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October 8, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                     INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Woman threatened following church outreach efforts

           An 22-year-old man has plead-  preted the threatening message as                                                        finding several weapons believed
        ed guilty to intentionally threaten-  a joke.  A more careful examina-                   ”                                 to belong to Wyatt at his mobile
        ing an Inkster woman with physi-  tion showed that there were two      Federal officials said that Wyatt admitted          home.
        cal harm to obstruct her free exer-  “friends” associated with the  he was acting intentionally to obstruct the woman's      The church did not shut down
        cise of religion, which is a federal  Facebook page from where the                                                         due to the threat although church
        offense.                       message originated, one of those  freedom of religion, because she is African-American.     officials did increase security
           The incident began last July,  identified as Ronny Wyatt, 22.                                                           including having Patton's husband
        according to official accounts of  Patton told investigators that she                                                      walk the church aisles while
        the case, when Teresa Patton   knew Wyatt through her church  investigators that he had sent the  admitted he was acting intention-  armed in an effort to  protect wor-
        received the threatening message  outreach program and had taken  message telling Berry that he  ally to obstruct the woman's free-  shippers.
        from the Facebook page of an 83-  him food as part of the Sunset  would show up at the church “with  dom of religion, because she is  Wyatt’s mother reportedly told
        year-old man. Patton is an attorney  Church of Christ in Taylor out-  my AK to put you and your [exple-  African-American and that he  police that her son was angry that
        and her husband is in law enforce-  reach services.           tive] family down [expletive].”  intended her to read his message  church members attempted to
        ment. She said that she first inter-  Wyatt alegedly admitted to FBI  Federal officials said that Wyatt  as a threat. FBI agents reported  counsel him about his drug use.
        Romulus receives more than $800,000 in grant funds

           The City of Romulus has     streamline the grant process by                                                             vide funding necessary to sup-
        received more than $800,000 in  providing each department the                            ”                                 port a range of public safety and
        various federal and statewide  resources and information they          As city leaders, it is our duty to protect          public health expenditures -
        grants, coming at a critical time  need to easily complete appli-         our city's financial standing while              $47,550; Building Healthy
        as the city works to lessen the  cations. The new committee has                                                            Places grant from MParks and
        effects of the COVID-19 pan-   played a key role in Romulus'           bettering the community we call home.               Michigan Department of Health
        demic, officials said.         ability to coordinate and                                                                   and Human Services; $10,000
           In light of the increased need  receive grants during the pan-                                                          for Boise Parkway walking path
        of funding due to the pandemic  demic, Burcroff said.         create an efficient and success-  ard pay premiums for those  improvements; $1,500 for
        and the grant opportunities      “As city leaders, it is our duty  ful grant process, securing  who have performed hazardous  COVID-19 related items such
        offered at the federal, state and  to protect our city's financial  access to resources, especially  work related to COVID-19 -  has sanitizing stations and
        county levels, Mayor LeRoy     standing while bettering the   funding, that build on our city's  $58,272; Public Safety and  social distancing signs for
        Burcroff recently created an   community we call home,” said  existing infrastructure.”     Public     Health    Payroll   parks; Center for Tech and
        Operational Sustainability &   Burcroff. “I am proud of those   To date, Romulus has        Reimbursement Program grant    Civic Life grant to assist with
        Community Enhancement          on      the     Operational    received grants including: First  to reimburse public safety and  election expenses - $16,645 and
        Committee. The committee       Sustainability & Community     Responder     Hazard    Pay   public health expenditures     a DTE Foundation and Relief
        members, including city depart-  Enhancement Committee who    Premiums Program grant to     related to COVID-19 - $685,759;  Michigan grant to plant 15 trees
        ment leaders, work together to  continue to work diligently to  reimburse first responder haz-  Justice Assistance Grant to pro-  around the community.
        Sumpter Township auditor praises board’s performance

                                                                                                       Members of the Sumpter      told the board members that they
                                                                                                     Township Board of Trustees    “do a good job watching the
                                                                                                     accepted and approved an inde-  budget.” She noted that overall,
                                                                                                     pendent financial audit pre-  the budget in the township is sta-
                                                                                                     pared by auditors from Post,  ble.
                                                                                                     Smythe, Lutz & Ziel.            The general fund balance of
                                                                                                       The positive audit was pre-  $9.2 million against total expen-
                                                                                                     sented to the board members   ditures of $5.4 million indicate
                                                                                                     during the Sept. 22 meeting and  that the township financial
                                                                                                     included the financial transac-  health is sound with nearly two
                                                                                                     tions and management of the fis-  years of anticipated expenses
                                                                                                     cal year ending March 31.     already funded, she said.
                                                                                                       The auditor referred to the   “Those are real numbers,”
                                                                                                     findings as “a good report” and  she told the board members.
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