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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 5, 2019

                                            INKSTER - WAYNE

        Elder abuse seminar draws crowds to Inkster

                          Julie Brown                                 home “right out from under-
                          Staff Writer                                neath them,” put that person in  Targets
                                                                      nursing home care, and sell the
           Michigan Attorney General                                  home well below market value.
        Dana Nessel heard about seri-           These are               She's concerned about          Seniors often victims of scams
        ous nursing home abuses, as        nonpartisan issues.        guardians who have some 700
        well as problems with medical                                 wards, which she learned on        Panelists speaking about  noting federal agencies
        disability and hospital care         We might come            the listening tour. Some elderly  elder abuse Aug. 26 in Inkster  including Social Security and
        during an Aug. 26 forum in            from different          people have their money and      took time to talk about scams  the IRS don't telephone peo-
        Inkster.                                                      control of health matters taken  targeting   the   elderly.  ple.
           Nessel recently announced a        backgrounds.            over.                            Representatives of health     “I'd rather you don't get
        bipartisan Elder Abuse Task       The Good Lord willing,        Nessel noted of some cases     agencies and the Michigan   scammed at all,” the attorney
        Force, after conferring with jus-                             where a guardian “had total      Department of Health &      general said, adding she's will-
        tices of the Michigan Supreme         we're all going         control to say your family mem-  Human Services answered     ing to prosecute with her
        Court. Nessel told the packed     to be elderly someday.      bers couldn't visit you.” She's  questions, too.             staff's help.
        room last week of earlier                                     encouraged by better efforts to    Panelist Kari West of The   “I want Michigan to be the
        efforts, “What these task forces                              train police departments and     Senior Alliance urged seniors  most proactive state in the
        had been good at was identify-                                prosecuting       attorneys      to avoid scams.             nation” on robocalls,” she
        ing problems in the system.”                                  statewide, some of which will      “A lot of it is about address-  said. She urged seniors not to
           She works with co-chairs                                   be done via video.               ing problems before they get  answer the phone at all for an
        Justice Richard Bernstein and  tors as panelists.               Nessel, compared improve-      too big,” West said, She noted  unknown number, or tell the
        Justice Megan Cavanagh, state    The attorney general urged   ments in domestic violence       that some genetic testing   caller, “I'm going to look up
        Supreme Court members, and     residents to contact their legis-  cases, when law enforcement  fraud scammers are “just try-  the number myself and I'll call
        others to address elder abuse.  lators and Gov. Gretchen      learned in the 1990s to inter-   ing to make a buck” and go to  you back.”
        The group traveled the state on  Whitmer's office about laws.   view the victim separately.    senior facilities unan-       She referred attendees to
        a listening tour “so we could    “These are nonpartisan         There are some 73,000 elder    nounced, saying they'll take  the Michigan Attorney
        hear from everybody in those   issues. We might come from dif-  abuse victims annually, Nessel  cheek swabs.               General website on elder
        communities,” said Nessel.     ferent backgrounds. The Good   said.                              West got a specific test on  abuse legislation in the hop-
           Issues varied in communi-   Lord willing, we're all going to  “One of the things that horri-  the advice of her physician,  per, adding that Bridge maga-
        ties, and included guardianship  be elderly someday,” she said.  fied me was to see how quickly  noting “And my doctor got the  zine (of The Center for
        problems in probate courts.      Others on the panel at the   some of these hearings were      results afterward. That's how  Michigan) will also report on
           “I terminated a lot of the  Booker T. Dozier Recreation    held, Often, no qualified med-   it should happen.”          elder abuse concerns.
        public administrators. And     Center were State Rep. Jewell  ical professional was asked to     At the Inkster forum,       “We want to make the pro-
        we're probably not done” with  Jones,     Congresswoman       speak during hearings” she       Michigan Attorney General   bate court system more user-
        that,” Nessel said of the August  Rashida Tlaib, State Sen. Betty  added.                      Dana Nessel described the   friendly,” she said, noting that
        decision.                      Jean Alexander, and Denise       The panelists were intro-      “grandparent emergency      she is especially concerned
           Area residents spoke pas-   Champagne,           Inkster   duced by Jones of House          scam” where a scammer calls  about those without legal rep-
        sionately about themselves and  Commission on Aging director.   District 11.                   and says a grandchild is jailed  resentation.
        their loved ones, with Nessel    Nessel acknowledged “hold-      “A lot of them live on fixed  and needs money. “It's a scam.  Nessel appreciates the
        saying being put in a nursing  ing for-profit nursing homes   incomes. Worst of all, some of   Hang up. Do your due dili-  Michigan Supreme Court
        home should be a last resort for  accountable” when under-    them are abused,” Jones said of  gence,” she told he large audi-  members' concern on how liti-
        a family.                      staffed, as well as advocating  elderly residents.              ence.                       gants are treated.
           “It ought to be because there  for a living wage in minimum  His district includes Inkster,   Nessel cautioned seniors    “And they're not putting up
        are no other options,” she said.  wage pay.                   Garden City and portions of      and others to never reveal  with that,” Nessel said of liti-
        The forum in Inkster also had    Nessel noted some cases of   Dearborn Heights, Livonia and    their Social Security number,  gant mistreatment.
        senior advocates and legisla-  guardians who sell a senior's  Westland.
        Athletic director named at Wayne Memorial High School

