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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 26, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Maybury Corn Maze to open              guide the actual planting which will take  Visit for  in New Boston.For more information, call
           The 10-acre Maybury Farm Corn Maze  place rain or shine beginning at 8:45 a.m.  more information.               (734)753-9048 or access https://www.face-
        will open tomorrow, Sept. 27. This year, the  Oct. 19. For further information, or to sign               
        farm will also offer a Kids Maze that is  up to volunteer for this project, contact  Howl at the Moon planned      649223168451449/
        approximately 1 acre and will take an esti-  Joan Witte at (734) 646-0038, or by email at  The Canton Dog Park will be the site of a
        mated 20 minutes to complete.                 howlin' good time during the Howl at the  Firefighters planning open house
           The Maybury Farm corn maze is open                                        Moon event set for 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5.  The Romulus Fire Department will host
        until 10 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays for  117 Project to visit Wayne Church  The free event will take place at the park  an open house from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.
        those brave enough to attempt to find their  The 177 Project will be visiting St.Mary  located on Denton Road, just north of  Sunday, Oct. 6 at Fire Department
        way through in the dark with just the moon  Parish in Wayne, on Oct. 1.  The program  Cherry Hill Road in Canton.  Headquarters, 28777 Eureka Road.
        to guide the way.                      begins with an acoustic concert before mov-  Dog owners along with their four-legged  The event will take place in conjunction
           Admission to the Maybury Farm Corn  ing into a Holy Hour. Confession will be  friends can enjoy live entertainment, pur-  with Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 6 through
        Maze is $9 per person and includes farm  available. The evening starts at 7 pm, and  chase merchandise, and receive free give-  12 this year.
        admission and a tractor-drawn wagon ride  no tickets are necessary. The event is free  aways from local pet supply and service  Firepup will be on hand to meet visitors
        to and from the maze.  Children under 2 are  to attend. A love offering will be taken.   vendors, while supplies last.   and there will be vehicle displays, demon-
        admitted    free   with   an   adult.    Aly Aleigha will be the artist traveling  No pre-registration required for this  strations and fire safety handouts.
        Accommodations for groups of 25 or more  for this event. For more information, con-  event. Non-dog park members must show
        can be scheduled at (248) 374-0200.    tact St. Mary parish office (734) 721-8745.  proof of up-to-date vaccination for rabies  Annual Cemetery Walk set
        Maybury Farm also offers bonfires that are                                   and DHLLP, signed by an accredited veteri-  The Wayne Historical Society will spon-
        available during regular business hours or  Garden Club to meet              narian, in order to attend this event.   sor the Annual Cemetery Walk from 1-3
        as part of a group reservation.          Country Garden Club of Northville     For more information, call (734) 394-5460  p.m. Oct. 6 at Glenwood Cemetery and will
           Maybury Farm is located at 50165 Eight  members will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday,  or visit    highlight several Wayne families and fig-
        Mile Road in Northville.  To learn more  Oct. 2 at Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road                                ures.
        about all of the autumn activities at the  in Northville.                    Mom 2 Mom Sale set                       This is an outdoor walking tour so
        farm, visit         There will be social time with snacks  St Edith and St. Collette Church will be  appropriate dress is suggested.
                                               and speaker Nick Zimmerman will discuss  the site of a Mom2Mom Sale from 8:30 a.m.  Donations will be accepted.
        City-Wide garage sales planned         fall container gardening.             until noon on Saturday, Oct. 5.
           The City of Inkster will host a city-wide  There will also be a business meeting.  The church is located at 15089  Blues at the Elks planned
        garage sale in the old court house parking  New members are welcome.         Newburgh Road in Livonia. Admission to   Blues at The Elks takes place from 7-10
        lot from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. on both Friday  For more information, call (248)202-1518.  the sale is $2,           p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at
        and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28 and from 2-6                                                                         the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325 in
        p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 29. The former court  Plymouth hosts Coffee With A Cop  Canton Fire Station sets open house  partnership with the Detroit Blues Society.
        house is located at 27331 South River Dr. in  Residents can join local police officers  The Canton Fire Department will be  There is a $5 donation requested at the
        Inkster.                               for coffee and conversation from 8 until 11  hosting the annual Fire Station Open  door.
                                               a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2 at Grand Traverse  House from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday,  Chris Canas Band will appear Oct. 8,
        Holiday Tea reservations available     Pie Company, 41640 Ann Arbor Road,    Oct. 5 at Fire Station #1, located at 1100 S.  which includes Canas on guitar and vocals,
           The Canton Historical Society will pres-  Plymouth Township.              Canton Center Road.                   Angela Cottingham on vocals and percus-
        ents "A Holiday Tea" from 1-3 p.m. Saturday  No agenda or speeches, just a chance to  This year, the open house will include  sion, Chris Nordham on keys and vocals,
        Dec. 7 at the Bartlett-Travis House located  ask questions, voice concerns, and get know  station tours, a fire vehicle display, and live  Derek Washington on bass and vocals and
        at 500 North Ridge Road.               the officers in the community.        demonstrations of the department extrica-  marc Anthony Guillory on drums.
           An afternoon tea will be served in a his-                                 tion equipment ("jaws of life"). Kids will be  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge
        toric Canton house decorated for Christmas  Toast of Wayne event set         able to participate in a scavenger hunt, try  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in
        accompanied by live music. Tea will      Local band, Sugartips, will be entertain-  on fire gear, and go through the Fire Safety  Plymouth. For more information, call (734)
        include sandwiches and small desserts and  ing at Toast Wayne, the annual fundraiser  House. Light refreshments and giveaways  453-1780.
        visitors can learn a bit about how     for Wayne Main Street, set for 7-10 p.m.  will be provided.
        Christmas in Canton used to be spent.  Thursday, Oct. 3.                       The open house is scheduled in con-  Fire station to host public tours
           Tickets are $25 each and available at the  This year, the event will take place at a  junction with National Fire Prevention  Fire Prevention Week begins on Sunday,
        Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit       new venue, the former site of St. Mary's  Week (Oct. 6-12) to promote fire safety in the  Oct. 6 and the City of Plymouth is offering
        Parkway in Canton.                     School, 34530 W. Michigan Ave., located  community.                         free tours of the fire department from
           Seating is limited so early ticket reserva-  next to St. Mary's church in downtown  For further information contact the  Monday, Oct. 7 through Saturday, Oct. 12.
        tions are encouraged, organizers said.  Wayne. The event will feature live music, a  Canton Fire Department office at (734) 394-  Tours are now being scheduled for school
                                               curated silent auction, strolling appetizers  5455.                         groups, neighborhood groups and other
        Popular musician to appear             from local restaurants, along with compli-                                  organizations.
           Ann Arbor local Annie Bacon - who   mentary bar service. Tickets to Toast  Church hosts Applefest                  Several interactive demonstrations will
        played A2 Summer Festival nearly sold out  Wayne are $35 each or four tickets for $100  St Paul's Lutheran Church will host the  be on display and children and adults can
        her July album release at The Blind Pig -  and can be purchased at https://downtown-  New Boston Applefest from 9 a.m. until 5  participate in emergency scenarios and
        will be playing at The Coffee Bean in                 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 and from 11 a.m. until  learn about household fire hazards.
        Plymouth beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 28  Toast Wayne is a strolling event that fea-  5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6.       To schedule a tour, call (734) 453-1234
        at part of a series of solo shows she is per-  tures a silent auction and appetizer stations  Vendors applications are still being  extension 280 or via email at
        forming with some of her California    hosted by area restaurants, giving patrons  accepted.              [mailto:jdavi-
        friends.                               the opportunity to sample local fare for  The church is located at 19109 Craig St.].
           The Coffee Bean is located at 884   more than 10 local restaurants.  Many silent
        Penniman Ave, in Plymouth.             auction prizes will also be donated from
           For more information, call (734) 454-  local businesses.
                                               Art House exhibit opens
        Volunteers needed for tree planting      The Northville Art House will present
           Plymouth Township needs 40 volunteers  POSE: Portrait and the Costumed Figure
        to plant new trees in McClumpha Park.  featuring portraits and figurative work cre-
           Prospective planters have only until  ated in graphite, mixed-media, oil and pas-
        Sept. 28 to sign up for the job.       tel by 12 female artists.
           The 15 trees have been purchased with  This free exhibition opens with a recep-
        grant money and the community service  tion from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. Oct. 4 and will
        project is a joint effort supported by Releaf  continue through Oct. 26 during regular
        of Michigan, Bosch Corp. and the township.  gallery hours, noon until 5 p.m. Tuesday
        A project forester will teach volunteers  through Friday and noon until 4 p.m. on
        about the trees, how to plant them, and  Saturday.

