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September 29, 2022                                             ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                           CANTON - WAYNE
                                                            CANTON - WAYNE

        New rental housing

        project is proposed

           Neighbors near Geddes and Denton    largest rental units would be 1,900 square
        Road in Canton Township may be getting  feet. The property would be developed and
        about 500 or so new neighbors over the next  the homes constructed during the next
        few years.                             three to four years by Sunrise Land Group
           A 449-rental property development   and then owned and managed by Sun
        received preliminary                                   Communities, Inc., a
        plan approval from                  ”                  real estate investment
        members of the town-                                   trust which manages
        ship planning commis-          Rental on the           and maintains various
        sion earlier this month.                               rental properties across
        The plan will face sever-    1,400 square foot         the country and over-
        al other reviews both         home would be            seas.
        planning commissioners                                   The developer told
        and members of the             about $2,380.           the planning commis-
        township board of                                      sioners that the plan
        trustees prior to any                                  includes a large area of
        project approval.                                      open space and that      Special day
           The plan includes single-family homes  much of the wooded and wetland areas at
        on the 224-acre property comprising 342  the site would remain intact. The develop-  Wayne police officers, including therapy dog Zeke, helped a young resident cele-
        detached houses and 107 attached units.  ment would require the addition of right  brate her 11th birthday last week. Abbigail Custer, who is battling debilitating can-
        The development will offer a clubhouse,  and left turn lanes at entrances to the proj-  cer, hopes to become a police officer when she grows up. Her mother contacted
        pool, dog park, splash pad, basketball court  ect, one on Denton Road and two on  the department to see if Abbigail might be able to visit headquarters on her spe-
        and playground, according to plans for the  Geddes.                             cial day. Police Sgt. Kyle Talmadge, along with family members, helped organize
        proposed Creekview Landing project.      While commissioners expressed some     Abbigail's visit. She started her day with a ride to school in a police vehicle and
           Rental on the 1,400 square foot home  concerns regarding added traffic in the  after classes, enjoyed pizza, birthday cake and a tour of the station, including a
        would be about $2,380, according to a repre-  area, the preliminary development district  long visit with Zeke. Police Chief Ryan Strong let Abbi know that he will be look-
                                                                                        ing for her job application in about 10 years.
        sentative from Sunrise Land Group. The  plan was unanimously approved.
        Guided art walk planned

           Registrations are now being accepted  create, and display their works.
        for a special tour of the Detroit Institute of  The morning will conclude with a tour
        Arts Inside/Out exhibition in Canton   of the 28th Fine Arts Exhibition at the
        Township.                              Gallery at the Village Theater at Cherry
           The free tour, guided by a docent from  Hill. The tour is a cooperative effort of the
        the DIA, will begin at 10 a.m. Oct. 8 with  DIA and Canton Leisure Services.
        three of the reproductions currently on  Pre-registration is required for this free
        exhibit in Cherry Hill Village. The tour  event which is open to the public. In the
        will begin with cider and donuts at the  event of rain, the event will take place
        Preservation Park Pavilion, located at 500  Saturday, Oct. 22. Register online at
        North Ridge Road. The docent will then with code:
        lead the walking tour which will include  VT1008 or call 734/394-5300 x 1305. To
        three of the masterpiece paintings on  learn more about the current DIA
        exhibit in the township. Participants can  Inside|Out program display in Canton
        then visit the Village Arts Factory for a  through Nov.22 or the docent-led walk,
        short tour to learn about the multipurpose  visit or call
        studio space where artists can collaborate,  (734) 394-5300.
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