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September 5, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Annual Maybury Farm Corn Maze set to open soon

           The 10-acre Maybury Farm    estimated 20 minutes to com-                                                                  Maybury Farm will host the
        Corn Maze will open Sept. 27 and  plete,”so it's perfect for little                      ”                                 6th Annual Great Pumpkin
        families can enjoy the Great   ones,” Wallace added.                 This year, the farm will also offer a Kid’s Maze      Festival from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
        Pumpkin Festival at the farm     The Maybury Farm corn maze            that is approximately 1 acre and will take          Oct. 12 and 13.
        Oct. 12 and 13.                is open until 10 p.m. on Fridays                                                              Admission to the Great
           This year, the family-friendly  and Saturdays for those brave        an estimated 20 minutes to complete.               Pumpkin Festival is $7 per per-
        corn maze promises to be one of  enough to attempt to find their                                                           son and includes admission to
        the best that Maybury Farm has  way through in the dark with just                                                          the farm or, for $12 per person,
        ever created, noted Maybury    the moon to guide the way.     25 or more can be scheduled at  admission and a tractor-drawn  guests can enjoy the festival, corn
        Community Foundation Director    After completing the maze,   (248) 374-0200. Maybury Farm  wagon ride to and from the maze.  maze with wagon ride and farm.
        Diana Wallace. The maze fea-   the Maybury Farm General Store  also offers bonfires that are avail-  Children under 2 are admitted  Children under 2 receive free
        tures 10 acres of thick, lush corn  offers fresh Parmenter cider and  able during regular business  free with an adult.  Maybury  admission to the festival with an
        with a brand-new design.  The  donuts, along with other treats.  hours or as part of a group reser-  Farm is operated by the  adult.
        full maze is 9-acres and is sure to  October is also the last month to  vation.             Northville       Community       Maybury Farm is located at
        challenge adults and kids alike,  visit the Maybury Farm animals  The last wagon leaves for the  Foundation; the funds raised  50165 Eight Mile Road in
        she said and will take an estimat-  before the farm closes for the  maze one hour prior to close.  from the corn maze are used to  Northville.  To learn more about
        ed one hour to complete.       season.  The barn will be open  The Corn Maze will be open   help support the work of the   all of the autumn activities at the
           This year, the farm will also  until 7 p.m. Friday through  through Nov. 3. Admission to the  farm, and its mission of connect-  farm, visit <http://www.maybury-
        offer a Kid’s Maze that is approx-  Sunday during corn maze.  Maybury Farm Corn Maze is $9  ing the community to animals>www.mayburyfarm.
        imately 1 acre and will take an  Accommodations for groups of  per person and includes farm  and agriculture.              org.
        Auditions set next week for young stage performers

           Young actors and singers in  complete pre-registration     formers should plan to arrive 5  ances will take place Dec. 13, 14  should wait another season
        the area will have a chance to  online                   at   minutes prior to the scheduled  and 15 at the Tipping Point  before auditioning again, a full
        show off their talents during or by      audition time and be prepared  Theater in Northville. Actors  refund will be given within a
        upcoming auditions for the     calling (734) 416-4278 and sched-  to interact with others who are  must commit to rehearsals, all  week of the notification.
        Plymouth Uptown Players set    ule an audition appointed.     auditioning. Actors should have  three performances and a 2-   Program registration is $245
        for next week.                 Actors will meet in small groups  a short audition piece prepared  hour tech week rehearsal the  with a current Plymouth
           Auditions will take place at  for 20-30 minutes with the direc-  such as a monologue, a poem  week before the show.     Community Arts Council stu-
        the Plymouth community Arts    tor of the upcoming musical,   and or a song.                   Plymouth Uptown Players is  dent membership fee of $30
        Council from 5-6:30 p.m. on    Sonja Marquis. Students must     The piece may be memo-      an experimental theater pro-   which is good for one year.
