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October 8, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Guiding hand

        League of Women Voters Election

        Guides delivered to local libraries

                                  Julie Brown    The League's Vote site offers
                                Special Writer  Nov. 3 election information, supplement-
                                               ing the print Voter Guide.
           Gathering as volunteers isn't new for  “I wish everybody would appreciate
        the League of Women Voters (LWV) of    how local elections impact their lives.
        Northwest Wayne County, but last Friday  Those are the people that can impact our
        was especially busy. Members gathered in  lives. The township officials are the ones
        a garage of one volunteer to assemble  that determine when your garbage gets
        Voter Guides.                          picked up,” Bowman said.
           “It's been a lot of work but it's satisfying  The LWV of Northwest Wayne County
        to know people use them. There's no spin  hosts candidate forums, too, and is using
        on them,” noted Paula Bowman, a        Zoom now due to the pandemic. “We     Paula Bowman displays the voter guides of the League of Women Voters of Northwest
        Plymouth Township resident and LWV of  have had plenty of work to do remotely  Wayne County now available in local libraries.
        Northwest Wayne County president.      and in print,” said Bowman, retired for  mom, now 93.                       included in our guide,” said Bowman,
           She and other League volunteers     about a year from office administration  “She got me involved all those many  adding less space is allocated for non-
        delivered print Voter Guides through   work.                                 years ago,” said Bowman, adding that  contested races for judge.
        Monday to area libraries for distribution.   “When people are making sound deci-  retiring “has given me more time to vol-  The League of Women Voters has a
           “Seniors especially really rely on  sions about who represents them we all  unteer.” She said she is proud of the work  limited budget which determines some
        these,” noted Bowman of the print guides,  benefit. That is a benefit to all of us,” said  to educate voters since the founding of  decisions on Voter Guide space, she said.
        which include both state and local races  Bowman, also a vice president of the state  the League in 1920, the same year as  The 34th District Court, which covers
        and issues. “We did print more than we  League of Women Voters. She's been vol-  national women's suffrage in the U.S.  Romulus and serves Belleville, also has a
        usually do. We expect them to go fast.”  unteering about 25 years thanks to her  Also proud is Carrie Moon-Dupree of  contested race, as does the Wayne County
                                                                                     Canton Township, the LWV Northwest    Circuit Court.
                                                                                     Wayne County vice president of Voter     The Michigan Supreme Court candi-
                                                                                     Service who said she is confident the  date information includes who those can-
                                                                                     League is “providing accurate, unbiased  didates were nominated by, she said.
                                                                                     information.” She's a three-year member  Cities this Nov. 3 have fewer races than
                                                                                     and retired from Presbyterian Villages of  townships do, and Bowman appreciates
                                                                                     Michigan as an administrator.         that candidates are willing to serve. “Yet
                                                                                       Bowman notes Canton has three       there are still people wanting to be
                                                                                     school districts, meaning its Voter Guide'  involved,” she noted of school boards.
                                                                                     is larger than some others.              The 2018 measure to allow no-reason
                                                                                        “We cover all the school districts,” said  absentee voting, along with online voter
                                                                                     Bowman of Wayne-Westland, Plymouth-   registration, has “compressed time” for
                                                                                     Canton, Northville, Van Buren, Garden  the League and for municipal clerks, she
                                                                                     City, Redford Union, and South Redford,  added.
                                                                                     “because people need that information    That's true too for endorsements, such
                                                                                     more than, say, about the President” of  as by labor unions and others. Some vot-
                                                                                     the U.S.                              ers have relied on endorsements, said
                                                                                       She notes during League candidate   Bowman, whose organization doesn't
                                                                                     forums many parents asked about in-per-  endorse candidates.
                                                                                     son classroom learning. “We devote a lot  “Here people who rely on those
                                                                                     of time and effort to those races,” said  endorsements are looking for them,” she
                                                                                     Bowman of boards of education, agreeing  added. She notes information from candi-
        Volunteers including, clockwise starting bottom left,  Lois Baughman, Pat Bindas, Ting  they handle large budgets.  dates will be ongoing, and that organiza-
        Westra and Judy Westra, work on packaging the League of Women Voters guides for  The Michigan Supreme Court is a con-  tion candidate forums can be viewed
        distribution.                                                                tested race Nov. 3. “That race is definitely  online.
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