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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 5, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Fall Festival tickets on sale          located at 167 Fourth St. in Belleville.
           Tickets for the Civitans Taste Fest, the
        Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, the Rotary  Community Chorus seeking singers         Studdard will not perform
        A.M. Spaghetti Dinner and the Rotary     The Belleville Community Chorus,
        Chicken Barbeque are now available at  under the direction of Rachael Parr, is     Much to the disappointment of    The Cats were victorious. While
        multiple locations throughout Plymouth.  seeking new members for the upcoming   hundreds of fans, American Idol win-  practicing for a local festival,
           Signs in area businesses are promoting  season.                              ner Ruben Studdard will not be      Studdard approached the band
        the sale of tickets for the events which are  Rehearsals take place at 7 p.m. every  appearing in person at the Romulus  about becoming the lead singer.  With
        all charity fundraisers during the Fall  Monday, beginning Sept. 9 at the First  Pumpkin Festival this year         the addition of Studdard's silky-
        Festival set for Sept. 6, 7 and 8. For more  United Methodist Church at 417 Charles St.  Studdard's musical group, Just A  smooth voice and powerful stage
        information, visit Plymouthfallfestival .com.  in Belleville. A fall concert is set for  Few Cats, will perform on the  presence, the band became a local
           Tickets for the Taste Fest and Spaghetti  December.                          Romulus Main Stage from 7-11 p.m.   sensation within Birmingham and
        Dinner are available at E.G. Nick's, 500  Anyone interested in joining the singers,  Saturday, Sept. 21 on the main stage  surrounding areas.
        Forest Ave. Pancake breakfast tickets are  need only attend the first rehearsal. Parr  during the upcoming Pumpkin    As a newly evolved R & B and
        available from Mark Riegal (734) 718-6176  said the group is “especially hoping to  Festival, without their lead singer.  Soul band, Just A Few Cats claimed
        and Chicken Barbeque tickets are available  increase our men's sections.”          The group formed in 2000 to com-  their spot as one of the hottest bands
        at Forest Optical, 550 Forest Ave. and   For more information, contact Paula    pete as a jazz band in a collegiate tal-  in the Southeast.
        Horton Plumbing 1382 W. Main St.       Pence-Poston at (734) 725-1425 or email  ent show. With a funky rendition of   There is no cost for the Just A Few
        Plymouth.                                       Marvin Gaye 's "What's Going On",   Cats performance.

        Firefighters want to 'Fill the Boot'   Blues at the Elks set                 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11. Carryout meals  close of the day.
           The annual Plymouth Township Fire     Nicky T. and The Snake Charmers will  are available at 4:30 p.m. at the church,  For information or registration call the
        Department Fill-the-Boot Campaign will  perform at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  36925 Willow Road in New Boston.   Canton Community Foundation at (734) 495-
        take place beginning at 9 a.m. Sept. 7 and 8  Lodge 325 from 7 until 10 p.m. Sept. 10.  Meals cost $12 per person and include  1200.
        in front of the Kroger store at Ann Arbor  The blues band includes former mem-  fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green
        and Sheldon roads. Township firefighters  bers of The Alligators band.       beans, biscuits and gravy, cole slaw, dessert,  Suicide prevention walk set
        will be greeting customers and collecting  The lodge is located at 41700 Ann Arbor  coffee, tea or milk.              The Northville High School 5K Color
        funds to help local families affected by  Road in Plymouth.                    Children's meals for those younger than  Run/Walk to prevent teen suicide is set for
        Muscular Dystrophy                       For more information, call (734)453-1780.  12 are available for $5.       11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at the
           Since 1954, fire fighters have fueled the                                   For information or directions, call (734)  school on Six Mile Road.
        Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)   Garden Club to meet                   654-9020.                                Secure registration online is available
        mission to find treatments and cures for life  Country Garden Club of Northville                                   until Sept. 15 at
        threatening muscle diseases. This year's  members will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday,  Library to host book sale
        Plymouth    Township    Fill-the-Boot  Sept. 11 at Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile  Friends of the William P. Faust Public  2019.
