D4PG4FBXAT100222     start of the auction.  This is  Department. All paper-  the conclusion of the auc-
        FORD ECONOLINE        a cash only sale and all  work must be picked up  tion.
   1   2   3   4   5   6