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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 2, 2021

                                                   BELLEVILLE - INKSTER
                                                    BELLEVILLE - INKSTER

           Friendly help

           Stocking the new Little Library at
           Inkster City Hall are Sarah Young and
           Jessie Shelby, two original members of
           the Friends of the Leanna Hicks Public
           Library. The Friends organization mem-
           bers recently installed the new Little
           Library at city hall and another on
           Magnolia Street which will be stocked
           by the library, with book selections
           directed by Library Director Betty
           Adams. The Little Libraries were donat-
           ed to the community by Vance Hardy,
           an Inkster resident and long-time sup-
           porter of literacy. Another Little Library
           will be installed at the main library and
           two will be installed at the Inkster
           Public Housing facility.

        Belleville using goats                                                                                Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                    Sumpter Township
                                                                                                               Virtual Regular Board Meeting
        to clean park shoreline                                                       PUBLIC NOTICE:        23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111

                                                                                      this Board of Trustees’ meeting will be conducted virtually in compliance with the emergency declaration of the Wayne County
           Visitors to Horizon Park in Belleville  which rents the animals across the state  To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
                                                                                      Executive Order and Wayne County Department of Health regarding remote public meetings.
        will be greeting by several new city   to both municipal and private owners
        'employees' during the next month or so.  looking to control invasive growth with-  Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:43 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI),
                                                                                      Treasurer V. Warren (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Trustees: Oddy (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Rush (Wayne Cty, Sumpter
           About 20 goats are working to control  out chemicals. The goats are watered and  Twp, MI), LaPorte (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI) and Morgan (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI). Clerk E. Hurst excused. Also
        the weed-overgrown shoreline at the    checked on daily by an employee and are  showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor O’Connell, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Fire Chief
                                                                                      Brown and 5 attendees.
        park and will remain on site, surrounded  also provided with a mineral block which
        by an electric fence, until the site is  provides them with vitamins and miner-  3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve the Agenda. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer
                                                                                      V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        under control. As the goats clear the area,  als that the plants they are ingesting may
        they will be moved, along with the fence,  not contain, according to owners of the  4. Public Comments: No Attendees spoke.
        down the shoreline, until the project is  company.                            5. Minutes:
        complete.                                Randy Brown Landscaping was the      Motion by Oddy supported by Rush to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 27, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                                                                      Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
           The eco-friendly landscaping control  successful bidder in bringing the goats to  Motion by Rush supported by Morgan to approve the Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes:
        agents came from Twin Willow Ranch     the park.                              Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      6. Warrants:
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve the warrants total of $292,500.80. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
                                                                                      Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        9-11                                   Pizza & Deli, A Design Line, Tim       7. Supervisor’s Report – Bowman:
                                               Hortons, T-Rex Arms, Meijer, Culver's
                                               and Grace Lake Corporate Center.          •   I wanted to advise everyone that we had another good turnout for Forgotten Harvest. There were approximately 80 to
        FROM PAGE 1                               This event is free and open to the       90 families that picked up food. If you know of anyone in need of this, please get the word out. The next Forgotten
                                                                                           Harvest is Monday, August 23rd from 2:30 to 4:30 at the Sumpter Community Center.
                                               public. Participants will be required to  •   Our DPW Department has been actively involved in helping the Township with dangerous intersections. Please remem-
        first 150 car show entries will receive a  follow all CDC and Michigan Department  ber that a problem with overgrown intersections can be reported on our web site. Although, residents can still contact
                                                                                           Wayne County with this issue, I feel confident stating that when logged on our website, the time frame on getting this
        dash plaque and car show memorial t-   of Health and Human Services guide-         done is speedier.
        shirt.                                 lines.                                    •   Although the Township was closed last Thursday and Friday, our employees were still checking their phone messages
                                                                                           and emails on a regular basis, in an effort to still provide service to our residents.
           There will be local food trucks on-site  The memorial is planned to take place  •   Township protocol and COVID procedures are back in place. Please wear face masks when entering Township Hall.
        throughout the event. Sponsors of the  in the west side parking lot, at 1 Village  Motion by Rush supported by Oddy to approve the Supervisor's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
