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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 26, 2019

                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Trick or Feet, Walk & Roll event planned

           A Halloween-themed event      The    National    Kidney                                                                   HAP will again be the present-
        providing a spooktacular kickoff  Foundation of Michigan (NKFM)       Come celebrate fall with family and friends          ing sponsor of the 2019 Trick or
        to fall and fun for the whole fami-  is supporting the more than 300                                                       Feet! Additional sponsors include
        ly is set for Oct. 6 at Maybury State  runners and walkers expected at          in a fun atmosphere at                     the Henry Ford Transplant
        Park in Northville.            the event during which partici-             the beautiful Maybury State Park.               Institute, Greenfield Health
           The annual Trick or Feet, Run  pants can choose a 5k or 10k                                                             Systems, American Renal
        Walk & Roll will include a live DJ,  course while children 12 and                                                          Associates, and the University of
        refreshments, face painting, tem-  younger can do a ¼ mile Mini-  All race participants receive a  Maybury State Park.     Michigan Transplant Center.
        porary tattoos, pumpkin painting,  Monster Dash. The race begins  t-shirt and finishing medal. The  “Our Trick or Feet! Goal this  For more information about
        and a magician to entertain    promptly at 10 a.m. and the ¼  top three male and female run-  year is to raise $25,000 to prevent  Trick or Feet! 5k/10k Run, Walk &
        younger visitors. Visitors can  Mile Mini-Monster Dash begins at  ners in each age group will also  and fight kidney disease,” said  Roll,  visit
        enter one of four costume con-  11:30 a.m. Registration is $35 for  receive awards. A recreational  Kathy McGrath, NKFM develop-  TrickorFeet or contact Jessica
        tests to win prizes: Best      the 5k, $45 for the 10k, and $10 for  passport is required to enter the  ment specialist. “Come celebrate  Harter at the National Kidney
        Individual Costume, Best Group  the  Mini-Monster     Dash.   state park. For more information,  fall with family and friends in a  Foundation of Michigan, (734) 222-
        Costume (3-8 people), Best Kid  Participants can register before  visit  fun atmosphere at the beautiful  9800 or
        Costume (age 12 and under), and  the  event    online    at   ationpassport. Recreational pass-  Maybury State Park. We encour-  Maybury State Park is located at
        Cutest Furry Friend. Dogs on or on  ports can be purchased at the  age everyone in the community to  49575 Eight Mile Road in
        leashes are welcome to attend.   the day of the event from 9-10 a.m.   Eight Mile Road entrance to  join us!”              Northville.
        Ex-convict is charged in fatal shooting

           A convicted felon from      emergency responders, accord-  22nd District Court in Inkster   State records from the
        Wayne has been arrested and    ing to police reports of the inci-  on an eight-count felony war-  Department of Corrections
        charged with the Friday, the   dent.  Police said the shooting  rant.                       indicate that Ransaw was
        13th killing of an Inkster man.  was an escalation of an alterca-  The judge ordered him held  released from prison on March
           Cleve Ransaw, 26, of Wayne  tion between the two men that  without bond and remanded to  15 after serving five 1/2 years of
        now faces multiple charges in  took place earlier the previous  the Wayne County Jail until his  a maximum 15-year sentence
        the shooting of a 27-year-old  evening.  Prosecutors also     next court appearance set for  for armed robbery and felony
        Joseph Kenneth Benson on       allege that Ransaw took cash   Sept. 25 before Judge Sabrina  firearm.
        Western Street near Oakwood    from Benson and that the two   Johnson at the 22nd District     He was also convicted of
        at about 11:30 p.m. Sept. 13.  were acquainted.               Court.                        delivery/manufacturing a con-
        When Inkster police officers     Police and evidence techni-    Ransaw faces charges of     trolled substance, cocaine, less
        arrived at the scene, they dis-  cians from the FBI executed a  felony murder, first-degree  than 50 grams and possession
        covered Benson lying in the    warrant at a Westland location  murder, armed robbery, assault  of a controlled substance,
        street suffering from multiple  gathering evidence in the inves-  with a deadly weapon, three  cocaine, less than 25 grams-
        gunshot wounds. He was pro-    tigation, police said.         counts of felony firearm and as  both crimes occurred while he
        nounced dead at the scene and    Ransaw was arrested Sept.    a habitual offender-second    was in custody, according to
        his remains transported by     20 and arraigned by video in   offense.                      state records.                                 Cleve Ransaw
        Genealogists welcome speaker                                                                              September 19, 2019

                                                                                                           SPECIAL JOINT STUDY SESSION
           Members of the Northville Genealogy  Search hints begins at 1:15 p.m. and                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
        Society will meet beginning at 1:15 p.m.  Bernadette Bartlett from the Library of         BOARD OF TRUSTEES & PLANNING COMMISSION
        Oct. 13 at the Northville District Library  Michigan, will speak at 3 p.m. about Using
        located at 212 W. Cady St., Northville.   Michigan Documents including the    DATE:  Thursday, September 19, 2019
                                                                                             5:30 p.m.
           A roundtable discussion on Family   Pioneer and Historical Collection.     PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road
                                                                                      CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Nix called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
                                                                                      PRESENT:      Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor  Symantha Heath, Trustee
                                                                                                    Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                                                                                                    Fred Shadko, Treasurer  Christopher Roosen, Trustee
                                                                                                    Timothy Guerriero, PC  George McCarthy, PC
                                                                                                    Eric Lark, PC         Jayne Watson, PC
                                                                                      ABSENT:       Scott Frush, Trustee  Lisa Anderson, PC
                                                                                                    Timothy Zawodny, PC
                                                                                      PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
                                                                                         1. Village at Northville PUD #4  -  The Board of  Trustees, Planning Commissioners and  Village at
                                                                                           Northville Development Team discussed the proposed PUD amendments to the loft's building elevations,
                                                                                           perimeter setbacks and parking requirements.
                                                                                         2. Brief Public Comments: None
                                                                                         3. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
                                                                                         4. ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
                                                                                      A draft of the minutes will be available on October 1, 2019.
                                                                                      Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                      Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor
                                                                                      Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                                  NT0020 - 092619  2.5 x 4.285

