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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 7, 2023


        Brews, Brats and Bands set for Sept. 23

           A 14-year tradition will return to  ment, as well as the Canton Cares Fund,
        Preservation Park in Canton Township   which supports the Canton community by
        Sept. 23.                              providing financial assistance to disaster
           Since 2010, Brews, Brats and Bands has  relief, therapeutic recreation, youth and
        attracted craft beer lovers and the older  senior programs,” he added.
        than 21 crowd to the special event set for 6  Admission includes seven tasting
        until 9 p.m. The event has been revamped  tokens each good for beer, cider, or seltzer
        by host Canton Leisure Services and the  tasting samples, as well as two grilled
        Village Arts Factory. Sponsors of the event  brats (vegetarian option available), a snack
        include Schoolcraft College, Maraschinos  from the pretzel necklace-making station,
        Pub, and                water, chili cook-off tastings, and a com-
           “Metro Detroit's growing craft beer cul-  memorative mug.
        ture can taste and appreciate over 50 spe-  The various brats will be provided by
        cialty beers, ciders, and seltzers in one  Maraschinos Pub. Musical entertainment
        location,” said Kevin Ryan, Village Arts  will be performed throughout the evening
        Factory program director. “Any event   by Standing Room Only.
        involving drinking craft beers, eating   Tickets are $45, if purchased online
        brats, and listening to music with friends  before Sept. 23 and $50 at the door (cash
        and family is bound to be a good time.  only). Tickets can be purchased online at  Brews, Brats and Bands has always attracted the older than 21 crowd to Preservation
        Plus, proceeds from this year's event will Designated  Park in Canton Township. The event this year is set for 6 until 9 p.m. Sept. 23.
        benefit the Village Arts Factory, which is a  Driver tickets are also available for just
        501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in  $15.  Additional beer-tasting tickets are  and tables will be provided, so attendees  For more information on Canton
        Canton that serves as a nexus for the arts,  available for purchase; receive four addi-  are encouraged to bring their own folding  Brews, Brats, and Bands, visit www.can-
        culture, music, and community engage-  tional tickets for just $5.  Limited seating  chairs.             
        Registration for B.L.O.C.K. programs under way

           Applications are now being  relationships with female role  and community involvement. In  als with new experiences that  support have helped these pro-
        accepted for the Canton Lead   models within the community.   addition, this program curricu-  will help them develop new skills  grams expand their positive pro-
        #LikeAGirl, Be A #ModelMan,    This award-winning program     lum encourages participants to  and confidence,” said Chelsea  gramming opportunities. Some
        and Youth Advisory Council pro-  serves a diverse group of young  interact and foster relations with  Straub, youth recreation special-  current and past sponsors
        grams for the 2023-2024 school  women ages 11-16 and is       public servants and community  ist. “All of these unique opportu-  include: MASCO, Community
        year. The free programs are avail-  designed to change the way that  model men, who embody the pro-  nities help inspire participants to  Financial Credit Union, Eastern
        able through The B.L.O.C.K.    these participants, and the com-  gram's core values.        be real change-makers to help  Michigan University, and the
        Youth & Teen Center for local  munity-at-large, think about what  The Canton Youth Advisory  make a difference in their com-  Community Foundation for
        youths who are interested in   it    means      to    Lead    Council is a group of area high  munities.”                  Southeast Michigan. Sponsorship
        developing critical life skills,  #LikeAGirl…and ultimately live  school students who truly make a  Interested candidates are  opportunities are still available
        such as: self-confidence, interper-  #LikeAGirl.              difference in their community, a  encouraged to apply through The  for individuals, businesses, and
        sonal communication skills,      Be A #ModelMan, established  spokesman said. Members partic-  B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen   foundations to assist in the devel-
        stress management, and leader-  in 2016, aims to grow six core val-  ipate in community service proj-  Center. Applications are current-  opment of future sessions. To
        ship skills, organizers said.  ues, including: integrity, empathy,  ects, lead special events, partici-  ly available on The B.L.O.C.K.  become involved, contact Laura
           Lead #LikeA Girl was devel-  compassion, inner strength,   pate in local decision-making,  Youth & Teen Center website at  Mortier at (734)394-5376 or email
        oped in 2015 by The B.L.O.C.K.  courage, and respect. Monthly  and award annual grants to and
        Youth & Teen Center. This free  themed workshops take place   organizations that benefit Canton  must be submitted by Sept. 22.  The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and
        program enables participants to  from October through May and  Youth.                       Program space is limited, so   Teen Center is located on the
        challenge themselves, discuss  are designed to inform program   “With the start of another  applicants are encouraged to   third floor of the Canton
        relevant issues that young girls  participants ages 11-16 about  school year, we are excited to  apply early.              Administration Building at 1150
        face with their peers, and foster  healthy masculinity, leadership  challenge these young individu-  Local volunteer and financial  S. Canton Center Road in Canton.

        FROM PAGE 1

        up other avenues of disaster assis-
           Members of the Canton CERT
        volunteer program and township
        staff will have proper identifica-
        tion, including bright uniform
        vests. Credentials will be avail-
        able upon request. Canton resi-
        dents are being asked to answer
        the damage assessment questions
        as accurately as possible and to
        provide any necessary informa-
        tion to help evaluate the extent of
        the damage in our neighborhoods.
           Residents who may need assis-
        tance clearing their homes of
        flooded material or need assis-
        tance with debris removal, as well
        as tree and limb removal from the
        recent storms, are encouraged to
        contact 2-1-1 for assistance. 2-1-1
        Michigan is available 24/7/365 and
        can offer a host of assistance to
        residents in need. Requests can
        also be made online at
           Should questions arise during
        or after these short visits, resi-
        dents are asked to call the Canton
        non-emergency dispatch at (734)
        394-5400 for additional informa-
           For additional information
        about the door-to-door damage
        assessments, visit www.canton-
        Art exhibit set

           Interpreting Life, a mixed
        media collaborative art exhibi-
        tion showcasing the artists' inter-
        pretation of the natural world
        around them, will be on display
        at the Village Theatre at Cherry
        hill through Sept. 24. The three
        contributing artists to the exhibit
        are Amanda Pringle, Andrea
        Rose, and Christina Czaja.
           The art exhibit at The Gallery
        at Cherry Hill is free and open to
        the public during gallery hours:
        Tuesday and Wednesday from 10
        a.m. to 2 p.m.; Thursday and
        Friday from 4 to 8 p.m.; during
        all public performances or by
        special appointment arranged
        via email to elli.fassois@canton-
           The Village Theater at Cherry
        Hill is located at 50400 Cherry
        Hill Road in Canton.
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