        Sunday, Sept. 15 and again from  register and sign the Actor  rized or read.                gram that is actor-centered and  Tuition includes two free tickets
        4:30 until 5:30 p.m. on        Commitment Contract on audi-     Fall rehearsals will take   the director will decide which  per actor for one performance.
        Wednesday, Sept. 18 for young  tion night for registration to be  place from 6-8 p.m. Sundays at  performers who audition are  The Plymouth Arts Council is
        actors in 4th through 9th grade.  complete, organizers said.  the Plymouth Community Arts   ready for the challenges of    located at 774 North Sheldon
           To audition, students must    On audition day, hopeful per-  Council and the final perform-  musical theater. If an actor  Road in Plymouth.
        Scheduled road repair work now under way in city

           Two road projects in Northville will  slated for work are Lexington Court,  website and posts on social media for  sultant, Fleis & VandenBrink, and based
        begin this month with 1.7 miles of recon-  Glenhill Drive, Morgan Circle, Morgan  updates and progress reports.    on previous work that the company had
        struction work on Morgan Boulevard     Court, MacDonald Drive, Taft Road and    This road repair is part of the 2019  done in the city, officials said.
        and Cady Street by Nagle Paving Co., of  Baseline Road - which will all be   Local Road Reconstruction and            The remaining work originally
        Novi.                                  repaired with a mill and fill construction  Rehabilitation Program in Northville.   planned for the summer of 2019 will be
           The work includes the addition of   procedure.                              City council members approved the   rebid in November, with work expected
        eight parking spaces on Cady Street, offi-  Residents on those streets will be  contract with Nagel Paving Co. following  to be completed in this budget year,
        cials said.                            notified about work schedules, detours  a positive review by the engineering con-  noted DPW Director Loyd Cureton.
           The cost of the pavement repair or  and parking restrictions. In addition, all
        replacement is $1,031,473. Other streets  residents and visitors can view the city                        Ordinance Amendment

                                     Ordinance Amendment                              State of Michigan county of Wayne  Charter Township of Canton Chapter 46  an ordinance to amend Chapter 46, article viii, divi-
                                                                                      sion 1, of the Canton Code of ordinances entitled "offenses involving underage persons" to revise section 46-505 and 46-506.
                                                                                      The Charter Township of Canton ordains: section 1. Amendment to Code. Chapter 46 of the Charter Township of Canton Code
         State of Michigan County of Wayne Charter Township of Canton chapter 46 an ordinance to amend chapter 46, article ii, of the
         Canton Code of Ordinances entitled "offenses involving the person" to revise section 46-31 to bring it into compliance with the  ordinance, article viii, entitled "offenses involving underage persons," division 1, entitled "generally,"  sections 46-505 and 46-
         public act no.  87 of 2016. The Charter Township of Canton ordains: section 1. Amendment to code. Chapter 46 of the Charter  506, are hereby amended to read as follows:    sec. 46-505. - sale of tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine prod-
         Township of Canton Code Ordinance, article ii, entitled "offenses involving the person," section 46-31 is hereby amended to read  ucts to persons under 18 years of age. A person shall not sell, give or furnish any cigarette, cigar, chewing tobacco, tobacco snuff
         as follows: sec. 46-31. - assault and battery; domestic assault and battery. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) below,  or tobacco in any form or vapor products or alternative nicotine products to a person under 18 years of age including but not lim-
         a person who assaults and batters an individual, if no other punishment is prescribed by law, is guilty of a misdemeanor punish-  ited to, through a vending machine. A person who violates this subsection or subsection (h) of this ordinance is guilty of a mis-
         able by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than $500.00 or both an individual who assaults or assaults  demeanor punishable by a fine as follows:    for a first offense, not more than $100.00.  For a second offense, not more than
         and batters his or her spouse or former spouse, an individual with whom he or she has a child in common, a resident or former  $500.00. For a third or subsequent offense, not more than $2,500.00.    A person who sells tobacco products, vapor products, or
         resident of the same household, or an individual with whom he or she has or had a dating relationship with, is guilty of a mis-  alternative nicotine products at retail shall post a sign as required by section 1 of public act no. 31 of 1915 (mcl 722.641), fur-
         demeanor punishable by up to a $500.00 fine and/or imprisonment for not greater than 93 days. For purposes of this section,  nished by the State department of public health, that includes the following Statement: the purchase of tobacco products or vapor