           Jason Malloy has been named                                                              letic programs.
        as the new athletic director at                           ”                                    Malloy earned his bachelor's
        Wayne Memorial High School.                     Malloy will replace former                  degree majoring in elementary
           It is somewhat of a homecom-              Athletic Director Greg Ambrose                 education at Western with minor
        ing for the 39-year-old educator,                                                           fields of study including math,
        whose parents lived in  Wayne.                     at the high school.                      science and physical education.
           A graduate of Robichaud High                                                             He also holds a masters degree
        School in Inkster, he was a four-                                                           in sports administration. He has
        year varsity football starter and  He  attended    Western    School where he also served as  been a fifth-grade classroom
        as a senior was team MVP. He   Michigan University on a football  the head football coach. He also  teacher along with his coaching
        was named to the All-Area, All-  scholarship where he was a two-  coached in various capacities at  experience.
        Metro and All Conference teams  year starter and a scholar-athlete  Ypsilanti Lincoln High School;  Malloy will replace former
        during his high school football  award winner.                Ann Arbor Pioneer High School;  Athletic Director Greg Ambrose
        career during which he set sever-  Malloy has several years expe-  Southfield  High  School,  at the high school.
        al records which still stand today.  rience coaching young athletes.  Concordia University and Wayne  He and his wife, Ornella, are
        He also played basketball during  He was formerly the athletic  State University and has a record  the parents of two daughters,
        his high school tenure.        director at Robichaud High     of innovative and successful ath-  Ariana, 11, and Jada, 9.                   Jason Malloy
        Friends: People Helping People project set for this Saturday

           A group of Friends will gather  Homes suggested for help are  necessary repairs to old wood  Everyone is eligible to volun-  Volunteers can come for all or any
        this Saturday, Sept. 7,  for the 23rd  viewed by a committee from the  prior to painting the home.  teer and there will be experi-  part of the day-long event.
        Annual  Friends: People Helping  Friends group and members eval-  All volunteers are asked to  enced painters on hand to offer  All supplies, labor and food for
        People event in Wayne.         uate the amount of help neces-  meet at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at  instructions to teach house-paint-  the volunteers is donated to the
           The Friends are a group of vol-  sary. To be considered, the homes  HYPE Athletics Western Wayne,  ing techniques.  One layer of paint  group.
        unteers who meet to help dis-  must be owner occupied.        4635 Howe Road. Breakfast will  will go on in the morning, lunch  The rain date is Sept. 14.
        abled or elderly neighbors in the  This year, the group will help a  be provided and the location of  will be served, and then a second  For information or to confirm
        city with home maintenance and  disabled couple on Sept. 7.   the home for this year        coat of paint will be applied in the  attendance, call Wayne City Hall
        repair jobs they are unable to  Volunteers plan to power wash  announced. Volunteers will   afternoon. Volunteers should   (734) 722-2000 or Al Damitio (734)
        complete themselves.           the home and do any caulking or  receive a free t-shirt.     expect to be done by 2 p.m.    787-1870.


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