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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 15, 2022

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Public ‘Think Tank’ session planned next week

           The next step into the future  in Romulus, is key to planning                                                             Community members are
        of Romulus will begin with a   the future goals of the city.                             ”                                 asked to register to participate
        think tank workshop for the pub-  Refreshments and registration            We hope everyone will participate               at:       https://lab2.future-
        lic next Wednesday and         will take place between 5 and               in this very important Think-Tank.”    or with
        Thursday.                      5:30 p.m.                                                                                   the mayor's office at (734) 942-
           The Think-Tank process will   “This visioning process pro-                                                              7571. The deadline to register is
        help define a broad vision, val-  vides an opportunity for us to  Think-Tank.”              and lead facilitator for the   Monday, Sept.19. It is preferable
        ues, goals and potential direc-  hear directly from community   “The input from the Romulus  process. He noted that, “Future  for community members to
        tions for Romulus looking out to  members and help create a   community has been fantastic to  iQ has used scenario-planning  attend both sessions as the first
        2030. It is a highly participatory  shared vision for our future look-  date with so many thoughtful  via Think-Tanks across the U.S.  session informs the second ses-
        process that will produce a pre-  ing out to 2030,” said Romulus  responses to the community sur-  and in Europe and Australia for  sion, organizers said.
        ferred future scenario for     Mayor Robert A. McCraight.     vey. This in-person Think-Tank is  well over a decade.”        Read more about the project,
        Romulus, validated by the Think-  “Vision  Romulus  -   Our   the next step in the process,    The Think-Tank workshop will  sign up for information and learn
        Tank participants, officials said.  Community, Our Future aims to  where we will be asking commu-  be followed by another extensive  about the extensive community
           Organizers said this scenario-  give residents of all ages a collec-  nity members to work together to  survey and focus group sessions  engagement events coming up at
        planning workshop set for 5:30  tive voice in shaping the future of  formulate four plausible future  in November. The Romulus  the Vision Romulus - Our
        until 9 p.m. at the Romulus    Romulus. We hope everyone will  scenarios for Romulus,” said  Community Vision Plan will be  Community, Our Future website
        Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins St.  participate in this very important  David Beurle, CEO of Future iQ  presented in January 2023.  at the address above.
        Local Comcast cable executive will retire after 40 years

           Maria Holmes ended her four-                               for national community impact  experiences as much joy in
        decade career in the telecommu-            ”                  initiatives with these local part-  retirement as she brought to oth-
        nications industry last month as                              ners.                         ers during her service for the
        she announced her retirement as    Holmes will continue         Former Michigan Gov. Rick   State of Michigan.”
        the director of Community                                     Snyder appointed Holmes to the   Holmes will continue her vol-
        Impact for the Comcast             her volunteer service      Michigan Community Service    unteer service in the community
        Heartland Region.                    in the community.        Commission in 2015, and she   including contributing to
           Holmes, of Belleville, was                                 served two, three-year terms  Washtenaw Literacy, Per Scholas
        charged with facilitating the con-                            helping lead the state agency on  (Detroit), Detroit Connect313,
        nection of corporate and non-                                 volunteerism.                 Habitat for Humanity of
        profit resources to help many in                                “Maria was not only a wonder-  Macomb, Women in Cable and
        the community enhance their    named as community affairs and  ful person to work with, but she  Telecommunications (WICT),
        quality of life, according to a pre-  program director where she led  was also a tremendous advocate  National Association for Multi-
        pared statement.               the operations of two production  for service and volunteerism  ethnicity in Communications
           “Maria is one of the most dedi-  studios that served nine counties.  both in her role as a commission-  (NAMIC), as well as working with
        cated employees I have had the   Since 1996, Holmes has       er and her position at Comcast,”  seniors, youth and many others.
        pleasure of working with at    served in various external affairs  said Michigan Community  Holmes'    involvement     at
        Comcast,” said Craig D'Agostini,  leadership roles for Media One  Service Commission Executive  Abundant Harvest Church of
        vice president of External Affairs  and Comcast, including serving  Director Ginna Holmes (no rela-  Belleville will also remain a per-
        for the Comcast Heartland      as a government affairs liaison  tion). “She served as an incredi-  sonal priority.
        Region. “Her passion for commu-  for the cable industry for more  ble positive force who inspired  “The most fulfilling aspect of
        nity impact has been a tremen-  than 10 years.                all she worked with to do more,  my career is knowing that my                Maria Holmes
        dous asset to this company and   In these positions, she negoti-  to care more, and to give more.  work made a tangible difference
        the communities we serve.”     ated contracts, developed and  Maria brought a deep under-   in the lives of so many people -  Holmes in a prepared statement.
           Holmes began her career in  facilitated programs, as well as  standing of the importance of  from youth at the Boys and Girls  “Moving forward, my goal is to
        1983 as a programming executive  fostered long-term relationships  this work and a desire to bring  Clubs in Michigan and Indiana to  continue positively impacting the
        producer at Omnicom Cable in   with more than 300 nonprofit   forth solutions to community  the older adults at the St. Patrick  lives of people around me any
        Canton Township. She was soon  organizations delivering results  challenges. It is our hope that she  Senior Center in Detroit,” said  way I can.”
        Romulus witches are wanted

           Romulus Goodfellows are hosting a   West Huron River Dr. Witch attire is highly
        Witches Night Out in the community as an  recommended.
        effort to help fund the annual No Child  The cost for the event is $30 per witch.
        Without A Christmas campaign.          For tickets or information, call (734) 322-
           The event is set for 6-9 p.m. Thursday,  7680 or access romulusgoodfellows
        Oct. 27 at the Romulus VFW Post 78, 39270

                      CITY OF ROMULUS
                      WEDNESDAY, October 5, 2022

          Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Board of Zoning Appeals will hold the following
          public hearings at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at the Romulus City Hall, 11111
          Wayne Road to consider the following petitions:

            1. TEMP-2021-003; Sheraton Hotel requesting reconsideration of temporary use approval in
              accordance with Section 22.03(e), Temporary Uses and Buildings of the Zoning Ordinance to
              allow 172 of the 539 parking spaces on the property to be temporarily used for park & fly
              parking spaces. The subject property is zoned RC, Regional Center and is located at 8000
              Merriman (Parcel ID #80-037-99-0028-710).
          Copies of the applications are available for review at the Department of Public Services during reg-
          ular business hours which are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. All interested parties are
          encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said requests.  Written com-
          ments may be submitted and should be addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning
          Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485.

          Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
          City of Romulus, Michigan
          Publish:  September 15, 2022                             RM0681 - 091522  2.5 x 3.739


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