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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 2, 2021

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        ‘Go’ing green

        Westland joins electric vehicle program

           The City of Westland is looking toward  vehicle is expected to take place in early
        a greener future.                     2022.
           While Westland has already begun pro-  President Joe Biden recently set a new
        moting the shift to greener transportation,  national target for the adoption of electric
        having approved the installation of four  vehicles, calling for them to represent 40
        electric vehicle charging stations on city-  to 50 percent of all new auto sales by 2030.
        owned property in April, officials have  “We are very pleased to have one of
        now agreed to work with AAW           Michigan's most respected mayors and
        Infrastructure Partners, L3C to launch an  current President of the Michigan
        innovative program designed to give the  Municipal League recognize the value of
        city the means to purchase electric vehi-  our program,” commented Thomas
        cles (EVs) and charging stations.     Wither, CEO of AAW Infrastructure
           AAW raises funds through “hybrid”  Partners, L3C. “Mayor Wild has proven to
        advertising-sponsorship arrangements  be a tireless champion for the City's busi-
        with businesses, organizations and indi-  ness community and in addition to helping
        viduals, and applies those funds to energy-  Westland, seamlessly, transition to new
        efficient projects that save money for  electric vehicles and charging stations, we
        cities. In turn, AAW promotes the advertis-  look forward to helping him support local
        ers-sponsors, encouraging customer traffic  businesses.”
        and sales.                               Westland officials approved an EV-    BUSting
           AAW representatives also encourage  mobility and Economic Stimulus Program
        advertisers-sponsors to take advantage of  Memorandum of Understanding (MOI)   with Learning
        complimentary energy assessments from  with AAW Infrastructure Partners, L3C.
        DTE Energy to help businesses reduce  The program, which has no cost to the city,  Each year hundreds of young
        their energy costs and save money.  The  promotes the acquisition of electric vehi-  children disconnect in the sum-
        Royal Oak-based AAW Infrastructure    cles by having overages paid for directly by  mer, making it much harder in the
        Partners, L3C calls its project the EV-  the organization. Historically, electric  fall to succeed academically. To
        Mobility and Economic Stimulus program.   vehicles are more expensive than stan-  keep students learning, Wayne-
           President Joe Biden recently set a new  dard models, and as part of the agreement,  Westland Community Schools
        national target for the adoption of electric  AAW will pay cities the difference of these  loaded up schoolbuses to bring
                                                                                       BUSting with Learning to neigh-
        vehicles, calling for them to represent 40  more expensive vehicles as an incentive to  borhoods. This initiative, in the
        to 50 percent of all new auto sales by 2030.  begin updating fleets to electric options,  second year, provided free litera-
        In response, the Westland             where applicable.                        cy resources to kindergarten
           proposed 2021-22 budget includes fund-  “I am extremely optimistic about a  through third-grade students in
        ing for the purchase of a Ford all electric  more sustainable future when I see lead-  the community. “Literacy is the
        F-150 Lightning for the Westland Police  ership from both the public and private  catalyst for all learning. This
        Department to utilize as a community  sector working on greener transportation  important initiative helps reinforce
        police vehicle. Westland will purchase the  alternatives in conjunction with one  literacy in the next generation and
        new Lightning from Westland based,    another,” commented Mayor William R.     bridge early literacy gaps,”said
        North Brothers Ford. Delivery of the new  Wild.                                Wayne-Westland Community
                                                                                       Schools Superintendent John
        Rotary donates $10,200 to fire victims                                         Dignan. Throughout the summer,
                                                                                       district staff and school buses vis-
           Members of the Westland Rotary Club  paign. The club allocated $200 for a spe-  ited elementary schools in the
                                                                                       neighborhoods. Students and
        lived up to the club motto, "Service Above  cific family displaced by the blaze and  families picked up books, school
        Self" recently when they donated $10,200  $10,000 went to the GoFund me page,  supplies and materials while hav-
        toward the displaced residents of the  ing a little fun with games and
        recent fire at Westwood Apartments.   westwood-village... that was established  activities. Buses also cruised
           The club members made the donation  by the Westland Fire and  Rescue        through the community, distribut-
        through the efforts of Westland Fire  Department to aid the victims of the     ing books to children.
        Administration - Public Awareness cam-  blaze.
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