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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 6, 2022

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Handcuffs vs. Hoses

        Charity hockey game pits police against firefighters

           It will be Handcuffs against  dropped at 7:30, many other                                                               profit organization called “The
        Hoses at the Mike Modano Ice   activities are also scheduled                             ”                                 Westland Police Community
        Arena in Westland on Oct. 15.  including views of police and fire      The charity game will begin at 7:30 p.m.            Partnership Committee”. This
           Westland police will face off  vehicles, the K9 dogs, raffles, a         at the Mike Modano Ice Arena.                  non-profit charitable organiza-
        against members of the Westland  50/50 raffle, Chuck a Puck and a                                                          tion is used to enhance the phi-
        Fire Department in a charity   Teddy Bear Drive.                                                                           losophy of Police/Community
        hockey game.                     The Chuck a Puck and Teddy   Officers will be collecting the toys  Westland Fire Fighter Charity  Partnership,  Community
           Members of the two city pub-  Bear Drive will take place during  and then donating the stuffed  Foundation. All funding raised  Outreach,  and   for
        lic safety departments are hoping  the game intermissions. Anyone  animals to the Westland  will be used for charities sup-  Community/Schools   safety
        their department can take home  wanting to participate and    Goodfellows.                  ported by the police and fire  awareness.
        the prestigious Battle of the  donate to the Teddy Bear Drive   Proceeds from this event will  departments in the city.      The Mike Modano Ice Arena
        Badges trophy from the game.   can bring a new/slightly used  help benefit the Westland Police  In 2012, the Westland Police  is located at 6210 N. Wildwood in
           While the first puck will be  stuffed animal to the game.  Community Partnership and the  Department established a non-  Westland.



                                                                                     While it may officially be fall,
                                                                                     the “Summer of Progress”
                                                                                     effort in the City of Westland
                                                                                     is still under way. One of the
                                                                                     latest projects managed by
                                                                                     the Westland Department of
                                                                                     Public Service through the
                                                                                     Capital    Improvement
                                                                                     Program included the
                                                                                     removal of old asphalt pave-
                                                                                     ment and resurfacing with
                                                                                     new asphalt of Palmer
                                                                                     Road, from Treadwell to
                                                                                     Harvey. Workers were on
                                                                                     site and finishing up work
                                                                                     last week on the section of

        Free chronic pain workshops to be offered in Inkster

           Free workshops to help resi-  National Kidney Foundation of  leading healthier, more enjoy-  Michigan and caregivers are  Western Wayne Family Health
        dents experiencing chronic pain  Michigan (NKFM) at no cost to  able lives.                 welcome. Classes are set for 3:30  Center, 2700 Hamlin Blvd.,
        are planned in Inkster.        participants, the six-week work-  Session topics include myths  until 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12.  Inkster.
           The Chronic Pain PATH       shop features a certified facilita-  about pain, techniques to com-  New participants can join  To   register,   contact
        (Personal Action Toward        tor working with a small group  bat symptoms, working effective-  through Wednesday, Oct. 19.
        Health) workshops are return-  to explore skills and tools to  ly with family and health care  Sessions will take place Oct. 12,  <mailto:PATHprograms@nkfm.
        ing to an in-person format begin-  help people become more suc-  providers, and more. The work-  19 and 26 and Nov. 2, 9 and 16.  org>  or call 1-800-482-1455, Ext.
        ning this week. Offered by the  cessful at managing pain and  shop is open to all residents in  All classes will take place at  2320.


        Inkster Police Sgt. Brian Shafer
        officially retired Sept. 17 after 25
        years with the department.
        During his service with the
        Inkster Police Department,
        Shafer served as a patrolman,
        motor officer and detective. His
        commitment to the department
        extended beyond the day-to-day
        operations, police officials said.
        Shafer was the Special
        Response Team Leader and a
        member of the agency training
        staff. He was the lead firearms
        instructor, a field training officer
        responsible for training many of
        the current police officers, and
        he assisted with the auxiliary
        police academy. "His knowledge
        and expertise helped to guide all
        of those that he led and is sure
        to live on in every person he
        trained," noted a media
        announcement. City and police
        officials thanked Shafer for his
        years of service and his dedica-
        tion to the Inkster community.
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