         police officers shall have the authority to arrest in accordance with mcl 764.15a, as amended. As used in this section, "dating rela-  products or alternative nicotine products by a minor under 18 years of age and the provision of tobacco products or vapor prod-
         tionship" is defined as frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional involvement. This  ucts or alternative nicotine products to a minor are prohibited by law. A minor who unlawfully purchases or uses a tobacco prod-
         term does not include a causal relationship or an ordinary fraternization between two individuals in a business or social context.  ucts, vapor product or alternative nicotine product is subject to criminal penalties.    It is an affirmative defense to a charge pur-
         An individual who assaults or assaults and batters an individual who is pregnant and who knows the individual is pregnant is  suant to subsection (a) of this section that the defendant had in force at the time of arrest and continues to have in force a writ-
         guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of nor more than $500.00, or both.  ten policy to prevent the sale of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, tobacco snuff, and other tobacco products, vapor products
         Section 2. Severability if any clause, sentence, section, paragraph or part of this ordinance, or the application of thereof to any  or alternative nicotine products, as applicable, to persons under 18 years of age, and that the defendant enforced and continues
         person, firm, corporation, legal entity or circumstances, shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to  to enforce the policy. A defendant which proposes to offer evidence of the affirmative defense described in this subsection shall
         be unconstitutional or invalid, said judgment shall not affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this ordinance. It is hereby  file and serve notice of the defense, in writing, upon the court and the Township attorney. The notice shall be served not less than
         declared to the legislative intent of this body that the ordinance is severable, and that the ordinance would have been adopted had  14 days before the date set for trial. A Township attorney who proposes to offer testimony to rebut the affirmative defense
         such invalid or unconstitutional provisions not have been included in this ordinance. Section 3. Repeal of conflicting ordinances  described in subsection (c) of this section shall file and serve a notice of rebuttal, in writing, upon the court and the defendant.
         all ordinance or parts of ordinance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full  The notice shall be served not less than 7 days before the date set for trial, and shall contain the name and address of each rebut-
         force and effect. Section 4. Savings clause all rights and duties which have matured penalties which have been incurred, pro-  tal witness.    Subsection (a) does not apply to the handling or transportation of a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative
         ceedings which have begun and prosecution for violations of law occurring before the effective date of this ordinance are not  nicotine product by a minor under the terms of the minor's employment.    Before selling, offering for sale, giving, or furnishing
         affected or abated by this ordinance. Section 5. Publication the clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this ordi-  a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine product to an individual, a person shall verify that the individual is at
         nance to be published in the manner required by law. Section 6. Effective date this ordinance, as amended, shall be effective upon  least 18 years of age by doing 1 of the following:    if the person appears to be under 27 years of age, examining a government-
         publication as required by law.  Certification the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Township board of Trustees of the  issued photographic identification that establishes that the individual is at least 18 years of age. For sales made by the internet or
         Charter Township of Canton at its regular meeting called and held on the14th day of May, 2019, and was ordered to be given  other remote sales method, performing an age verification through an independent, third-party age verification service that com-
         publication in the manner required by law. Michael Siegrist, Clerk introduced 04/23/2019 adopted: 05/14/2019 published:  pares information available from a commercially available database, or aggregate of databases, that are regularly used by gov-
         09/05/2019 effective:  09/05/2019. All ordinances can be reviewed in full at or in person at the Canton  ernment agencies and businesses for the purpose of age and identity verification to the personal information entered by the indi-
         Township Administration Building.                             CN1935 - 090519  2.5 x 715  vidual during the ordering process that establishes that the individual is 18 years of age or older. Sec. 46-506.-possession or use
                                                                                      of tobacco, vapor products or alternative nicotine products.    Definitions. As used in this section, the following definitions shall
