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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 29, 2022

                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND
                                                    SUMPTER - WESTLAND

        Township manager can add to meeting agenda

           Sumpter Township Manager    which in some cases could be as                           ”                                 should have asked about this or
        Anthony Burdick will now have  long as two weeks.                                                                          that.'”
        the ability to place items on the  “I'd like to have the opportuni-          Trustee Don LaPorte said that                   LaPorte said he had no objec-
        agenda of the board of trustees  ty to present things that have to       he appreciates receiving information              tion to allowing Burdick to add
        meeting.                       do with policy, personnel manual                                                            agenda items “as long as I can see
           A motion to make the change  and other things that are coming         regarding agenda items beforehand.                it far enough in advance.”
        was approved by the trustees dur-  up that the board will be seeing                                                          Trustee Matt Oddy asked attor-
        ing the Sept. 13 meeting with  beginning with the next board                                                               ney Rob Young if the board would
        Trustee Peggy Morgan casting the  meeting,” Burdick explained. He  you have questions, call some-  information they need to consid-  be acting in opposition to board
        lone no vote.                  said having the ability to place  body and ask them about the  er well before the board meet-  action or resolutions of a previous
           Burdick suggested the change,  items on the agenda for consider-  agenda item. I think this is really  ing.”            adminstrations. Young assured
        he said, in an effort to make some  ation or discussion by the board  confusing.”              Trustee Don LaPorte said that  him the current board members
        necessary board considerations  could provide more complete     Burdick reiterated that the  he appreciates receiving informa-  were not obligated to follow reso-
        and actions more efficient.    information and background.    proposed change was simply an  tion regarding agenda items   lutions of previous boards. He
        Previously, only the board mem-  His suggestion was criticized  effort to ensure that the board  beforehand. “I don't like stuff  added that Burdick's suggestion
        bers could have an item placed  by Morgan who suggested going  members had the correct back-  added at the meeting. It makes it  did not violate any state statutes.
        on the agenda for either study  back to the “way it was where you  ground and information regard-  incredibly tough to make a good  The motion was approved by
        sessions or regular meetings.  get the agenda on Thursday and  ing agenda items, “so that ques-  decision or have all the facts  trustees 4-1 vote with Township
        Burdick explained that in some  have Friday, Saturday, Sunday,  tions board members may have or  because even though you think  Clerk Esther Hurst and Deputy
        cases this delayed consideration  Monday and some of Tuesday to  departments or directions who  you have all the facts, when you  Supervisor/Trustee Tim Rush
        of an issue until the next meeting,  look at it and make a decision. If  also receive the agenda have the  go home you think, 'Oh, man, I  absent from the meeting.

        Robberies                             Street in Detroit. During a search of the  Charity hockey game is planned
                                              home, agents found one gun on a dresser
                                              and six guns split between two back-     Members of the Westland Police      able to display the coveted Battle of the
        FROM PAGE 1                           packs. Some guns had altered serial num-  Department will face off against players  Badges trophy. Those who attend the
                                              bers, and four of them matched those   from the Fire Department in a charity  game are asked to bring new or gently
        appeared to have been stolen from his  reported stolen in the robberies.     hockey game set for 7:30 p.m. Saturday,  used stuffed animals to donate to the
        store.                                   As a result of the search warrant,  Oct. 15 at the Mike Modano Ice Arena in  Westland Goodfellows. In addition to the
           Agents from the ATF arrested Rayford  Brandon Carter and Damond “Turk”    the city. The charity game, dubbed    game, there will be raffle baskets, Chuck a
        and his brother, Kendrick Rayford, on  Jordan Jr. were named in criminal com-  Handcuffs & Hoses, is an effort to gener-  Puck, a 50/50 raffle and other entertain-
        Sept. 13, and according to police     plaints that were unsealed Sept. 16.   ate funds for the Westland Police commu-  ment. Save the date, organizers said, ticket
        Keondrick Rayford admitted to the thefts.  Carter, who is accused of acting as a get-  nity Partnership Foundation and the  information will be coming soon. The
        His brother, Kendrick Rayford, told   away driver for the CC Coins Jewelry and  Westland Professional Fire Fighters  arena is located at 6210 Wildwood, in
        police that he did not participate in the  Loan robbery, reportedly admitted to  Charity Foundation. The winners will be  Westland.
        robberies, although he did admit, police  being at both of the crimes at the pawn
        said, that he knew the guns shown to him  shop, according to the criminal com-
        by his brother were stolen. He also admit-  plaint. His brother, Damond “Turk”
        ted he tried to help his brother sell the  Jordan Jr., was also arrested and accused
        stolen firearms, according to police.   of helping sell the stolen guns.
           Authorities were alerted to a social  Keondrick Rayford has been charged
        media post Sept. 16 which clearly showed  in a criminal complaint with theft of
        a man holding an AK-style weapon along  firearms from a federal firearms licensee
        with another photo displaying numerous  and knowingly possessing stolen
        weapons matching the description of   firearms. ATF authorities said they also
        those stolen in the Westland robbery,  believe there is probable cause to charge
        according to reports. Agents from the  Kendrick Rayford with knowingly pos-
        ATF then searched a home on Forrer    sessing stolen firearms.

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