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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 26, 2019

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        On the job

        Former service aides join force

           The newest Westland police officers  2015 and then went on to earn a bache-
        are familiar faces at the police station.   lor's degree in Criminal Justice with a
           Each of the three newest officers,  minor in Psychology from Eastern
        sworn in at City Hall ceremonies last  Michigan University in 2019.  She began
        week, worked as a part-time Police     working as a Westland PSA in May of 2017
        Service Aide (PSA) before successfully  and also attended the Washtenaw
        completing the police academy and join-  Community College Police Academy.
        ing the force.                           Officer Cameron Plofchan grew up in
           New Officer Peter Bednarz grew up in  Garden City before eventually moving to  New Westland police officers Peter Bednarz, Summer Chalfin and Cameron Plofchan
        the City of Wayne and graduated from   the City of Westland.  He graduated from  were sworn into office at City Hall last week. All three previously worked as part-time
        Livonia Churchill High School. He      Garden City High School in 2014 and then  Police Service Aides in the city.
        served as a Westland PSA for seven years  went on to earn an associate's degree in  Police Service Aides, working a variety of  opportunity to be sponsored through the
        and was a service aide trainer for three  Criminal Justice in 2017.  He is currently  hours and holidays for very little pay,”  certifying academy,” Jedrusik said.
        years.                                 attending Eastern Michigan University  commented Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik.   The chief's sentiments were echoed by
           In April of 2019, Bednarz received the  and working toward a bachelor's degree  “Their commitment to their goals and  Mayor William R. Wild.
        Westland Police Life Saving Award.     in Public Safety Administration.      to the Westland Police Department is     “We are extremely proud to welcome
        Bednarz graduated from the Washtenaw   Plofchan began work as a Westland PSA  what got them here today. All three have  these bright, energetic new officers to the
        Community College Police Academy in    in February of 2017 and graduated from  built good, hard-working reputations and  Westland ranks,” commented Wild.
        September 2019, where he was appointed  the Washtenaw Police Academy as a pla-  earned themselves the police service  “These individuals will be incredible
        to squad leader.                       toon leader.                          aide chief's exemption, which allowed  assets to the Westland Police Department
           Officer Summer Chalfin graduated      “All three of these new officers began  them each to successfully test against the  and will set a positive example for young
        from Cabrini Catholic High School in   their careers with the City of Westland as  other applicants and granted them the  people in the Westland community.”
        Wayne chamber seeks nominations for board

           The Wayne Chamber of        past three years. While the    ing of the chamber and have   obtain new memberships and on  remaining candidate will serve a
        Commerce is seeking nomina-    bylaws of the group allow for nine  been a member for no less than a  introducing new resources and  one-year term.
        tions for four new board mem-  members of the board of direc-  year. Nominees must be able to  tools, giving chamber members  Interested candidates should
        bers to help strengthen the organ-  tors, the group has been operat-  attend monthly board meetings  the opportunity to promote busi-  submit their name and a brief
        ization.                       ing with only four.            and attend chamber events and  ness.                         biography to the chamber office.
           According to a prepared       There are minimum require-   on occasion represent the cham-  The nominee with the most   Nominations can be submitted by
        release from the organization, the  ments for nominees for the  ber at community events. The  votes will serve a three-year seat;  email at
        chamber has been working at a  board. The new board members   board member will also work   the next two nominees will each  or delivered in person to the
        deficit of board members for the  must be a member in good stand-  with the chamber officials to  serve two-year terms and the  chamber office.

           Super stars

           More than 100 visitors crowded the Jefferson Barns Community Vitality Center Aug. 31 to witness Athletes Without Limits play against a team from Arc of Detroit. The chari-
           ty basketball event was a fundraiser for the Special Olympics Hybrid Basketball Team and was organized by Westland Police Officers Chaim Kozak and Rodney Donald.
           Athletes Without Limits is a combined group of Special Olympic athletes who travel the world playing other special needs athletes. “Officer Kozak and I were approached
           by the Arc of Detroit explaining they were in need of funds for traveling expenses, equipment etc.,” commented Donald.  “We both felt this was important for these special
           athletes to be able to live out their dreams, thus creating the charity basketball event.” The event raised $1,375 through donations, which was awarded to the team at the
           Sept. 16 Westland City Council meeting.

        Westland man facing charges in death of woman

           The man who led police to the  of justice, failing to report the dis-  to the death of Olivia Rossi who  after her family said she left her  Sandra Cicirelli in the 18th
        body of a missing 23-year-old  covery of a dead body and tamper-  was reported missing by her fami-  home with Kesteloot. Prosecutors  District Court, Kesteloot waived
        Westland woman will face multi-  ing with evidence in a criminal  ly prompting an area-wide search  claim that Kesteloot eventually  his  preliminary  hearing.
        ple charges in Third Circuit Court  case, all felonies, and a misde-  by police. According to police  drove Rossi to his residence in the  Prosecutors indicated that other
        in downtown Detroit.           meanor charge of removing a dead  reports, Kesteloot, who was  29000 block of Manchester Street  charges could be forthcoming in
           Anthony Kesteloot, 25, of   body without medical examiner's  acquainted with Rossi, led police  in Westland.            the case when the cause and man-
        Westland is charged with tamper-  permission.                 to her partially submerged body in  During his court examination  ner of death are determined by the
        ing with a dead body, obstruction  The charges are in connection  Hines Park on Aug. 23, five days  on the charges before Judge  Wayne County Medical Examiner.


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