                                                                                           T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        special memorial include Waste         Center Drive in Van Buren Township.
        Management, Wayne County Community        For additional information visit van-  8. Attorney's Report - Young:    Insurance matters 1%,
                                                                                      Twp Lawsuits & Adversarial Proceeding 12%
        College District, Atchinson Ford, Stack's                      Township Board meetings 5%          Meeting with Twp Officials 8%
                                                                                      Water & Sewer 10%,                  Police, Fire 12%
                                                                                      Prosecutions 7%                     Ordinance & Blight 10%
                                                                                      Labor Contract/LOU 9%               Employee Contract Issues 4%,
                                       Sumpter Township                               Republic 2%                         Planning 6%
                                                                                      Library 1%
                                                                                                                          Parks & Recreation 1%
                         Special Board Meeting Sunday, August 15, 2021, 7:00 p.m.     Storm Water Management & MDEQ 1%    Board Direction 5%
                                23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111               Audit/Finance 0%                    Misc. 4%
                                           Minutes                                       •   Ordinance Officers have been very active, enforcement activities and court considerations have increased.
                                                                                         •   2nd Reading of amendment to Ordinance #73, adding credit card payments to the current ordinance identifying delin-
         PUBLIC NOTICE:                                                                    quent payments of cash or certified check instruments of payment only. It is requested that the Board, by Attorney's
         To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;  Report roll call approval, approve the Ordinance modification.
         this Board of Trustees' Special Meeting will be conducted virtually in compliance with the emergency declaration of the Wayne  Motion by Oddy supported by Rush to approve the Attorney's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V.
         County Executive Order and Wayne County Department of Health regarding remote public meetings.  Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 7:00 pm. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer  9. Police Report - Chief Luke:
         V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Morgan and Rush. Trustees LaPorte excused. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy  Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve the Police report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
         Supervisor Cole, Deputy Treasurer Campbell and 3 attendees.                  T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the agenda. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk Hurst,  10. Building/Ordinance Report - Bowman:
         Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Morgan and Rush. Nay: None. Motion carried.  •   Supervisor Bowman reported a lot of activities and accomplishments in the  Township. One being the barn across
                                                                                           Sumpter Rd from the Township Hall is finally gone!
         4. Public Comments: None.                                                       •   Ordinance Officers are making a difference in the Township and you're beginning to see
                                                                                           the results. Things are getting done.
         5. New Business:                                                             Motion by LaPorte supported by Rush to approve the Building/Ordinance report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
                                                                                      Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            A. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve hiring Ms. Acheenia Hall, as the Treasurer's Parttime Office Clerk at the
              AFSCME wage of $20.74 per hour, for 21-29 hours per week, effective August 16, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor  11. Fire Report - Chief Brown:
              T. Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Morgan and Rush. Nay: None. Motion carried.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Fire Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren;
                                                                                      Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         *Note: Ms. Acheenia Hall was in attendance, welcomed to her new position and the Township
         Treasurer's Office.                                                          12. Board Response:
                                                                                         •   Trustee Morgan requested an update on the Moose Lodge property and Attorney Young advised that the property for-
         6. Adjournment: Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to adjourn at 7:16 pm. Motion carried.  feiture has been filed and in process. Moose National has reached out inquiring the amount of the property payoff for
                                                                                           the Township land contract. The Moose Lodge will not reopen.
         Minutes prepared by,                                                            •   Trustee Morgan requested an update on a resident's request reference to ComCast services and availability. All agreed
         Elle O'Connell, Deputy Supervisor                                                 that a service area map from ComCast would be a starting point for infrastructure considerations by ComCast.
         Sumpter Township                                                                •   Trustee LaPorte advised of his request for a detailed Preferred Vendor's List for Department
                                                                                           Heads, Fire Department, Police Department and the Board of Trustee's use.
                                                                                         •   Trustee Morgan inquired on the newsletter progress and asked that we continue efforts to produce it. It was determined
         ___________________________  ____________                                         that this was addressed during a previous Board Meeting and that the Clerk's Office would share this information as a
         Esther Hurst, Clerk     Date                                                      follow up to continue the project.
         ___________________________  ____________                                    13. New Business:
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                           ST0072 - 090221  2.5 x 4.666
