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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 6, 2022

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

        Plymouth library adopts new ‘Fine Free’ policy

           The Plymouth District Library  In another move toward unre-
        has entered a new chapter since  stricted access, the library is also
        first opening to serve the public  introducing free computer print-
        in 1923.  Book lovers will no  outs of up to 10 pages per day, and
        longer pay a fine for the late  this summer introduced new low
        return of items borrowed from  vision activity kits. Available
        the facility located on Main Street  quarterly, these kits help intro-
        in downtown Plymouth.          duce a fun activity in an accessi-
           Members of the library board  ble way, including special accom-
        of   trustees   unanimously    modations or tips for how to
        approved making the library    make the experience low-vision-
        “Fine Free” effective Oct. 1. Now,  friendly.  Funding assistance for
        library patrons will no longer be  the kits was provided by the
        charged fees for late return of  Library Access Friends which
        Plymouth Library books, movies  provided the kits planned for fall
        and other materials.  Existing late  and winter.  The theme for the
        fees on borrower accounts will  fall kit is backyard birding: inside
        also be cleared, in an effort to  is everything needed to create a
        make the library more accessible  backyard birdfeeder, including
        to the entire community        detailed instructions and infor-
        explained Library Director     mation on birding with low
        Shauna Anderson. Patrons will,  vision. The kits are now available
        however, still be responsible for  and those interested persons can
        replacement fees for items lost or  obtain one while supplies last at
        damaged.                       the Main Level Reader's Advisory
           Going fine-free is a change  Desk or at the Plymouth
        that is being made by public   Friendship Station Senior Center.
        libraries across the country and  The December library newsletter  science, technology, engineering,  web access, library officials  it's just incredible how much
        across Metro Detroit, Anderson  will list pickup dates for the win-  art and math (S.T.E.A.M.) projects  explained.  The classes never  opportunity can be packed into
        said, and has become increasing-  ter kit, which will focus on baking  with complete instructions and  expire, so crafters can start and  one click of a mouse.”
        ly appealing to libraries because  with low vision.           supply lists to get young (or old)  stop projects at their own pace.  The addition of these new
        late fees present a barrier to   The library also now offers  explorers started. Projects   Creativebug also offers a gallery  tools is one of many ways the
        access that disproportionately  two new hands-on resources:   include arts and crafts, physics  where makers can share their  Plymouth District Library is act-
        affects low-income households  Lerner   Maker    Lab    and   and biology experiments, build-  creations with the crafting com-  ing on its strategic goal of engag-
        and often stands between eager  Creativebug, introduced this  ing projects, and cooking.  Lerner  munity, as well as hundreds of 30-  ing patrons with services that
        minds and reading materials.    month for use by library card-  Maker Lab invites kids to “craft,  day prompts to encourage cre-  extend beyond books, Kelly
           “Libraries are intrinsically  holders. These two tools provide  build, experiment, eat and cele-  ators development of a daily  added. To access the new
        about equitable access to knowl-  a wealth of opportunity for self-  brate” hands-on learning.  practice.                  resources,              visit
        edge,” said Anderson.  “We are so  paced growth and exploration.  Creativebug has thousands of  “We are excited to hear how More infor-
        pleased that the library board  Creativity and learning are set to  award-winning art and craft  our patrons are exploring with  mation about these changes can
        was supportive of this proposed  take off to new heights, library  video classes taught by recog-  these new tools,” said Mary Kelly,  be found at
        change so we can welcome back  officials said.                nized design experts and artists.  electronic services librarian.  The library is located at 223 S
        the entire community and not     Lerner Maker Lab provides    These classes can be enjoyed  “Lerner Maker Lab and          Main St. Plymouth. For more
        leave anyone out.”             more than 500 age-appropriate  anytime, anywhere patrons have  Creativebug are treasure troves;  information, call (734) 453-0750.

           A warm welcome

           Members of the Sumpter Township Fire
           Department will be marking Fire
           Prevention Week with an open house at
           the fire station from noon until 3 p.m. Oct.
           15. Visitors can tour the station, meet and
           greet fire department personnel and
           enjoy refreshments to mark the 100th
           anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, the
           longest running public health observance
           on record. The theme of the week-long
           observance across the country, Fire Won't
           Wait. Plan Your Escape, will be marked
           from Oct. 9 through 15 with fire station
           open house events throughout the area.
           The Sumpter Township Fire Station is
           located at 20550 Sumpter Road in


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