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Celebrating safety
Members of the Knights of Columbus
#3021 Notre Dame Council hosted a special
remembrance ceremony last Saturday,
marking 9-11. This was the second annual
Patriots Day celebration honoring the local
First Responders from the Wayne- Westland
communities. Grand Knight Paul Sposite
delivered the keynote address and Cpt. Bill
Thomas from the Wayne Fire Department,
and Lt. Robert Amore from the Wayne Police
Department accepted the honors on behalf
of all of the men and women who serve the
Wayne-Westland communities. Westland
Mayor William R. Wild and Wayne Mayor
John Rhaesa attended the ceremony honor-
ing the public safety responders in both
communities. Live entertainment included
the HarmonyTown Barbershop Chorus , Neil
Lawrence Experience, Plymouth Fife and
Drum Corps, and TC and the Katz. Sponsors
of the event included Jack Demmer Ford,
City of Wayne-Administration and the City of
Wayne-Downtown Development Authority
Park project includes survey of Norwayne residents
Residents of the Norwayne structure between parks and the ” trails; a boardwalk/river overlook
community are being asked their Rouge River. Currently, plans and universally accessible kayak
opinions about improvements to include the installation of two launches. Residents will be
Venoy-Dorsey Park. universally accessible kayak Currently, plans include the installation asked to rate their top two priori-
The Friends of the Rouge launches on the lower Rouge of two universally accessible kayak ties.
group, in partnership with the River in the park. In addition, the survey asks
Norwayne Community Citizens Members of the river protec- launches on the lower Rouge River in the park. community members for attrac-
Council, the City of Westland, and tion group are seeking residents' tions that would make them
the National Kidney Foundation input about additional improve- more inclined to use the park
of Michigan secured a grant to ments in Venoy-Dorsey Park and including suggestions for pro-
solicit community input and are soliciting suggestions for asks Norwayne area residents to accessible playground inside the gramming at the facility.
engagement in the planning enhancements of programming, rank their preferences among park; new soccer fields; a habitat Access the survey at
process for the park. The effort is accessibility, or sustainability of proposed improvements includ- / wetland restoration; an
part of a Wayne County effort to park improvements, planned to ing: a new paved trail linking unpaved trail connecting 1FAIpQLSfhUVpASR58QkOq4-
fill gaps and build new greenway be complete in 2024. Venoy and Merriman Road park Jefferson Barnes Community 7nSn44Jw_G9AB95nWY_VEt_eJf
trails and water access infra- The survey, available online, trailheads; a large universally Center to Venoy Dorsey Park VDAOhQ/viewform.
Westland police planning ‘A Day For You’ at station
It will be a big day for several ing interaction with police vehi- appointment only. This earlier appointment only. To attend this sensory issues, (lights and sirens
Westland residents Saturday as cles, canine demonstrations, tour is designed for individuals session, email, will be used). Those planning on
members of the police depart- meeting tactical officers and view- who are sensitive to sensory stim- or call (734) 793-9370. attending this second session, do
ment host "A Day for You" event ing their equipment, and a tour of ulation and will have no lights or The second tour will take not need to register.
for children and young adults the police department. There are sirens activated and tour groups place from 1 until 3 p.m. and is The event will take place at the
with disabilities. The event will two sessions of the event set, one will be limited to a maximum of open to all children and young Westland Police Department
include several activities includ- beginning at 10 a.m. which is by 20 at a time. This session is by adults with disabilities, but no located at 36701 Ford Road.