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September 7 – 13, 2023                                  NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 36                                                                                    www

                                       City lawsuit against former councilman dismissed

               Vol. 138, No. 36           The City of Wayne lawsuit                                                              ing council meetings and driving
             Sumpter     Township      against former Councilman                                ”                                on Wayne Road. Blackwell was
          received the top rating on   Anthony Miller was dismissed             The report, in entirety, was posted on           found not guilty of those allega-
          the fiscal year audit present-  Aug. 30 with prejudice by Third   social media and the city website the same           tions and he is now pursuing
          ed to trustees during their  Circuit Court Judge Sheila                                                                legal redress from the city based
          meeting Aug. 22.             Gibson.                              week it was presented to  council members.           on the violations of his civil
                          See page 3.     The lawsuit claimed that                                                               rights. Police Ofc. Abraham
                                       Miller, now 64, had breached his                                                          Hughes also claims Nocerini
                                       fiduciary responsibility to the                                                           interfered with the police chief
                                       city when he provided a hostile  patently false. The report, in  The investigative report con-  selection process by insisting
                                       work environment investigation  entirety, was posted on social  cerning the conduct of Nocerini  Blackwell be arrested. He
                                       report to Michigan State Police  media and the city website the  has also been accepted as evi-  alleges he refused to make the
                Vol. 76, No. 36        as part of a criminal investiga-  same week it was presented to  dence in three separate ongoing  arrest and claims that despite
             Applications are now      tion. The 2018 report dealt with  city council which negated any  legal proceedings. Resident  higher test scores, Strong was
          being accepted for the       the conduct of former City    claim of confidentiality.     Mark Blackwell is charging    promoted after arresting
          Canton Lead #LikeAGirl, Be   Manager Lisa Nocerini and con-   Miller, who was appointed to  Nocerini and Police Chief Ryan  Blackwell. The report is also
          A #ModelMan, and Youth       cluded that she should be disci-  the city council in December of  Strong with violations of his civil  part of a criminal charge against
          Advisory Council programs    plined “up to and including ter-  2015 and re-elected twice,  rights. He claims Nocerini moti-  former Councilman Christopher
          for the 2023-2024 school year.  mination.”                 resigned his position in June of  vated Strong to falsely arrest  Sanders who is charged with
                          See page 6.     The judge dismissed the    2021 during the COVID pandem-  him for speaking out at public  criminal stalking of Nocerini.
                                       claims of the city noting that the  ic. He subsequently moved out  meetings regarding the findings  Nocerini resigned her posi-
                                       statute of limitations had    of state. He said he was “glad to  in the report. Nocerini claimed  tion last week and council mem-
                                       expired before the suit was filed  see this over with.”  Miller  that Blackwell was stalking her  bers named Strong as acting city
                                       and that the city claim that the  added that he felt vindicated by  by speaking to other residents in  manager while a replacement is
                                       report was confidential was   the judge's ruling.           the city hall parking lot follow-  recruited.
                Vol. 76, No. 36
             Survivors were overcome
          with emotion last week dur-     Chicken Sunday
          ing a press conference seek-
          ing clues to the death of
          Anthony “Nick” Jones who        67th Plymouth Fall Festival weekend events begin tomorrow
          was killed 4 years ago in
          Inkster.                          Tomorrow is the big day.
                          See page 5.       The 67th Plymouth Fall
                                          Festival will begin as the tradi-
                                          tional booths, entertainment
                                          and attractions along with
                                          some new features welcome
                                          crowds the community.
                Vol. 23, No. 36             Attractions include a bar-
            Tipping Point Theatre         beque spare rib dinner from 3
          will open the 16th theatrical   until 6 p.m. tomorrow in the
          season on Oct. 4 with the       tent behind E.G. Nicks pre-
          1988 beloved classic, Driving   pared by the Vietnam
          Miss Daisy.                     Veterans; the Kiwanis Pancake
                          See page 3.     Breakfast Saturday morning;
                                          spaghetti dinners prepared by
                                          the Morning Rotary Club, and
                                          the start of it all, the Rotary
                                          Chicken Barbeque on Sunday
                                          beginning at about 11 a.m.
                Vol. 23, No. 36             While the first of 10,000
             Beth Stewart, executive      chicken dinners should be
          director of the Michigan        available at 11 a.m., the event  Rotary Club members will build the huge barbeque pits from cement blocks, some dating back to
          Philharmonic, was honored       begins in the parking lot    the first barbeque 60 years ago, in the parking lot behind The Gathering. The first of the famous
          with the Ruth Huston-           behind   The    Gathering    dinners should be available at 11 a.m. Sunday.
          Whipple Award for her con-      Saturday   evening.   The      A Rotary Club mascot chick-  live entertainment on the stage  joins in a combined fundrais-
          tributions to the Plymouth      Rotarians build the huge bar-  en made a surprise appear-  in Kellogg Park, booths a Party  ing effort,” she said.
          community.                      beque pits using cement     ance at the Music in the Park  Tent and an atmosphere of    Advance tickets for dinners
                          See page 4.     blocks, some dating back to the  concert last Friday and con-  community involvement is  are usually available at the
                                          first barbeque 60 years ago.  vinced the assembled crowd to  unique to the community,  ticket booths on Main Street
                                          The pits are loaded with char-  pardon him from the pits. In  explained festival president  and are discounted for early
                                          coal and then the club “smoke  exchange for the mercy they  Andrea Gerber.            purchase.
                                          eaters” light the charcoal. One  showed, he offered his dance  “Every booth, every activity  A complete guide to the
                                          Rotary member said he will  expertise which may have     at the festival is connected to a  events and programs is avail-
                Vol. 138, No. 36
                                          light 2,000 pounds of Kingsford  motivated several audience  civic group and a portion, or  able at the associatednewspa-
             The 25th annual Romulus      charcoal early Sunday morn-  members to change their     all, of the revenue generated website with free
          Pumpkin Festival will take      ing and during the day, add  minds about their vote to par-  during the festival goes back to  print editions available at local
          place next weekend, Sept.       another 5,000 pounds which  don him.                     the club or team or organiza-  businesses throughout the
          15, 16 and 17 at Romulus        will already be burning when   The Plymouth Fall Festival  tion. This is a once-a-year  community and at multiple fes-
          Historical Park located at      added to the pits.          which features carnival rides,  event when every civic group  tival and ticket booths.
          11147 Hunt St.
                          See page 2.
                                       Tornado and storm damage survey continues in Canton