                                                                                      apply: chewing tobacco means loose tobacco or a flat, compressed cake of tobacco which is inserted into the mouth to be chewed
                                                                                      or sucked. Minor means an individual who is less than 18 years of age. Person who sells vapor products or alternative nicotine
                                     Ordinance Amendment                              products at retail means a person whose ordinary course of business consists, in whole or in part, of the retail sale of vapor prod-
                                                                                      ucts or alternative nicotine products. Person who sells tobacco products at retail means a person whose ordinary course of busi-
         State of Michigan County of Wayne Charter Township of Canton chapter 46 an ordinance to amend chapter 46, article iv, of the  ness consists, in whole or in part, of the retail sale of tobacco products subject to State sales tax. Public place means a public
         Canton Code of ordinances entitled "offenses involving public safety," division 3 entitled "fireworks" to revise to bring it into  street, sidewalk, or park or any area open to the general public in a publicly owned or operated building or public place of busi-
         compliance with public act no. 635 of 2018.  The Charter Township of Canton ordains: section 1. Amendment to Code. Chapter  ness. Tobacco product means a product that contains tobacco and is intended for human consumption, including, but not limited
         46 of the Charter Township of Canton Code ordinance, article iv, entitled "offenses involving public safety," sections 46-261, 46-  to, a cigarette, non-cigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco, as those terms are defined in section 2 of the tobacco prod-
         264, 46-266 and 46-269 are hereby amended to read as follows: division 3. - fireworks sec. 46-261. - definitions. The following  ucts tax act, 1993 pa 327, mcl 205.422, and a cigar. Tobacco snuff means shredded, powdered or pulverized tobacco which may
         words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the  be inhaled through the nostrils, chewed or placed against the gums. Vapor product or alternative nicotine products means a non-
         context clearly indicates a different meaning: act 256 shall mean act 256 of the public acts of 2011, being mcl 28.451. Articles  combustible product containing nicotine or not that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or other elec-
         pyrotechnic shall mean pyrotechnic devices for professional use that are similar to consumer fireworks in chemical composition  tronic, chemical, or mechanical means regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor from nicotine or not in a
         and construction, but are not intended for consumer use, that meet the weight limits for consumer fireworks, but are not labeled  solution or other form. Vapor product includes an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or
         as such, and that are classified as un0431 or un0432 under 49 CFR 172.101. Consumer fireworks shall mean firework devices  similar product or device and a vapor cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or other form than is intended to be
         that are designed to provide visible effects by combustion, that are required to comply with the construction chemical composi-  used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. Vapor
         tion, and labeling regulations promulgated by the united states consumer product safety commission under 16 CFR parts 1500  product does not include a product regulated as a drug or device by the United States food and drug administration ("FDA") under
         and 1507, and are listed in APA standard 87-1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.5. Consumer fireworks do not include low-impact fireworks.  sub Chapter v of the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act, 21 USC 351 to 360fff-7. Possession or use in public place prohibited.
         Consumer fireworks certificate or certificate shall mean a certificate issued under section 28.467a of act 256.  Department shall  A person under 18 years of age shall not possess or smoke cigarettes or cigars, or possess or chew, suck, or inhale chewing tobac-
         mean the Michigan department of licensing and regulatory affairs. Display fireworks shall mean large fireworks devices that are  co or tobacco snuff, or possess or use tobacco in any other form, or possess or smoke vapor product or alternative nicotine prod-
         explosive materials intended for use in fireworks displays and designed to produce visible or audible effects by combustion,  ucts on a public highway, street, alley, park, or other lands used for public purposes, or in a public place of business or amuse-
         deflagration, or detonation, as provided in 27 CFR 555.11, 49 CFR 172, and APA standard 87-1, 4.1. Fireworks shall mean any  ment, or present or offer to an individual a purported proof of age that is false, fraudulent, or not actually his or her own proof
         composition or device, except for a starting pistol, a flare gun, or a flare designed for the purpose of producing a visible or audi-  of age for the purpose of purchasing, attempting to purchase, possessing, or attempting to possess a tobacco product.    Penalty.