                      CITY OF ROMULUS
                      PLANNING COMMISSION
                      Notice of a Public Hearing for
                      Miller Pipeline - 6911 Metroplex
                      Monday, October 21, 2019
         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
         October 21, 2019 for the purpose of considering the following: SLU-2019-002; Miller Pipeline
         Special Land Use located at 6911 Metroplex (Parcel ID #80- 008-01-0048-300). Special land use
         approval is requested for outdoor storage for a pipeline utility contractor.

         The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
         Romulus MI 48174-1485.
         A copy of the proposed amendments are available in the Planning Department during regular busi-
         ness hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be addressed to Carol
         Maise, City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485
         or at 734-955-4530.

         Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan
         Publish:  September 26, 2019                                  RM0428 - 092619 2.5 x 3.444

         Notice of Public Hearing
         APPLICATION NO.:     2342-0819
         APPLICATION:         Special Land Use
         APPLICANT:           Mr. Eugene Sherizen (Maplelawn Ventures, LLC)
         PROPOSED ACTION:     Consideration and Approval of a Special Land Use
         DATE OF HEARING:     Wednesday, October 16, 2019
         TIME OF HEARING:     7:00 P.M.
         PLACE OF HEARING:    Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth, MI 48170
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Charter  Township of Plymouth has
         received an application requesting Special Land Use consideration and approval on Tax ID No. R-78-062-01-
         0020-305, R-78-062-01-0020-308, R-78-062-01-0019-701, and R-78-062-01-0019-702 pursuant to Zoning
         Ordinance No. 99, as amended. The property is located at 9282 General Drive, south of Ann Arbor Road, west
         of N. Haggerty Road and east of Lilley Road. The site is zoned the IND, Industrial district. Section 19.2 of the
         Zoning Ordinance classifies RV storage shelters as a Special Land Use in the IND district. The proposed facili-
         ty will be an addition to the existing Stow and Go Self Storage Facility.
         NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that persons interested may attend the public hearing and/or send correspon-
         dence regarding the application to Plymouth Township Hall, attn.: Carol Martin. Pertinent information relative
         to the application is on file at the Plymouth Township, Community Development Department (second floor
         counter) and may be viewed during regular business hours from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

         The Charter Township of Plymouth will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals
         with disabilities at the public hearing upon one weeks advance notice by writing or calling the Supervisor’s
         Office, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth, MI 48170; (734) 354-3201.
         Publish by: On, or before October 1, 2019
         Kendra Barberena, Secretary, Planning Commission           PT0268 - 091919  2.5 x 4.275
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