                                                                                         A. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve Treasurer Warren and Deputy Campbell to attend the MMTA Fall
                                                                                           Conference in Kalamazoo, MI September 19th-22nd. Cost not to exceed
                                                                                           $2,262 combined, which includes the conference, hotel, parking, gas and food expenses. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
                                    ORDINANCE NO:  ___________                             T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                    AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 16, ARTICLE II SECTION 16-30 OF THE    B. Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve to change and start the process to modify the Ordinance for Parks &
                   ORDINANCE CODE OF SUMPTER TOWNSHIP ESTABLISHING A RIGHT TO UTILIZE      Recreation Chapter 16, Article 2, Sec 16-30 to allow kayaks and canoes at Banotai/Sherwood Pond. Roll call vote: Yes:
                       CERTAIN WATER CRAFT WITHIN SHERWOOD POND/BANOTAI PARK.              Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Sec. 1  Purpose.                                                                C. Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve to permanently establish the 30-day authority granted by the Board
                                                                                           of Trustees at the July 27,2021 board meeting to reduce active members to seven (7) giving a four (4) member minimum
                The purpose of this amendment is to modify the existing restriction of watercraft use and provide for certain non-  for quorum and allowing the liaison to vote to establish quorum if needed for Sumpter Township Parks & Recreation
         motorized watercraft to be utilized in Sherwood Pond/Banotai Park.                meetings. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush and LaPorte Nay:
                                                                                           Trustee Morgan. Motion carried.
         Sec. 2  Conflict.
                                                                                         D. Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve of new building fee structure to streamline the process and ensure the
                Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed in such a manner as to conflict with any existing law of the State of  township is not in a negative position on deposits for grade changes. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor  T. Bowman,
         Michigan or Township of Sumpter and the existing ordinance referenced herein  not otherwise specifically modified by this  Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         amendment shall remain in full force and effect.
                                                                                         E. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve to promote fire Captain Michael McHenry to Battalion Chief. Roll
         Sec. 3  Section 16-30.  Watercraft Restricted.                                    call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None.
                                                                                           Motion carried.
                Only non-motorized Kayaks and Canoes shall be permitted in Banotai Park/Sherwood Pond except in the designat-
         ed swimming area.                                                               F. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to promote fire Battalion Chief John Krushlin to Deputy Chief. Roll call
                                                                                           vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion
         Sec. 4  Repeal of Prior and Inconsistent Provisions.                              carried.
                All provisions of other ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent  G. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve to promote fire Captain Walt Thompson to Battalion Chief. Roll
                of such inconsistency.                                                     call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None.
                                                                                           Motion carried.
         Sec. 5  Effective Date.
                                                                                         H. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve contract naming Michelle Cole as the Sumpter  Township
                This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the publication of the same in a newspaper of general circulation with  Administrator, as of August 1, 2021, at no additional salary increase. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor  T. Bowman,
                in the Township.                                                           Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush and LaPorte Nay: Trustee Morgan. Motion carried.
                                                                                      14. Announcements:
                                                    _______________________________________  •   Clerk's Office announced the Community Yard Sale scheduled for August 27-29, 2021.
                                                    Timothy Bowman, Supervisor           •   Clerk's Office announced the scheduled election, Huron Public Schools millage renewal for
                                                    Sumpter Township                       November 2, 2021.
                                                    _______________________________________  15. Adjournment; Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:12 pm.
                                                    Esther Hurst, Clerk               Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion
                                                    Sumpter Township                  carried.
                                        CERTIFICATION                                 Minutes prepared by;
                                                                                      Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         I hereby certify that the attached constitutes a true and complete copy of Ordinance No.________ adopted by the Township Board  Sumpter Township
         of the Township of Sumpter, County of Wayne, Michigan, at a
         Regular Township Board Meeting held on the 24th Day of August, 2021, at which all members were present except Supervisor  ___________________________  ______________
         Timothy Bowman.                                                              Esther Hurst, Clerk      Date
                                                    _______________________________________  ___________________________  ______________
          ST0071 - 090221  2.5 x 5.725              Esther Hurst, Clerk               Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                          ST0072 - 090221  2.5 x 16.557
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