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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 8, 2020

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        In memoriam

        Wayne dedicates tribute to

        veterans of armed services

           A large crowd gathered last  mony last week, the Wayne
        Wednesday to celebrate the offi-  Memorial High School Junior
        cial dedication of the new veter-  Reserve Officer Training Corps
        ans' memorial located adjacent  (JROTC) under the direction of
        to Wayne City Hall.            First Sgt. Albert Phoenix pre-
           The memorial, a volunteer   sented the colors for the official
        project funded by citizen dona-  flag raising while members of
        tions, members of UAW Local    the Wayne Memorial High
        900 and a matching grant from  School Zebra marching Band
        the    Michigan    Economic    under the direction of Michael
        Development Corp., began as a  Wolf played the Star Spangled
        grassroots effort in 2016 when  Banner, TAPS and a medley of
        veterans in the community sug-  patriotic music. Wayne Police
        gested the project.            Chief      Ryan      Strong,
           Members of the UAW Local    Wayne/Westland Fire Chief
        845 were moving the union head-  Michael Stradtner and Wayne
        quarters and suggested moving  Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal
        the monument from the former   Jeremie Schneider led the
        site to Wayne. That memorial,  assembled crowd in the pledge
        which honors all armed service  of allegiance and Wayne police
        members, was incorporated into  officers Jordan Arndt and
        the completely new tribute dedi-  Joshua Priebe and Wayne Fire
        cated last week.               Department Capt. Dave Wylie
           A funding drive for donations  officiated at the raising of the
        collected more than $35,000 for  American and  POW/MIA flag.
        the installation which includes a  All three men are veterans.
        new flag pole and American flag  Other speakers included com-
        along with necessary footings,  mittee members Mayor John
        the excavation and pavement    Rhaesa, City Manager Lisa
        installation, lighting, the striping  Nocerini, Department of Public
        of newly-designated handi-     Works Assistant Director Ed
        capped accessible veterans only  Queen,   Buildings     and   and  Chris Miller, a member of  Memorial Committee including  Kathryn Sample and Wayne
        parking spaces near the monu-  Engineering     Department/    UAW Local 900 spoke. Both the  Rhaesa; Mayor Pro Tem Thomas  Finance Director and Lloyd
        ment, benches, landscaping and  Building Official Michael Buiten  invocation and closing prayer  Porter; Mike Smith, UAW Local  Allen, an honorary member and
        signage.                       and Lori Gouin, Community      were led by Pastor Seth       900; Chris Miller, UAW Local 900  UAW Local 900 retiree.
           Donations will also fund 5  Development/DDA director.      McDonald of Hill Crest Bible  member; Alison Hug, UAW Local    The audience was filled with
        years of maintenance at the site,  The keynote address was pre-  Church.                    845; Nocerini;  Gouin;   Buiten,  Wayne veterans and their fami-
        officials said.                sented by Col. Charles L. Cone,  The effort was led by mem-  Queen; Wayne Department of     lies. The memorial is now open
           During the dedication cere-  United States Air Force, retired  bers of the Wayne Veteran's  Public Works Assistant Director  to the public.

        Westland names new technology deputy director

                                          Phineas Cody began his new                             ”                                 were conducted by a panel
                                       job as Ciy of  Westland Deputy                 I am honored and excited                     including a representative of  the
                                       Director of the Department of                                                               city    Human      Resource
                                       Innovation and Technology on                to once again join the DoIT Team                Department, the director of
                                       Sept. 15.                                        in the City of Westland.                   Innovation and Technology and
                                           Cody started his career with                                                            an  independent interviewer.
                                       the CIty of Detroit as a Helpdesk                                                             “I am very excited about the
                                       Technician.  After serving     Management from Colorado      once again join the DoIT Team in  addition of Phineas Cody to our
                                       Detroit for 22 years, he moved on  Technical University. Cody also  the City of Westland,”Cody said.   department.  When he worked
                                       to serve for nearly 2 years in the  earned various IT certifications  “Mayor Wild's administrative  with us previously, he showed a
                                       City of Westland and then the  that include Information      team is comprised of very talent-  tremendous amount of ability in
                                       City of Inkster for 2 years in areas  Technology  Infrastructure  ed individuals who believe that  this field and being able to return
                                       of Information Technology (IT)  Library (ITIL) Foundation    innovation can drive customer  him to the fold in an expanded
                                       business operations and IT proj-  Service Strategy, CompTIA  service and I look forward to  role will allow us the opportunity
                                       ect management. Cody has a     Network+, and Microsoft       helping to further the city's tech-  to fully utilize his skills and per-
                                       bachelors of science degree and  Certified Professional and is a  nological advancements.”  sonality to continue providing
                                       a masters degree in Business   member    of   the   Project     Resumes, applications, and  the best service we can to the
                                       Administration in Information  Management Institution.       writing samples were collected  residents of Westland,” remarked
                        Phineas Cody   Technology    and    Project     “I am honored and excited to  via job postings and interviews  Mayor William R. Wild.