                                                                                                            NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
                                                                                                                      OF THE
                                                                                                       CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE

                                                                                                                  AMENDMENT TO
                                                                                                        Zoning Ordinance Article 33.6, 37.3 & 37.4
                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Northville Board of Trustees approved the adoption of
                                                                                      the amendments to Zoning Ordinance Articles 33.6, 37.3 & 37.4 at a Regular Meeting on Thursday, September
                                                                                      19, 2019, at 7:00 P.M. at the Northville Township Hall located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan
                                                                                      The intent of the amendments is to address the following:
                                                                                      Article 33 - Building Materials

                                                                                         1. To clarify and simplify the current language.
                                                                                         2. Update the list of permitted and prohibited accent building materials.
                                                                                         3. New language has been added regarding the intent of the standards, design, massing and form.
                                         SYNOPSIS                                        4. Added standards for awnings that include awnings shall not be illuminated, contain words or graphics and
                                   REGULAR MEETING                                         be darker color.
                          CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                 5. Added standards for building additions and alterations.
                                   BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                     6. Provide the Planning Commission the ability and flexibility to exercise some discretion in approving
                                                                                           exceptions on a site by site basis.
         DATE:         Thursday, September 19, 2019                                      7. Clarify that the primary building material would be full dimensional brick.
         TIME:         7:00 p.m.                                                         8. Reduced from 100' to 80' the maximum length of building walls when they should be broken up by use
         PLACE:        44405 Six Mile Road                                                 of architectural and design features.
         CALL TO ORDER:Supervisor Nix called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.
                                                                                      Article 37 - Temporary Uses (Sidewalk Sales)
         PRESENT:      Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee
                       Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Symantha Heath, Trustee                1. Eliminate the 60 day limitation for sidewalk sales. The ordinance officer has expressed concerns regard-
                       Fred Shadko, Treasurer  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                     ing the amount of time and effectiveness of being able to enforce and monitor compliance with the cur-
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee                   rent 60 day time limit.
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                           2. Limit the amount of store frontage the sidewalk sale can occupy to 75% of the sidewalk in front of the
         1. Agendas:                                                                     3. Remove the requirement that sale merchandise must be brought inside overnight. Things like pumpkins,
            A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved                     Christmas trees, merchandise at Cantoro's and live plants at Farmer Jacks are not easily brought inside
         2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                      each night.
            A.  Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented                            4. Add the requirement for fire suppression when sidewalk sales occur under covered walkways or canopies.
         3. Public Hearing:                                                              5. Require structures associated with the outdoor display to have a finished appearance that is consistent
            A.  Public Hearings for the 2020 Budget on October 10, 2019 at 6 p.m.          with the image of the building. Pallets shall not be used for displays.
                and October 17, 2019 at 7 p.m. - Approved & Set                          6. Require an annual permit, conditions will be clearly defined.
         4. Brief Public Comments: One member of the audience had comments for the Board of Trustees.
         5. New Business:                                                             The introduction of the amendment was approved at the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held on August 15,
            A.  Village at Northville PUD Amendment #3 - Approved                     2019.
            B.  Village at Northville PUD Amendment #4 - Partially Approved with conditions
            C.  Temporary Sign Request - Maybury Farm - Approved                      A copy of the full Ordinance and amendment can be viewed during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
            D.  Professional Services - Parks & Rec Capital Needs Assessment Withdrawn  at the Office of the Township Clerk, Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan
         6. Unfinished Business: None                                                 48168 or on the township's website: .
         7. Ordinances:
            A.  Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Article 33 & 37 - Adopted               I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the Charter Township of Northville
         8. Check Registry:                                                           Board of Trustees at a Regular Meeting held at Township Hall on the 19th day of September, 2019.
            A.  In the amount of $ 3,321,566.28 for the period of August 3, 2019 to September 6, 2019. - Approved
         9. Board Communication & Reports:                                            Marjorie F. Banner
            A.  Robert R. Nix II, Marjorie Banner, Fred Shadko, Scott Frush, Symantha Heath, Mindy Herrmann,   Clerk
                Christopher Roosen, Chip Snider
         10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None                       Introduced: 8-15-19
         11. ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.                                 Second Reading: 9-19-19
         A draft of the minutes will be available on October 1, 2019.                 Publish: 9-26-19
         Respectfully submitted:                                                      Effective: 9-26-19
         Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor
         Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                                  NT0019 - 092619  2.5 x 5.536  Publish September 26, 2019                     NT0021 - 092619  2.5 x 8.062
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