         ble effect by combustion, deflagration, or detonation. Fireworks consist of consumer fireworks, low impact fireworks, articles  A person who violates subsection (b) of this section shall be responsible for a State civil infraction or misdemeanor, punishable
         pyrotechnic, display fireworks, and special effects. Low-impact fireworks shall mean ground and handheld sparkling devices as  by a fine of not more than $50.00 for each offense. Pursuant to a probation order, the court may require a person who violates
         that phrase is defined under APA standard 87-1, 3.1, to, and 3.5. Novelties shall mean the term defined under APA  subsection (b) of this section to participate in a health promotion and risk reduction assessment program, if available. A proba-
         standard 87-1, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, and 3.2.5 and all of the following: (1) toy plastic or paper caps for toy pistols in  tioner who is ordered to participate in a health promotion and risk reduction assessment program under this section is responsi-
         sheets, strips, rolls, or individual caps containing not more than .25 of a grain of explosive content per cap, in packages labeled  ble for the cost of participating in the program. In addition, a person who violates this section is subject to the following: for the
         to indicate the maximum explosive content per cap. (2) toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, toy trick noisemakers, and toy guns  first violation the court may order the person to do one of the following:    perform not more than 16 hours of community serv-
         in which toy caps as described in subparagraph (i) are used, that are constructed so that the hand cannot come in contact with the  ice in a hospice, nursing home or long term care facility. Participate in a health promotion and risk reduction program, as
         cap when in place for the explosion, and that are not designed to break APArt or be separated so as to form a missile by the explo-  described in this subsection. For a second violation, in addition to participation in a health promotion risk reduction program, the
         sion. (3) flitter sparklers in paper tubes not exceeding 1/8 inch in diameter. Person shall include an individual, agent, association,  court may order the person to perform not more than 32 hours of community service in a hospice, nursing home, or long term
         charitable organization, company, limited liability company, corporation, labor organization, legal representative, partnership,  care facility. For a third or subsequent violation, in addition to participation in a health promotion and risk reduction program,
         unincorporated association, or any other legal or commercial entity. Special effects shall mean a combination of chemical ele-  the court may order the person to perform not more than 48 hours of community service in a hospice, nursing home or long term
         ments or chemical compounds cAPAble of burning independently of the oxygen of the atmosphere and designed and intended to  care facility. A person who is ordered to participate in a health promotion and risk reduction assessment program under subsec-
         produce an audible, visual, mechanical, or thermal effect as an integral part of a motion picture, radio, television, theatrical, or  tion (c) is responsible for the costs of participating in the program. Subsections (b) and (c) do not apply to a minor participating
         opera production or live entertainment. Sec. 46-264. - discharge of novelties, low-impact fireworks and consumer fireworks. (a)  in any of the following: an undercover operation in which the minor purchases or receives a tobacco product, vapor product, or
         except in the case of a permit issued by the Township under section 46-266, consumer fireworks shall not be ignited, discharged,  alternative nicotine product under the direction of the minor's employer and with the prior approval of the local prosecutor's office
         or used by any person at any time, except after 11:00 a.m. On the following dates and times: (1) December 31 until 1:00 a.m. On  as part of an employer-sponsored internal enforcement action. An undercover operation in which the minor purchases or receives
         January 1. (2) the Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding memorial day until 11:45 p.m. On each of those days.  (3) June  a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine product under the direction of the State police or a local police agency
         29 to July 4 until 11:45 p.m. On each of those days. (4) July 5, if that date it a Friday or Saturday, until 11:45 p.m. (5) the Saturday  as part of an enforcement action, unless the initial or contemporaneous purchase or receipt of the tobacco product, vapor prod-
         and Sunday immediately preceding Labor Day until 11:45 p.m. On each of those days. (b) - (e) [unchanged.] Sec. 46-266. - per-  uct, or alternative nicotine product by the minor was not under the direction of the State police or the local police agency and