                                       Classified                                                              INVITATION TO BID

                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900                              ROMULUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS
                              01 JEEP CHEROKEE      95 CHEYENNE1500
                              1J4GW48591C586976     1GCEC14Z75Z132103                 Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received, opened, and read aloud by Romulus
                              05 CHYSYLER 300       03 JAGUAR XTYPE                   CommunitySchools at the District Administration Building located at 36540 Grant Rd., Romulus,
                              2C3JA53G55H507877     SAJEA51D63XD29450                 MI 48174 no later than 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 for the following work:
        NOW    HIRING  Penske  03  CHEVY IMPALA     07  SAAB 97X
        Logistics expects to hire  2G1WF52E039129759  5S3ET13M572800710               Romulus Early Childhood Center Exterior Signage – 35200 Smith Rd, Romulus, MI 48174.
        full-time warehouse work-  99 DODGE DAKOTA  02 HONDA CRV
        ers to support our essential  1B7GG26X4XS308670  JHLRD78882C007233
        food warehouse operations  96 FORD F150     12 CHEVY EQUINOX                  All bids shall be submitted online at:
        in Romulus, MI. Warehouse  1FTEF15N6TLA22280  2GNALBEK1C1311776     
        positions include order  03 HONDA ACCORD    10 CHRYSLER SEBRING
        selectors for the 2nd shift.  1HGCM566573A087521  1C3CCSFV4AN131963           Please contact with any questions.
        $16.55-$22.55 per hour  04 MERCURY SABLE    07 DODGE CHARGER
        with performance/ safety  1MEFM55S74G605165  2B3KA43G17H748690                The School Board will not accept any bid submitted after the indicated due time and date. Bidders
        bonus      opportunity.  08 MERCURY SABLE   08 FORD TAURUS
        Interviews are being con-  1MEHM42W68G622376  1FMD503W48GA08015               will be required to submit with their Bid Proposals a Bid Security by a qualified surety authorized
        ducted via phone and fol-  12 CHRYSLER 200                                    to do business in the state where the Projects is located. All Bid Proposals shall be accompanied by
        lowing social distancing  1C3CCBBC1CN121760  The above vehicles are           the following two forms: Familial Disclosure Form (in accordance with MCL 380.1267) and an Iran
        protocols. 1 year experi-  97 CHEVY BLAZER  impounded through the             Economic Sanctions Act Form (in compliance with Michigan Public Act No. 517 of 2012). Bid
        ence warehousing or mate-  1GNDT13W1V2100688  cities of Romulus, Wayne, o subscribe to The Eagle email   Proposals that do not include these two sworn and notarized forms shall not be accepted.
        rial-handling  preferred.  99 DODGE RAM1500  Westland,    Canton,
        Apply Today!  855-759-  3B7HC13YXVG814418   Inkster, Van Buren, and
                              16 FORD FUSION        Garden City. All paper-
                              3FA6P0HD8GR313844     work is to picked up from
                              12 CHRYSLER T&C       the city within 48 hours of
                              2C4RC1BG5CR369302     the sale.
        On Wednesday, October  08 CHRYSLER SEBRING
        21,2020 at 11:30 AM,  1C3LC56R38N215950     All vehicle are sold in "as
        Frazier's Auto Service  MERCURY MOUN-       is condition".  Bidding on
        Towing located at 35830  TAINEER            all vehicles will start at
        Van Born Rd Wayne, MI  4M2ZU55P5WUJ19432    the amount due for tow-
        48184 will conduct a pub-  05 FORD TAURUS   ing and storage.  Vehicles
        lic auction of Impounded  1FAFP5322SA236351  may be deleted from this  T
        and Abandoned Vehicles.  12 DODGE JOURNEY   list at any time prior to the
        The following vehicles  3C4PDCAB6CT34959    start of the auction.  This
        will be offered for sale to  05 CHEVY 2500  is a cash only sale and all
        the highest bidder.   1GCGG25V551199946     vehicles must be paid in
        05 FORD TAURUS        04 MERCURY SABLE      full at the time of the con-
                              1MEFM55S44A625053     clusion of the auction.
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