        Campaign will show the dedication of the  Road in Northville.                Library of Westland will host a book sale  This year, the Run/Walk proceeds will
        International Association of Firefighters  There will be social time with snacks  from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Friday Sept. 13  expand the mental health library, expand
        (IAFF) and Plymouth Township Local 1496  and speaker Tim Nowicki will discuss  and Saturday, Sept. 14 and from noon until  school prevention training, and host peer-
        toward supporting the families and defeat-  Birds of Michigan. There will also be a  3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15. Sunday is also  to-peer outreach activities. Color My World
        ing the disease.                       business meeting.                     bag day when a bag of books can be pur-  is a club founded at Northville High School
                                                 New members are welcome.            chased for $4.                        in 2017.
        Genealogists host researcher             For more information, call (248)202-1518.    The library is located at 6123 Central  This is the second annual color run coin-
           Katherine Willson, a professional                                         City Parkway in Westland.             ciding with National Suicide Prevention
        genealogist, has some answers for those  Photographers to meet                 For more information, call (734) 326-6123  Month taking place at Northville High.
        who regularly get online and hope to find  Members of the only 3D photography in  x2844
        something new about their ancestors and  Michigan have set their first meeting of the                              Coffee With A Cop served
        for those who wish they  could just get a  season for 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11,  Veteran Health Summit set     Members of the Inkster Police
        notification letting them know if any new  at the Livonia Civic Park Senior Center,  The Canton Community Foundation and  Department will host Coffee With A Cop at
        information has been added to the web.  15218 Farmington Road, just south of Five  Legal Help for Veterans will present the  10 a.m. Sept. 18 at Applewood Coney Island,
           Google Alerts is the solution, Willson  Mile Road.                        10th Annual Veteran Health Summit 2019  28640 Michigan Ave.
        claims. She will speak to members of the  The program will be “Choosing and  from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18  There is no agenda or speeches, just a
        Northville Genealogical Society on the  Preparing Stereo Images for Competition”  at Schoolcraft College VisTaTech Center.   chance to enjoy a cup of coffee, ask ques-
        topic of “Google Alerts” following a short  by club president Rick Shomsky.  After a  Topics at the free event include maxi-  tions voice concerns and get to know the
        business meeting set for 2:30 p.m. Sept. 8 at  refreshment break, there will be a competi-  mizing veteran's health care; veteran's dis-  officers in the neighborhood.
        the Northville District Library.       tion.                                 ability update, health care in the communi-
           The public is invited to attend the meet-  The meetings are free to attend and visi-  ty, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center update  Mom 2 Mom Sale set
        ing, free of charge.                   tors are always welcome.              and an update from the Michigan Veterans  St Edith and St. Collette Church will be
           The Northville District Library is locat-  Stereo cameras, 3D movies, and educa-  Affairs Agency.               the site of a Mom2Mom Sale from 8:30 a.m.
        ed at 212 West Cady St. in Northville. The  tional videos are available for members to  The is no cost to attend for all military  until noon on Saturday, Oct. 5.
        roundtable discussion, “Organizing Your  borrow or rent.                     veterans, friends, family and caregivers.  The church is located at 15089
        Data,” will begin at 1:15 p.m. followed by a  For more information, visit www.Detroit  Registration is requested, however, as  Newburgh Road in Livonia. Admission to
        short business meeting at 2:30 p.m., open to, or call(248) 398-3591.  there will be a boxed lunch provided at the  the sale is $2,
        the public.
                                               Sears homes is topic
        Belleville Library Storytimes begin      The Wayne Historical Society will host
           Fall Storytime sessions at the Belleville  guest speakers Andrew and Wendy Mutch
        Area District Library will begin with  who will discuss the history of Sears Kit
        Family Storytimes, at 7 p.m. Mondays, Sept.  houses in Michigan at 7 p.m. Sept. 12.
        9 -Oct. 14 for ages 4-10; Tuesday Toddler  The meeting will take place at the
        Times for those ages 2-4 at 11 a.m. Sept. 10  Historical Museum, 1 Town Square, at the
        through Oct. 15 and Thursday Toddler   corner of Main and Biddle, in downtown
        Times, at 11 a.m.  Sept. 12 - Oct. 17 for ages  Wayne.
        2-4.                                     The meeting is free and open to the pub-
           Sign up is available at http://belleville.  lic. or call the library at
        (734) 699-3291 and ask for the reference  Chicken dinner is server
        desk.                                    The Willow United Methodist Church
           The Belleville Area District Library is  will serve a Chicken Supper beginning at 5
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