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September 15, 2022                                             ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Planning commissioners OK Downs development

           A seven-hour meeting of the  In addition, two new parks
        members of the Northville      would be added, a central park
        Planning Commission resulted   and a river park. Daylighting
        in the approval of the prelimi-  the river, creating a new south
        nary plans for redevelopment   gateway and contributing to the
        of Northville Downs Racetrack.  restoration and relocation of
           The plans will now move for-  the historic log cabin at the site
        ward for consideration by the  are included in the plans.
        members of the city council,     The extended meeting took
        expected later this month.     place at the Northville
           Planning commissioners      Community Center and includ-
        voted 7-2 during the meeting,  ed public comment along with
        which began Sept. 6 and        nearly four hours of delibera-
        stretched into Sept. 7, to recom-  tion by commissioners. Vice-
        mend approval, with condi-     Chair    Steve   Kirk   and
        tions, of the Hunter Pasteur   Commissioner Jeff Gaines cast
        Northville Planned Unit        the two dissenting votes.
        Development (PUD) and            Approval of the plan includ-
        Preliminary Site Plan. The plan  ed several conditions the devel-
        includes the entire racetrack  oper must meet. The approval   The proposed development includes several community amenities and will now move on to considera-
        property and sections of South  includes a list of public benefits  tion by members of the city council.
        Center, Cady and Griswold      and lists deviations from design
        streets which will become a    standards agreed to by commis-  presented in response to com-  out the process. I really appreci-  developer will return to the
        mixed-use development.         sioners.                       missioners' suggestions, task  ate that about this community.”  planning commission for
           The proposed project will be  Chair    Donna    Tinberg    force recommendations and        There will be further oppor-  approval of the final site plan.
        a primarily residential area   expressed pride in the compre-  public opinion. Tinberg was  tunities for public input as   That plan is likely to be submit-
        with commercial space on Cady  hensive deliberations by the   complimentary about the civil  members of the city council   ted in phases that align with the
        Street. Housing styles include  commission relative to the pre-  discourse of public comment.   begin considering the project.  construction schedule, officials
        single-family homes, town-     liminary site plan/PUD that      “Part of our city's character is  Council members could delete,  said. The Downs Project
        homes, row houses, carriage    began in earnest in April 2022  how we behave toward one     change or add conditions to the  Advisory Commission (DPAC)
        houses, single-family attached  following a formal public hear-  another,” she said. “Diverse  list provided by the commis-  will make recommendations
        homes, a condominium build-    ing in March 2022. Various revi-  opinions were expressed and  sioners. If the PUD and prelimi-  regarding project costs and
        ing, and an apartment building.  sions by the developer were  listened to respectfully through-  nary site plan are approved, the  funding sources.
                                                                                     Township forum is Monday

                                                                                       Northville Township residents will have  challenges facing the township. The forum
                                                                                     an opportunity to suggest changes and  is an effort to coordinate a vision for the
                                                                                     improvements to the community Monday  future to help guide the Northville
                                                                                     evening.                              Township Master Plan effort.
                                                                                       Northville Township officials are hosting  The forum will take place from 5:30 until
                                                                                     a Master Plan Forum open to all residents.    7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, in the Lower
                                                                                       The forum will provide introductory  Level Training Room at Northville
                                                                                     information and allow community members  Township Hall, located at 44405 Six Mile
                                                                                     to provide key input on how the township  Road. A presentation will be given at 6:15
                                                                                     can develop moving forward, officials said.  p.m. and stations with more information
                                                                                       Organizers are hoping to learn which  will be available throughout the meeting for
                                                                                     features and amenities are most popular  citizens' review and input. For more infor-
                                                                                     with residents and issues residents consider  mation, visit

                                                                                        To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Safety first

           Northville Township Fire Marshal Tom Hughes was recently appointed by the
           Michigan Fire Inspectors Society Foundation (MFIS) as their representative on
           the Michigan Firefighters Training Council (MFFTC) Curriculum Committee. The
           MFIS is an organization of approximately 600 fire service professionals, both pub-
           lic and private, that collaborate to improve fire and life safety across the State of
           Michigan. The MFFTC was established to provide policy and direction to the Fire
           Fighter Training Division to facilitate the effective implementation of Michigan Fire
           Fighters Training Council approved programs and standards to enhance the
           safety and performance of Michigan's fire fighters. Hughes’ children were on
           hand to offer congratulations.
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