                                          Members of the Canton
                                       Township         Community
                                       Emergency Response Team
                Vol. 76, No. 36        (CERT) volunteer program, as
             The City of Wayne Police  well as township staff and elected
          Department was surprised     officials, are continuing the door-
          last week with the donation  to-door damage assessments in
          of a Leer folding cover and  neighborhoods affected by the
          bed liner for the motor fleet  severe weather last week. The
          Ford F-150 truck.            information will be provided to
                          See page 4.  the Emergency Management and
                                       Homeland Security Division of
                                       the Michigan State Police.  Gov.
                                       Gretchen Whitmer has declared
                                       a state of emergency and Canton
                                       Township Supervisor Anne      submit a self-reporting survey  are independent of insurance  damage assessment numbers to
                Vol. 76, No. 36        Marie Graham-Hudak has        with photos to help assess the  adjustments and affected proper-  the State of Michigan," stated
             Westland    Historical    declared a local state of emer-  damage throughout the township,  ty owners should contact their  William Hayes, Canton Township
          Society members are plan-    gency.                        which is available online at:  insurance provider to make   emergency manager. "All of the
          ning a trip into the past Sept.  Canton residents who experi- These dam-  insurance claims.   information gathered in these
          16. The tour, on a trolley, will  enced damage to their homes due  age assessments were created by  "The purpose of these visits  reports helps the state to deter-
          explore the history of       to the recent high-impact storms  the State of Michigan in the wake  and the online survey is to solely  mine if a presidential declaration
          Nankin Township and City of  who have not already participat-  of the storms to assist with accu-  conduct damage assessments on  is warranted potentially opening
          Westland.                    ed in the door-to-door damage  rate reporting of damage statis-  behalf of Canton Township to
                          See page 5.  assessment are encouraged to  tics. These township assessments  assist with providing the total     See Survey, page 6

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