         mit for discharge of consumer fireworks. (a) persons wishing to discharge consumer fireworks on a day and time other than those  was not part of the undercover operation. Compliance checks in which the minor attempts to purchase tobacco products for the
         listed in §46-264(a) may do so only after paying a fee and obtaining a permit from the Township. (b) application for a permit to  purpose of satisfying federal substance abuse block grant youth tobacco access requirements, if the compliance checks are con-
         discharge consumer fireworks under this section shall be made on forms available from the Township Clerk. (c) - (f) [unchanged.]  ducted under the direction of a substance use disorder coordinating agency and with the prior approval of the State police or a
         Sec. 46-269. - penalty. A violation of this ordinance shall be a municipal civil infraction, punishable by a civil fine of $1,000. In  local police agency. This section does not prohibit an individual from being charged with, convicted of, or sentenced for any other
         accordance with mcl §28.457(3), $500 of this fine is payable directly to the Township. Section 2. Severability if any clause, sen-  violation of law that arises out of the violation of subsection (b) or (c). Section 2. Severability if any clause, sentence, section,
         tence, section, paragraph or part of this ordinance, or the application of thereof to any person, firm, corporation, legal entity or  paragraph or part of this ordinance, or the application of thereof to any person, firm, corporation, legal entity or circumstances,
         circumstances, shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, said judg-  shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, said judgment shall not
         ment shall not affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to the legislative intent of this body  affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to the legislative intent of this body that the ordi-
         that the ordinance is severable, and that the ordinance would have been adopted had such invalid or unconstitutional provisions  nance is severable, and that the ordinance would have been adopted had such invalid or unconstitutional provisions not have been
         not have been included in this ordinance. Section 3. Repeal of conflicting ordinances all ordinance or parts of ordinance in con-  included in this ordinance. Section 3. Repeal of conflicting ordinances    all ordinance or parts of ordinance in conflict herewith
         flict herewith is hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect. Section 4. Savings clause  is hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect.    Section 4. Savings clause    all rights
         all rights and duties which have matured penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which have begun and prosecution for  and duties which have matured penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which have begun and prosecution for viola-
         violations of law occurring before the effective date of this ordinance are not affected or abated by this ordinance. Section 5.  tions of law occurring before the effective date of this ordinance are not affected or abated by this ordinance.  Section
         Publication the Clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this ordinance to be published in the manner required by  5.Publication the clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this ordinance to be published in the manner required by
         law. Section 6. Effective date this ordinance, as amended, shall be effective upon publication as required by law. Certification the  law. Section 6. Effective date this ordinance, as amended, shall be effective upon publication as required by law. Certification the
         foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Township board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton at its regular meet-  foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton at its regular meet-
         ing called and held on the 27th day of August, 2019, and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.  ing called and held on the 27th day of August, 2019, and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
         Michael Siegrist, Clerk introduced:  August 13, 2019 adopted:  August 27, 2019 published: September 5, 2019 effective:  Michael Siegrist, Clerk introduced: august 13, 2019 adopted: August 27, 2019 published: September 5, 2019 effective: September
         September 5, 2019. All ordinances can be reviewed in full at or in person at the Canton Township adminis-  5, 2019. All ordinances can be reviewed in full at or in person at the Canton Township Administration
         tration building.                                            CN1937 - 090519  2.5 x 6.707  Building.                                      CN1936 - 090519  2.5 x 10.801
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