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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 7, 2023


        Preparations for Annual Pumpkin Festival under way

           The 25th annual Romulus     include the name, email, and
        Pumpkin Festival, a three-day  phone number of the individual
        event that begins on the third  entering the contest.
        Friday in September each year,   Bingo games sponsored by
        will take place next weekend,  the Romulus Chamber of
        Sept. 15, 16 and 17 at Romulus  Commerce will take place from
        Historical Park located at 11147  4 until 22 p.m on Friday, from 11
        Hunt St.                       a.m. until 11 p.m. on Saturday
           The event will begin Friday  and from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
        evening with the traditional   Sunday. There will be cash
        Rotary Club Festival of Lights  prizes all three days.
        where everything is aglow, from  The Romulus Professional
        bicycles to cement trucks.     Fire Fighters IAFF Local 4126
        Thousands of people line       will serve pancakes from 8 until
        Goddard Road to wait for the   11:30 a.m. at the park on
        vehicles to pass by during the  Saturday. Breakfasts of pan-
        event. Information about the   cakes, sausage, coffee and juice
        parade rules and entry require-  will be prepared and served by
        ments is available on the      members of the Romulus Fire
        Romulus Rotary Facebook page   Department.
        or                     email     The cost for the meal is $5 for      adult and $4 for seniors.
           During the weekend, the     Children 4 and younger eat at no
        street festival features music,  cost with the purchase of an
        food, crafts, and games for all  adult breakfast. More informa-  The Corn Hole Tournament
        ages. There is a classic car show  tion is available from Capt. John  sponsored by St. John's Lodge
        and a craft and vendor show    Thiede at (734)740-1194.       #44 will take place from 1 until 4
        along with live musical enter-   Also on Saturday is the popu-  p.m. Saturday, north of the
        tainment. Organizers said the  lar   Romulus     Downtown     Historical Park Pavilion. The
        Pumpkin Festival is a celebra-  Development       Authority   registration fee is $15 per person
        tion of friends and family; a har-  Pumpkin Festival Punkin   and advance registration is
        vest celebration that generates  Chuckin contest. The event will  encouraged. There will be tro-
        an enthusiastic spirit and regen-  begin at 3:30 Sept. 16 at the festi-  phies for the first and second
        erates a sense of community.   val hospitality tent. No pre-regis-  place teams and medals for the
           The traditional festival tast-  tration is required, although  third-place team.
        ing and digital photo contests  competitors are cautioned to    The tournament is a benefit
        are under way. All entries for the  warm up their throwing arms to  for the Sickle Cell Disease
        various competitions are due no  compete for the various prizes.  Association of America and
        later than tomorrow. Digital     In addition to the entertain-  donations are also accepted. For
        photo entries can be submitted  ment and games, a 5Krun and   more information, call Brother
        to   the   Facebook     page   walk is planned for 9 a.m.     James Brown at (734) 389-5372.
        @RomulusPumpkinFestival or     Sunday, Sept. 17. The run will    The event is organized each
        emailed                    to  begin behind the Romulus       year by a Pumpkin Festival  Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins St.  Committee, first established in
        m                              in Romulus.                    1996 for the planning of the first
           The public will be given a    Check in will begin at 8:30  festival in 1997. Members of the
        chance to pick their favorite  a.m., warm-up at 8:45 a.m. and  committee meet at 5:30 p.m. the
        entries on Facebook and win-   the run will officially begin at 9  first Tuesday of the month begin-
        ners for all contests will be  a.m. There will be first, second  ning in March to prepare for the  Wayne Road.             call the Pumpkin Festival
        announced on Facebook and      and   third   place   prizes   September event. Meetings take   Volunteers are always wel-  Hotline at (734) 955-4577 or
        contacted       individually.  Information is available at (734)  place in Romulus City Hall  come, organizers said. For infor-  email pumpkinfestival@romu-
        Organizers said entries must   955-4521.                      Council Chambers at 11111     mation, or to join the committee,

           On the move

           The Romulus Recreation Department
           has moved to an office inside the
           Romulus Athletic Center at 35765
           Northline Road. Director Colleen Dumas
           said staff members are eager to help
           residents learn about and sign up for the
           upcoming fall programs. Registration is
           currently open for Youth Gymnastics and
           PeeWee Basketball, she said. Adult
           drop-in volleyball will begin in October,
           and ticket information for the popular
           Daddy Daughter Dance in October will
           be coming out soon, she added.
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